Wingnut Wrapup
And let me just start out with this age-old question: Susan D. Harris, American Thinker: "How is it that leftist mockery of conservatives became a staple of popular culture?" Well, Susan, as it just happens that Green Eagle is a world authority on that subject, let me explain it to you: You just make it so easy for us. John Ransom, Town Hall: "Who Made Krugman the Expert? Cronies Did." No, I think Princeton University and the Nobel Prize Committee made Krugman an expert- or at least they recognized that he is one. This was a funny article- it's about a thousand words long, and doesn't even mention Krugman until six sentences from the end, and then to refer to him casually. The rest is about some rich Russian guy. Go figure- I guess meaningless attacks on Krugman get hits in the wingnut internet world. Katie Kieffer, Town Hall: "Capitalism glorifies God" Yup, that's enough from this Town Hall resident numbskull. Where do rich pe