
Showing posts from January, 2022


 For some reason, I have been bombarded lately with facebook posts from pro-Palestinian groups spreading every lie in the book about Israel.  I'm not going to get into that mass of garbage, which is as deranged as Q-anon propaganda, but I would like to respond with this. What follows is a world map showing data from the Council on Foreign Relations.   It shows the areas in the world they identify as global conflict hot spots.  I have shown on this map in green the countries of the world which are predominantly or totally Islamic. The areas marked with little red explosions are ones where there is a conflict with a particularly Islamic character- either Muslims waging war on non-Muslims, or Muslim-on-Muslim violence, mostly of the Shiite vs. Sunni variety, as we see tragically in Yemen.  The yellow explosions show conflicts without a particularly Muslim character. Out of 27 identified spots, there are seven current non-Muslim conflicts identified by the Council on Foreign Relations.

Wingnut Wrapup

It's getting sort of boring doing this, because for months it's mainly been the same thing over and over again, with the date that it is going to happen, always a couple of weeks away, just updated as their dozens of predictions turn out to be inevitably wrong.  Anyway, here's the state of the Republican hive mind these days:   Benjamin Fulford: "Two Mossad Sources Reveal KM are using vaccines to kill dissidents among their Jewish slaves. In other words, obedient sheeple are given placebos while troublesome ones are given lethal injections" KM being the Khazarian Mafia, i.e. Jews.  Fulford is one of the most virulent anti-Semites in the country today, as if you could not have figured that out already.  Still, he's an honored elder statesman among the wingnuts. "According to the CIA “The concrete blast barricades being placed around the White House is so the detonation blast 💥 (when the WH is imploded) won’t go out into the street and surrounding area. It

What They Really Fear

 I've seen a fair amount of speculation about the craven capitulation  to the demands of Trump of essentially every single Republican politician.  A lot of reasons have been given for this phenomenon, the main one being that they are afraid of the fury of the seventy million mindless Trump voters out there, and like every Republican since around 1912, their concern for our country is negligible compared to their concern for their own careers and fortunes.   There is a lot of truth to that notion, however, I believe there is a bigger and much more frightening reason for this strait-jacket behavior. In truth, at the present time, every Republican leader has decided that they are on the verge of permanent, one party dictatorial rule in this country, and if they just all stay on the train, it is going to bring them into the station by 2025.  Unfortunately, as I need hardly say, with their having succeeded at their long time goal of packing the Supreme Court with corrupt Justices, their

Wingnut Wrapup

Yeah, I think it's about time I get back to reminding people just how viciously insane our opponents on the right are.   I want to start out by memorializing Cirsten W, one of the most batshit crazy Q followers, and a repeated visitor to Wingnut Wrapup, who after spreading all the standard antivaccination lies for years, has now died of Covid.  . Of course her many fellows at places like Before its News, etc. are insisting she was murdered in the hospital because she had the courage to speak out against Big Pharma.  What would you expect? Anyway, here's the usual random collection of right wing garbage, starting from a sample about Cirsten herself: "Cirsten W Murdered? Strange Text From Her At 4:38 AM After Hospital Said She Was Terminal" "Sorry to say,… but anyone who is stubborn enough to go to the hospital for something we already you can treat & heal yourself, as I’m certain we all know at least one person, should have known better, & they can only bl