Wingnut Wrapup- Forensic Audit Edition
This is just a quick reflection on the bogus Republican "forensic audit" of the Arizona Presidential vote. We all knew the thing was phony from the word go, but I guess we also expected that the final report would be just one more gigantic Republican lie. Well, the "cyber ninja" goofballs who ran the thing made a giant mistake: Instead of releasing the report in the promised month or so after receiving and despoiling the actual Arizona ballots, they stretched out this idiotic circus for five months of never ending publicity and grifting. In the process, they gave the sane observers in this country plenty of time to examine, and reveal as totally worthless, everything they did. So claims they might have gotten away with in April or May were impossible now. The result: dramatic proof the the Arizona election was run totally accurately, and a gigantic humiliation to the liar Trump. Of course, that is not what you would hear if you followed the right wing press.