
Showing posts from January, 2021

Jews Can't Shoot For Crap

 We have now learned from Marjorie Taylor Greene, the newly elected Republican who has already cemented her place as the Alexandria Ocasio Cortez of stupid right wing racists, that the massive wildfires that plagued California last summer were actually caused by Jews shooting the forests with lasers from space  Yes, that is actually what she claims, and no, it does not seem to bother any other Republicans that a sick, hate filled lunatic like her can retain her seat in Congress. The purpose of this attack from space, according to this malignant racist, was to burn the forest from the routes of the proposed high speed rail system in California, which is, as we all know, a massive priority for Jews all over the world, right after a Challah in every house for Shabbat, and enough Christian baby blood to give a rich flavor to Passover matzos. Unfortunately, being Jews, they are not as experienced with shooting things as Christian patriots are.  Here, in fact is a map showing where the fires

Wingnut Wrapup

 This is a huge collection of sick garbage from the right today, and I hate to tell you this, but it is only a fraction of what is out there.  Trump's loss has really set them off their rockers, and it shows.  So, in no particular order, as I have spent as much time with this as I can, here it is: Something I learned today from the Wingnuts:  Did you know that the word "tranny" is only one letter away from the word "tyranny?"  Coincidence?  I don't think so.  And here is the constructive contribution that the leader of the Republicans in Congress has to make to healing the nation's wounds" "Today, I made clear that if Democrats ever attack the key Senate rules, it would drain the consent and comity out of the institution. A scorched-earth Senate would hardly be able to function. It wouldn’t be a progressive’s dream. It would be a nightmare. I guarantee it." A progressive's nightmare.  That is his main desire, not a functioning, success

The Big Question

Nobody I know has said this in such a simple way, as far as I know, but there is only one question in the United States now:  Can the Democrats fix the country faster than the Republicans can wreck it?  That's it, that's the whole story, and it has been at least since Reagan.  Of course every era of Republican control has brought us closer to the cliff, and we are now at the point that one more round might very well destroy not only the country, but the human race itself. Stay tuned.

The Sovereigns Return

As a long time observer of right wing threats to our country, nothing has disturbed me more than the Sovereign Citizen movement.  This is not an organization per se, but a collection of individuals and groups who share a bizarre set of beliefs about the United States.  It seemed for several years that the colossal idiocy that lies at the center of their claims was dying a well deserved death, as it was even more ludicrous than the normal run of right wing cant. In the end, of course, it all comes down to the same old Conservative obsession:  cut my taxes. Sovereign Citizen nonsense has always been about why the Federal and State governments have no right to tax the adherents of this inane cult.  The difference between Sovereign Citizens and run of the mill Conservatives is that the Sovereign Citizen movement has spawned a long series of horrible, violent incidents, including numerous murderous attacks against police, judges and other government figures.  Terry Nichols, for example, the

Jim Jordan's House District

 With the announcement by Rob Portman that he is retiring from the Senate, there is already a groundswell of support for Republican Congressman and all around pervert Jim Jordan to take his place.  I want to show you how a disgusting subhuman like Jordan gets into the House in the first place.  Here is a map of Jordan's House district: This district is in Northern Ohio, near Lake Erie, but carefully engineered so that none of the heavily industrial (i.e. Democratic) areas along the lake are in his district.  Also carefully eliminated are Mansfield, Findlay, suburban Cleveland and Columbus, Springfield and just about anywhere else that might vote Democratic. Gerrymandering at its finest, and it gave us one of the most hateful people in Congress.  That's how Republicans win, folks. Just remember, no Gerrymandering for Senate seats, and Jordan will have to run in a State that, however Republican it supposedly is, has elected and re-elected one of the best members of the Senate, Sh

Orly's Back!

Here's Orly back in the day, being eviscerated by Lawrence O'Donnell Followers of the lunatic right since the Obama administration may remember Orly Taitz, attorney/dentist who became known as the Queen of the Birthers.  Well, the Obama administration is long gone, and one of the birthers managed to ride that idiocy right into the White House itself, but Orly disappeared from public view, probably the best thing she could have done given what a fool she made of herself, and seemingly vanished into history...until today. Well, SHE'S BACK!  Newsweek reports that Orly has re-emerged to file a lawsuit demanding that the impeachment trial of Donald Trump be stopped immediately, because it will "deprive the members of the Defend Our Freedoms Foundation of their Constitutional First Amendment right for the political speech, namely, to vote for Donald Trump in future elections."  The "Defend Our Freedoms Foundation" was started by Orly herself, I need probably

Trump establishes 'Office of the Former President' in Florida

  My guess, anyway.

Wingnut Wrapup

 You can't believe the desperation of the wingnuts to find an explanation they can buy to tell themselves that they are not world champion suckers.  It's coming out faster than I can ever deal with it.  What follows is only a small taste. Let's just start out with this good news from the wingnuts: Reliable News Now:  "1 tsp of this every morning destroys high blood pressure" One teaspoon of arsenic, maybe?  That would work.  Or how about one teaspoon of your precious love? Don't get it?  Shame on you. Good enough for me.  Now on to the bad news, because what else is Green Eagle here for? "Fake Inauguration Aftermath… Don’t Give Up Hope!!   Not sure what is going down, but Biden is definitely not president of the corporation of America, or the United States republic., even though it may look otherwise, because fraud is fraud, and fraud vitiates everything. America though, has to learn who it’s friends and enemies are, that are already in the henhouse, and


 We've all hear the phrase "high crimes and misdemeanors."  The almost inevitable focus of discussion about it is on the high crimes part, with little attention paid by what the founders meant when they added the word misdemeanors. Our common understanding of this term is that it refers to a category of legally defined minor crimes, as compared to more serious crimes, which are called felonies.  It is important for us to understand that this use of the term did not come into common practice until well into the nineteenth century.  Before that, the word "misdemeanor" meant much more what it literally sounds like: misconduct or misbehavior.   When we understand this, we can see that the founding fathers meant to indicate that a President could be removed for far more than the commission of a specific criminal act.  In fact he could be impeached and convicted for any action that was unacceptably degraded in a President of the United States. Donald Trump's behav

Trump Must Be Tried And Convicted

We all know that in the next few months, Democrats are going to come under massive pressure from Republicans, large parts of the mainstream press and even a fair number of their fellow Democrats to Just Let The Whole Thing Go, and to Look Forward Not Backward, and otherwise  forget that we just had a President of the United States attempt to keep himself in power through a coup.  This must absolutely not happen, and in fact the current inquiries must be broadened to include far more of the endless treachery which marked his term as President. To explain this, I want to present a highly abbreviated history of the Republican party.   Most people know that Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican President, and that the party emerged to national prominence by being the side that stood against slavery.  Sad to say, that noble purpose did not last long, and by 1880 or so, the Republicans had already transformed into the party of rich people.  Yes, there were exceptions; whatever his failing

A Milestone

Not a good one.  Lost in the fog of the insurrection and inaugural, today is the day that more Americans have died of Covid than died in World War II.   One day into Biden's Presidency, and you know damned well that by tomorrow, Republicans will be blaming the whole thing on him. Currently, one American is dying every 19 seconds from Covid.  During the Normandy landing, one soldier died every 20 seconds.   We have now learned that the massive preparation for vaccination touted by Donald Trump was, as is usual for him, nothing but a gigantic lie, leaving the Biden administration to discover just a few days before taking over, that Trump continued his long term Covid policy of just lying about fighting the virus, because it involved so much less work, and he knew that his followers didn't give a damn.  We will now see all of these stupid people screaming that the death toll was all the fault of the Democrats, and nobody will ever be able to convince them differently, just like wi

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

 Because nobody showed up. Scenes from the noble resistance: Oh wait, that was from a real revolution.  Here's the action today: Whoops- nothing. The great patriotic revolt against the evil Communist Biden was nowhere to be seen today.  Right wingers confidently predicted that millions of armed patriots would show up today in Washington to prevent the traitor Biden from ever making it down the street from the Capitol to the White House.  But apparently the prospect of a little razor wire and a National Guard force that they thought they would outnumber a hundred to one was enough to scare them away. As I have always said, these people are big talkers but when it comes down to it they are miserable failures at delivering on their vicious promises.  Sure they are capable of some real horrors if they can catch people off guard like cheap thugs, but in the end they are a pathetic bunch of bullies, and like bullies everywhere they are scared away easily. Well, it will be interesting to

The End

 We are now only one day away from finally ridding us of this malevolent bastard, and yet a large majority of his idiot followers are still deluded into thinking that he is going to pull some masterful move to keep himself in office, and destroy anyone who has ever stood up to him.  Hard to believe, but here is some of the evidence: "I hear today that the military is about to take control of the United States, and "invite" Donald Trump to take over as the legitimate ruler of the country.  "A group of generals" are going to run the country for a few weeks before Trump is reinstalled as head of the government."    Now, that is clearly what the founding fathers meant when the approved the Constitution. BUT NOW YOU’LL HEAR WHAT REALLY HAPPENED! Also, special guests General Thomas McInerney, General Paul Vallely, NatSec Experts Mary Fanning & Alan Jones BRING DOWN THE HOUSE when they discuss all things ELECTION, and some BOMBSHELL information that we are JU