Wingnut Wrapup
Just another load of garbage, sad to say. So, here we go: Guy Benson, Town Hall: "NYT: These Damned Illegitimate Republicans Have 'Stolen' a SCOTUS Seat, Or Something" Or something. Or something. They stole it, Guy. No somethings about it. And you are proud of subverting the Constitution. Great. We're all in awe of your wonderful patriotism. Matt Vespa, Town Hall: "Obama: I Got Rid Of That Registry That Tracks Visitors From Countries With Active Terrorist Groups" Ooh, scary! A registry that was closed down five years ago because the Homeland Security people said it didn't accomplish anything. Tony Corvo, PJ Media: "Gov. Kasich: 'Ohio on the Verge of a Recession'...Time for Kasich to put right-to-work back on his agenda?" Yeah, if there is going to be a recession, why not do everything possible to make it worse? Bridget Johnson, PJ Media: "Berlin Terrorist Urged Muslims to Launch Attacks 'Within