Republicans Spell Out Their Plans for Our Retirement
Courtesy of Ellen Meade at American Thinker, where they are always on the cutting edge of Conservative ideology: "Work 'til You Drop: Is that such a bad idea?...maybe it's time for politicians to stop pandering when it comes to shoring up the system and instead rethink the retirement entitlement altogether. Maybe we just need to look back at our history. In the early 1900s, nearly 80 percent of Americans over the age of 65 had a job. Dora Costa, an economic historian at UCLA, says people stopped working only if they were no longer physically able to. They expected to work as long as they lived. Is that such a terrible thing?" And what could make more sense than going back to that? Work till you die. Not so bad for Mitt Romney, whose "work" consists of collecting $20 million a year for doing nothing, but how about those eighty year old ditch diggers and waitresses? Well, they do have another option- in the coming Republican America, where only