Denny, Denny, Denny
Oh, Denny, how could you? And by the way, I wonder how many of us have committed evil acts that we would be willing to pay $3.5 million dollars to keep quiet? Me, I think I'd keep the money; after all, the statute of limitations was up long ago. Okay, I've had my laugh. Now I want to talk about why Democrats can not afford to let this story go; particularly coming on the heels of the almost unbelievable tale about those Conservative icons of morality, the Duggar family. These two incidents, and the endless similar ones that keep coming to light about Republican politicians, demonstrate a simple fact: the claims that they inevitably make to be the party of morality and decency are complete lies, just like everything else they ever say. In fact, they do whatever they damned please, whenever they want to, and count on a compliant press, and fellow party members, who don't give a damn as long as they can win elections, to ignore the fact. The Republican party has commit