Wingnut Wrapup
Here's the crop of brain-dead losers for today: Pat Buchanan, Town Hall: "Historian Jacques Barzun believes Darwinism brought on World War I" Does he, Pat? Doesn't say much for his mental acuity, does it? Of course you won't be blaming Darwin for World War II, because with your documented history of liking the Nazis, that would be a good thing, right? Douglas McKinnon, Town Hall: "As an independent conservative and a former low-level writer for President Ronald Reagan, I maintain that conservative principles are more relevant than ever and that Ronald Reagan’s core beliefs speak anew to a nation desperately in search of answers" Personally, I think conservative principles and Ronald Reagan's core beliefs would be more relevant than ever to a nation in search of additional problems, but that's just me. And every other sane person around. Warner Todd Huston, Red State: "Obama’s Racist Judge" Unusual, isn't it, that the only racis