Looting as a Political Act
And just to note: This took place a few minutes drive from my house. So we've already heard the narrative about Saturday: The "peaceful" protesters versus the evil looters. The peaceful protesters who will, of course, accomplish nothing in the face of the terror wrought upon them, and the looters, who will accomplish nothing either, except get themselves a new pair of sneakers. Even presumably liberal mayors and governors, like ours here in Los Angeles, join in defense of the police, who are obvously far more out of control than the protesters, while condemning the looters as subhumans with no right to a voice in how their lives are mangled by their own governments. Well, here is what I wonder: How loudly did all these moral authorities speak out when Donald Trump looted two trillion dollars from the treasury for his rich backers? How loudly did they speak out when Donald Trump stole a hundred thousand American lives in order to try to hold on to the Presidency which