
Showing posts from June, 2009

Wingnut Wrapup

Here's the crop of brain-dead losers for today: Pat Buchanan, Town Hall: "Historian Jacques Barzun believes Darwinism brought on World War I" Does he, Pat? Doesn't say much for his mental acuity, does it? Of course you won't be blaming Darwin for World War II, because with your documented history of liking the Nazis, that would be a good thing, right? Douglas McKinnon, Town Hall: "As an independent conservative and a former low-level writer for President Ronald Reagan, I maintain that conservative principles are more relevant than ever and that Ronald Reagan’s core beliefs speak anew to a nation desperately in search of answers" Personally, I think conservative principles and Ronald Reagan's core beliefs would be more relevant than ever to a nation in search of additional problems, but that's just me. And every other sane person around. Warner Todd Huston, Red State: "Obama’s Racist Judge" Unusual, isn't it, that the only racis

Coleman Concedes to Senator Franken

From Talking Points Memo, the go-to source for everything Franken: "The Minnesota Senate Race Is Over -- Coleman Has Conceded Defeat To Franken" At this time, I wish to repeat something that I said several months ago. I feel sorry for Norm Coleman. This whole sordid business has made him look like a total idiot, and severely damaged any future political prospects that he might have had. What's more, as a successful politician, he must know this very well. I believe that the hopeless struggle to keep Al Franken out of the Senate has, for the last six months, been entirely a product of the national Republican party's desire to keep Democrats from having that 60th vote. In pursuing that objective, they threw Norm Coleman under the bus without a second thought. I bet there are a bunch of national Republican leaders who are furious with Coleman for giving up, even now, in an attempt to salvage some shred of respectability. His role was to fall on his sword, and dest

More Lies from Sanford

From Talking Points Memo: "South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford says he "crossed lines" with a handful of women other than his mistress — but never had sex with them." Oh no, he never has sex with them. Of course not. Not that anyone can prove. Yet. "He previously announced he would reimburse the state for money spent during a government trip to Brazil and Argentina in June 2008 when he saw Chapur." Because, whenever someone steals money from the government, all they have to do is pay it back when they're caught, and then everything is okay. If they are a Republican, that is. This whole sick story might even have been interesting, if it weren't so predictable.

A Great Discovery

Peggy Noonan is really stupid.

MSNBC Moves Ahead

"For the first time ever, MSNBC drew higher quarterly ratings in a couple key measurements than rival CNN. MSNBC pulled more viewers and adults 25-54 than CNN for the second quarter in weekday primetime, something the network has never previously been able to claim." From James Hibberd's Live Feed. Three words: Keith. Rachel. Ed. Now, MSNBC, give Joe Scarborough the boot and get on with the job of reporting real news that real people need. You are being rewarded for it because, contrary to media cant, there are actually a lot of people out there who like having the truth.

Republican Moderate, in Action

Here's what is meant by the term moderate Republican. Senator Olympia Snowe, in an AP interview: "PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Sen. Olympia Snowe, a key figure in shaping federal health care legislation, said Monday that a government-run plan that would take effect if the private insurance market fails to deliver affordable coverage could bridge the partisan divide that threatens to derail President Barack Obama's efforts to reform the system." In other words, a plan that would only take effect at some distant future date, when everyone in Congress agreed that private insurers had failed. Since insurers already have failed to give us adequate care, and the Republicans won't agree to that now, let me restate that: in other words, never. "If you establish a public option at the forefront that goes head-to-head and competes with the private health insurance market ... the public option will have significant price advantages," she said." And, since prese

Wingnut Wrapup- Honduran Freedom Edition

I want to start out this very ample edition of Wingnut Wrapup with a sampling of conservative responses to yesterday's military coup in Honduras, demonstrating their firm commitment to democracy and freedom: Moe Lane, Red State: "Turns out that Honduras did not have a coup after all. An official statement of the Supreme Court of Justice explained that the Armed Forces acted under lawful grounds when detaining the President of the Republic..." As armed forces always do when they remove the democratically elected leader of a country. Right on, Moe. We're so proud of your principled stand. Power Line: "In condemning the removal of Honduran President Mel Zelayaya by the Honduran military, Pesident Obama stands shoulder to shoulder withe Fidel Castro and his thug epigones Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega. The Honduran military has sought to enforce the rule of law by providing for Zelaya's departure from the scene. Horror of horrors! The President of Honduras

Birth Certificate- Even More to Learn

As you may know (being as how Green Eagle has been mercilessly pounding it into your heads for some time now,) there is no one who is more determined to reveal the horrible scandal surrounding Barack Obama's birth certificate than Joseph Farah, of World Net Daily. Note: By "horrible scandal," of course, I mean "ludicrous drivel." Anyway, on with the story. Today, he presents us with an article inspired by the impending birthday of our country, July 4th: "Later this week we will celebrate the birth of this nation. We know where that birth took place – Philadelphia. We know who the parents were – we call them our "Founding Fathers." We know there were many witnesses and lots of documentation. We know all this with certainty, in part, because there is a birth certificate for the nation drafted July 4, 1776, that has been well-preserved and observed ever since. That birth certificate, of course, is known as the Declaration of Independence." Okay

Sanford- Too Wonderful to Lose

Here's an opinion piece by one Star Parker at Townhal l, that has just a little too much in it to ridicule, for it to be a mere item in Wingnut Wrapup: "Is this the end for Mark Sanford?" Not, apparently, if Republicans have their way. "When I've been asked whom I thought could be the individual to lead the Republican Party out of the wilderness, my answer has always been Mark Sanford. His vision for his party and his country -- traditional values and limited government -- has always been clear, consistent, and, in my view, correct." Traditional values. The jokes write themselves. "The Cato Institute publishes a bi-annual report card of the nation's governors, ranking them according to fiscal responsibility. In the most recent report, three governors out of fifty received an "A." Sanford was one of the three." "Fiscal responsibility" apparently including not giving people unemployment benefits. It's okay to spend sta

So Last Week

Things I am already done caring about: Michael Jackson Mark Sanford Tweeters in Iran (or anywhere else)

Justices Rule

The Supreme Court has handed down its decision on the New Haven firefighters case, with the ususal five corrupt, dishonest, sellout justices ruling against Sonya Sotomayors' finding. If you hadn't made your mind up yet, this should be enough to convince you that we need her on the court.

Financing Health Care the Easy Way

The Republicans' brilliant-as-usual argument against government involvement in health care, from Michael Barone: "Democrats' plans to pass major health care legislation have been stymied, at least for the moment, by the Congressional Budget Office's cost estimates. To the consternation and apparent surprise of leading Democrats, the CBO scored Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus' latest offering at $1.6 trillion over 10 years...." Or $160 billion a year- approximately the cost of the Iraq war. I don't remember the Republicans complaining about that expenditure. Remember how they refused to put Iraq war expenses in the budget, essentially claiming that the war cost nothing? How about this suggestion: Obama will pay for a public option for health care, by promising not to invade any countries without cause for the duration of his term. If we could only get the Republicans to sign on to this pledge too, we could have universal health care for ever!

Bachmann Beware

This stirring resolution, from State Representative Sally Kern, of Oklahoma: "WHEREAS, the people of Oklahoma have a strong tradition of reliance upon the Creator of the Universe; and WHEREAS, we believe our economic woes are consequences of our greater national moral crisis; and Blah, blah, blah, blah, and WHEREAS, deeply disturbed that the Office of the president of these United States disregards the biblical admonitions to live clean and pure lives by proclaiming an entire month to an immoral behavior; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we the undersigned elected officials of the people of Oklahoma, religious leaders and citizens of the State of Oklahoma, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world, solemnly declare that the HOPE of the great State of Oklahoma and of these United States, rests upon the Principles of Religion and Morality as put forth in the HOLY BIBLE" Michelle Bachmann Beware! As they say, up GMR, A Challenger Appears!

Good News- If you're Crazy

From Yahoo: "Arizona moves to allow concealed guns in bars" That's just got to work out well.


This "news" just in: "Statesboro Tea Party: Eureka, California wasn't the only town that couldn't wait until the Fourth to throw a Tea Party. Yesterday Statesboro, Georgia made itself heard." God, where's this guy when we need him?


From American Power, this heartfelt Plea: "When does it stop? When do leftists say enough is enough? No more joking! Haha, we've had our fun and recrimination. Full. Stop. Now!" Answer: Not in your lifetime, buddy. We've barely gotten started. And after the last eight years, we've discovered that we like having fun.

Wingnut Wrapup

Here are the first Right Wingers I've found that think it's okay to overthrow the democratically elected leader of Honduras if he's a liberal: Moe Lane, Red State: "note that proto-dictator Hugo Chavez is spitting nails on this. Given that, as the Wall Street Journal notes, this entire thing got started over President Zelaya’s attempt to set up a referendum in opposition to pretty much the opposition of the rest of the Honduran government, civilian and military… well. A man is known by his friends..." Gateway Pundit: "Tinpot Dictator Taken Down In Honduras-- Chavez Slams Coup... Obama Meddles" Setting up a referendum- that's sure a good reason to depose a legally elected leader. That's a real victory for democracy. And, as for that "tinpot dictator," how dare he get more votes than the other guy. Well, all's well that ends well. The military junta that now controls Honduras could never be run by a tinpot dictator. Warner Todd

Pammy Shocked

A deeply disturbing story from Little Pammy Geller today: "Shocking picture of a British boy, aged 11, being 'converted' to Islam by Islamic supremacist preacher " Here's the picture that so offended the sensibilities of the ever-moral Pammy: Luckily for those of us blessed to live in the American paradise of free thought and justice, such an abominable thing could never, NEVER, ha ppen here. Just ignore the other picture. It just slipped in there by accident.

Iran, bad; Honduras, probably not so much

This news today: "U.S. President Barack Obama says he is "deeply concerned" about the detention and expulsion of (left wing) Honduran President Jose Manuel Zelaya by (right wing) Honduran soldiers. " I, for one, will be so interested to see all of the Republican leaders who have been so loudly decrying the fraudulent election in Iran, and essentially calling for us to invade them, to show equal outrage at the toppling of an elected liberal leader by right wingers. I'm waiting, guys. Update: I've got two already in today's Wingnut Wrapup. More to come, I'm sure.

Boehner: A Pile

From The Hill: "Boehner: Climate bill a 'pile of shit" You stay classy there, Mr. Boner.

Washington Post- Flakking for Insurance Companies Again

From an opinion piece in the Washington Post (where else?) showing the ludicrous lengths the press will go to in collaborating with Republicans to see to it that the public does not get the health care reform that well over 70% of us support: "Health Care Activists Targeting Democrats Sniping Among Liberals May Jeapordize Votes Needed to Pass Bill" "Sniping" being Washington Post language for supporting the will of three quarters of the country. "Activists say they are simply pressing for quick delivery of "true health reform," but the intraparty rift runs the risk of alienating centrist Democrats who will be needed to pass a bill. " In other words, activists campaigning for a meaningful health care reform bill are threatening the ability of the Senate to pass a phony, sham bill which will deliver nothing. "Much of the sparring centers around whether to create a government-managed health insurance program that would compete with private ins

Wingnut Wrapup

Let's get this over with early. I must note, a couple of unusual people ended up here today. Steve Huntley, Chicago Sun Times: "polls consistently show public discomfort with the implications of greater government control of medical services..." Yes, if by consistently showing public discomfort, you mean 72% support, I guess you're right. Listen, Steve, why don't you leave the lying to the professionals over at Renew America or World Net Daily? John Aravosis, Americablog: "Irony alert: Obama to ignore law he doesn't agree with..... provisions of the new war spending bill that the Obama administration, instead of going to court to litigate the matter, unilaterally decided that they find the provision unconstitutional." John, apparently you never heard this: "Signing statements" have existed since the first one was issued by George Washington. They have always been used when a President believes a law is unconstitutional, and wants to av


I can't resist (see the two posts below.) From a judicial decision on a complaint filed by Mr. Joos (pronounced, as I now learn, Jo-es, not, God forbid, Jews.) "Joos....filed a thirty-eight page amended complaint in which he rambled on about a multitude of alleged violations, some dating back sixteen years, and about a host of defendants, most of whom were unidentified. The district court held that the amended complaint failed to conform to the requirements set out in the court's earlier order, and dismissed the action without prejudice..." Talk about elevators not going to the top floor.

A Charming Tale of the Right

This Post relates to the one immediately below. I suggest you read it before this one. One of the right wing terrorists arrested today was the Reverend Robert Joost. I was interested in learning a little more about these three losers, so I whipped out teh Google. Among other things, I found this scintillating commentary: "It looks like ZOG is rounding up everyone it can the past couple of months." That would be the Zionist Occupational Government, to those of you not in the know. "Bob Joos is Dual-Seedline Christian Identity....who lives on a large farm approximately 30 miles south of myself. Bob is extremely paranoid -- for good reason." What is dual seedline Christian Identity, you may ask? From Wikipedia: "Identity Christians, known as dual-seedliners, believe that Jews were conceived as a result of Eve and the serpent in the Garden of Eden having sexual intercourse. Okay, then, on with the story: In 2004, "Bob was going on a water fast and might d

Terrorists Arrested in U. S.

Here's a story that the mainstream press doesn't seem to care about: "An undercover ATF sting raided white supremacists in at least three states on Thursday in an investigation connected to the 2004 letter bombing of Don Logan, an African-American who worked for a diversity program in Scottsdale, Arizona." When the incident happened, the Bush administration apparently tried to characterize this as an incident related to Don Logan's past, having no connection to right wing groups. The three guys arrested had direct connections to Terry McVeigh, Thomas Metzger of the White Aryan Resistance, members of the racist Elohim compoound in Arkansas and other right wing terrorists. Still, it was not until the Obama administration that these three terrorists could be revealed for what they are. Score in this case: Bush Administration: four years, no terrorist arrests, Obama Administration: five months, three terrorist arrests. Update: In all fairness, I must report that t

A Well Meant Suggestion for Ann "Babe"

That's Ann "Babe" Huggett there, on the left. Ann has again favored us with one of her delightful comments on the passing scene, at Renew America: Busby Burqa's fashion follies By Ann "Babe" Huggett What a cute headline there, Ann Babe. "(The Burka) is, in effect, GANG CLOTHING and is used and abused as the militants within Islamic communities see fit. Stories are rife within the EU and the UK of male criminals eluding capture by donning burqas and slipping through politically correct police dragnets. Burqas and nigabs are quite useful when conducting fraud through Western courts and identity centers. Burqas aid in covering up domestic abuse which is endemic within Islam because it approves of wife beating." So nice to hear you crying out against this vicious sartorial practice, apparently created solely as an aid to criminal behavior. Those evil Muslocrips will get up to anything, I guess. Ann, here's the thing. I want to just suggest thi

Wingnut Wrapup

It's funny how the death of Michael Jackson, a person that most of us really didn't care about, seems to have affected people. Everyone seems a little muted today, even the right wing loons. Here's the best of a very mediocre crop: David Ridenour, Town Hall: "House Leadership Takes Suicidal Stand Against Its African-American Base" Because there is no one better to give Democrats advice about how to woo African Americans, than some right wing Republican. Burt Prelutzky, Town Hall: "Liberals never got tired of telling us how much George Bush was despised by those in other countries, although, for the record, I kept asking the loons to name those countries, but could never prompt a response.." Oh, I don't know...How about this: "Poll of 35 Countries Finds 30 Prefer Kerry, 3 Bush" Or this: "Europeans Dislike Bush's Foreign Policy, Poll Finds" Or this: "Europeans don't like President Bush. That's the finding o

Michelle Shoots Her Mouth Off Again

Let's not let Michelle Bachmann's latest idiocy on the census to cause us to miss Michelle Bachmann's latest idiocy on global warming: "What this means is that if you and your friends have an issue with a certain gas that you think should be a greenhouse gas, and you can generate enough support on a petition, you may be able to get that particular gas banned. Get ready for another couple of knocks on your door from the greenhouse-gas-of-the-month club." Michelle, petitioning your government for redress of grievances- that's what we normally call democracy. It's in the Constitution. Go take a look. I mean it. It's right there, for anyone to see. Including you. I mean, it's okay if it is in the Constitution, isn't it? No? Well, then....

It's Good for the Republicans- WashPo Style

The Washington Post today, engaged in their endless struggle to see that the Republican party returns to its former glory as soon as possible: "So both Nevada Sen. John Ensign (R) and South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford (R) have recently resigned national GOP leadership posts after admitting an affair..... But neither loss is a major blow to the GOP, except in terms of the short-term optics." No, it never is, is it? "But neither, really, had much of a chance even to be a headlining national party spokesman, let alone the nominee." Of Course not. Who ever talked about Sanford as a Republican leader, or the nominee? What a ridiculous idea. From the, uh, Washington Post, a few months ago: "Gov. Mark Sanford has been charged by the nation's Republican governors to lead their association through the toughest times the GOP party has faced since 1994." But, of course, no amount of serial humiliation should be enough to make us question the proper order of th

We Don't Get to Judge

I try not to poach sightings of right wing loons from other sites, but I couldn't pass this one up. I found it in a great post on World-O-Crap: By some wanker who calls himself "E Pluribus Unum," at Red State: "By all means report the facts. I’m sure you’ll be happy to cover every salacious detail. Have at it. Be sure to cover the pain and suffering of Governor Sanford’s family. While you are at it, cover the depth to which all South Carolina and nation-wide Republicans and conservatives rightly feel betrayed. Beyond that, just shut up. Shut your lying, hypocritical, power-above-patriotism, hyper-partisan, two-faced, shamelessly double-standard bearing pie hole. You don’t get to judge." Maybe, E. But we do get to ridicule. Both him and you, buddy. Deal with it.

A Little Comment about Michael Jackson.

I can't quite believe that I am writing a post about Michael Jackson. I am a blues fan, and normally listen to the likes of Buddy Guy or Albert King. I never had any interest in Michael Jackson, but I have this to say: I recently spent some time working in pre-production for filmed material that was to have formed part of Michael's tour this summer. I took this job with no expectations of what I found. Without exception, the people who dealt with him found him to be a highly intelligent, and surprisingly well informed person, who was very serious and dedicated to his music, and invariably pleasant to work with. No one had anything bad to say about him, and believe me, many of us had a pretty cynical view of him before this experience. We were pleasantly surprised, and it's the least I can do to say so now.

Wingnut Wrapup

The wingnuts are light on the ground today. I think that they've been so traumatized by their boy Mark Sanford's excellent adventure that they are feeling the vapors this morning. I'm sure they will be back on track by tomorrow. In the meantime, here's what there was: Kathleen Parker, Town Hall: " WASHINGTON -- A wise man once said that love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. No one who managed to get through the torture of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford's news conference admitting to an affair would disagree. " Sorry, Kathleen. In this case, it's the triumph of stupidity and arrogance over intelligence. Of course, that's true about just about everything Republicans do, isn't it? Dan McLaughlin, Red State: "Perhaps the most telling moment in the past few days’ controversy over South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford’s absence ...came during the period when his staff was putting out the story that Sanford was hiking the

The Gift that Keeps on Giving, Again

A word from Michelle Bachman: You can read more, if you need a laugh, at Talking Points Memo. "Take this into consideration. If we look at American history, between 1942 and 1947, the data that was collected by the Census Bureau was handed over to the FBI and other organizations at the request of President Roosevelt, and that's how the Japanese were rounded up and put into the internment camps. I'm not saying that that's what the Administration is planning to do..." Here's the thing, Michelle: that's exactly what you are saying the Administration is planning to do, you lying, deeply disturbed excuse for a human being. And the people of our country would be a lot better off if you would stop saying it. But you won't.

Obama- Too Perfect

Here's a spectacular, and by that, I mean spectacularly stupid, article from Politico, today, via TPM, about how careful Obama had better be about being too good. It's a great parable of the trouble Republicans are having trying to find some phony narrative that they can use to attack him: "The Barack Obama brand is as much about being a personal example to the nation as it is about being a political figure. But the danger of that frothy mix of glamour and domesticity is that President Obama could become in the public mind something he never sought to be: the Martha Stewart of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. " Ah yes, the danger of being too good. People might start thinking you are a criminal. Obviously, the Republican solution is much better: just be a criminal, and count on your buddies to keep you out of jail when you get caught. "Says Republican media strategist Mark McKinnon, “President Obama and his team should be careful about trying to be perfect. Voters are

Wash. Post Flaks for Republicans, Again

More well meant advice for Democrats from Drew Weston at the ever helpful Washington Post: "Universal health care." "The uninsured." "Public option." These are the buzzwords you often hear from Democrats and proponents of President Obama's plan for health-care reform. But if they want to see that plan enacted, they'd do well to excise those phrases from their vocabulary." Buzz words? Listen, you jackass, they are the truth. That's what this is about- universal health care, the uninsured and the public option. What's more, over 70 percent of the public supports the public option. So why is this pathetic excuse for a writer telling the Democrats to sell their health care proposal by shutting up about the very things that the public supports? Why the hell do you think? Because the Democrats need to run for cover like a bunch of pathetic losers whenever the great Republican party rears its mighty head: "This year's implicit s

Seventy Votes

Some times, you,v just got to laugh. Here's Republican Roy Blunt, from an interview: "With respect to the passage of health care legislation, Mr. Blunt argued that it would be a mistake for the Senate to pass any health care legislation that would affect the entire country without significant agreement. He said Democrats shouldn't pass such legislation without 70 votes." Seventy votes. Remember back there in middle school civics, when they taught you that Democracy works by majority rule? Funny, but that was great with Republicans when they were in power. Anything they could pass was just fine, and they screamed like a bunch of colicky babies if the Democrats tried to stop them with a filibuster. As soon as the Democrats took over, the rule became 60 votes. And they've gotten away with it time and time again (thanks to you, Harry Reid.) And now, it's 70? I just want to suggest that what we are seeing here is the Republicans looking ahead to what's

Bulletin-Thomas Shows His Independence

Readers of this blog may remember the multiple occasions on which I have suggested that "Justice" Clarence Thomas is nothing but a mindless tool of Antonin Scalia. I have to point out today that my characterization is not 100% true. The Supreme Court just voted 8-1 that school authorities exceeded their authority when they strip searched a 13 year old girl to see if she had any Advil hidden away. Clarence Thomas thought the search was just fine. Way to go, Clarence. A few more decisions like this one, and we may decide that you are the most loathsome Supreme court justice, instead of only a distant second. Go for the gold, guy.

Right Wing Hate, On the March Again

You can't keep a good man down. Are you familiar with Hal Turner, a nationally known talk show host who has openly promoted far right wing ideology over the years? Well, from radio station WGN in Chicago: "Hal Turner, an occasional talk show host on internet radio and blogger, was arrested today by the FBI in his New Jersey home on charges he threatened to murder three federal appeals court judges in Chicago.... According to the U.S. attorney's office, postings on Turner's web site included photos of the judges and addresses for them, with statements such as: "Let me be the first to say this plainly; These judges deserve to be killed." It never ends, does it? The only question is when the response to this sort of thing is going to morph from "lone wolf" crazies to group crazies, i.e. militias or the patriot movement. It's going to happen. Then what?

Really, Kim Jong Il Needs to Pep Down

Oh, North Korea. Guys, what planet, exactly, do you think you are living on? From the Huffington Post: "North Korea has said it would consider interception of its ships a declaration of war, and on Wednesday accused the U.S. of seeking to start another Korean War. "If the U.S. imperialists start another war, the army and people of Korea will ... wipe out the aggressors on the globe once and for all," a dispatch from the official Korean Central News Agency said." Listen, here is something you might want to think about: Population United States 306 million North Korea 24 million Gross National Product United States $9,780 billion North Korea $40 billion Military Budget United States $623 billion North Korea $5 billion Nuclear Weapons United States 9,700 North Korea Under 10 I'm just guessing here, but it seems to me that your chances of wiping out the aggressors on the globe once and for all are really

Wingnut Wrapup

They're still at it! Let's dive right in: Jonah Goldberg, Town Hall: "Obama's Iran Policy is a Bomb" Jonah, at least it's not real bombs. If your man McCain had had his way a couple of years ago, we would have bombed the crap out of Iran. How much of a green revolution would we be seeing now? Mindless belligerence- the answer to all of our problems. The Republican answer any way. Michael Medved, Town Hall: "Why Should So Many Americans Feel Threatened by Business? " Oh, I don't know. What, Michael, you haven't spent much time with the news the last couple of years, have you? Walter E. Williams, Town Hall: "Vicious Academic Liberals" Uh oh, here come those jackboots again. Josh Painter, Red State: " Gov. Palin headed for Europe to visit troops" And that has you all excited, Josh? Well, I'm sure that will do really a lot for them. Melissa Clouthier, Pajamas Media: "The Ensign affair showed how media has d

Surprise! Saudis Behind Al Qaida

All the news that's fit to print- or that would have been fit to print about eight years ago, since everyone knew it then, from the New York Times: "WASHINGTON — Documents gathered by lawyers for the families of Sept. 11 victims provide new evidence of extensive financial support for Al Qaida and other extremist groups by members of the Saudi royal family... "The Saudis and their defenders in Washington have long denied links to terrorists, and they have mounted an aggressive and, so far, successful campaign to beat back the allegations in federal court based on a claim of sovereign immunity." "Defenders in Washington." That would be, in more straightforward terms, "Republicans." By the way, anyone who didn't know this years ago must have spent most of the Bush Administration on the Appalachian Trail.

Green Eagle Apoligizes

When you are wrong, you just have to admit it. A couple of days ago, Green Eagle cruelly, and quite wrongly, as it turns out, suggested that Republican Governor Mark Sanford, who had seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth, was probably in some sort of drug rehab. Well, Green Eagle was 100%, totally, absolutely wrong. Republican Governor Mark Sanford was not in drug rehab. He was screwing his Argentine mistress. My most abject apologies, Mark, for this unforgivable slur on your reputation. Update: Josh Marshall, liveblogging Sanford's press conference: "Sanford says that his family knew of his affair prior to the trip imbroglio and that he and his wife have been working through their issues for some five months." Apparently not working hard enough to prevent him from going halfway around the world to have sex with this woman for another week. Update 2: Cable news blabbers are insisting that the "wise" thing for Democrats to do is to remain silent

Republican Adult Behavior, Again

Just to keep you posted, this from Congress Matters: "Republicans are angry again.... They're disrupting proceedings on the House floor by repeatedly making motions to adjourn that they themselves are voting against, but they're just doing it to protest the decision to rein in amendments and generally make life miserable." This is beyond obstructionism. It is simply infantile tantrum throwing. And we still get told that we have to be "bipartisan" with them. The way things are going, I don't even know what that means.

What is Hamas?

A lot of attention, some of it, unbelievable as this may seem, positive (e.g. Jimmy Carter) has been focused in the last few weeks on Hamas. I think, given their crucial role in the mideast today, it is important to know who these people are, and what they believe. What follows is something that I ran in the early days of my blog. I think it is worth reprinting at this time. I've tried to pare it down as much as possible, but it is still a little long. I hope you can find the patience to read it through. EXCERPTS FROM THE HAMAS CHARTER Note: If you think that what follows might not be a fair sample of this document, a translation of the original can be found here. "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory). Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious. It needs all sincere efforts. It is a step that inevitably should be fol