Trump Attacks
So in an interview today, Donald Trump says that he would agree with sending women who had abortions to prison. Shortly afterward, Rachel Maddow had a chance to ask Hillary Clinton about this. Hillary talked, of course, about the Republican assault on women, and needless to say, she was one hundred percent right. But I think she missed a larger point here. Trump is attacking not just women with this declaration, but all Americans. He is asserting that it is just fine to throw people in prison for refusing to accept the dictates of an extremist religion. This makes him absolutely on a level with people who demand Sharia law. This is, to me, a very disturbing development in our national political life, and is one more step in the downward Republican spiral to accepting force as a valid alternative, if they discover that they cannot win what they want through elections. A lot of people will ridicule this statement, but then they have ridiculed my predictions for decades, and my