So Gordon Sondland, Trump's only defender that we know of in the impeachment hearings, suddenly changed his story today, and instead of denying that there was a quid pro quo demanded of Ukraine, admitted that there was. Enough, finally, for Republicans to admit that maybe something was wrong with Trump's behavior? Of course not; they just have to amp up the lying: Julio Rosas, Town Hall: "Mark Meadows: Gordon Sondland's Testimony Does NOT Confirm Quid Pro Quo" I have gone back to writing Wingnut Wrapups because the level of right wing deceit that is going to be necessary to counter the truth, which is beginning to spill out like water over Niagara Falls, is staggering. Yet tens of millions are going to at least claim they believe this malignant nonsense; this is going to form the foundation of Trump's campaign to be elected, and we had better be ready for it. Beth Baumann, Town Hall: "WATCH: Project Veritas Confronts CNN President on His Person