Stewart/Colbert Outdraw Beck
I'm not going to get into some sort of mud slinging contest about who showed up when. Let me just report that the same crowd-estimating company that put the size of the Glenn Beck rally at 87,000, estimated the Stewart/Colbert one at 215,000, or just under 2 1/2 times the number that Beck, Fox News, Dick Armey and the Koch brothers managed to get out with their millions of dollars and months of free promotion on Fox. And this was all done almost on the spur of the moment, without endless provoking of racism, hatred and misplaced anger. So, just which side is the real silent majority in this country? And this, of course: I couldn't resist going over to Gateway Pundit to see what Jim Hoft, possibly the biggest perpetual liar about the size of teabagger crowds had to say about this: "Beck’s Restoring Honor Crowd vs. Stewart’s Restoring Sanity Crowd On of the announcers today at the Restoring Sanity Rally in Washington DC said 150,000 people had turned out. That mig