Drill, Baby, Drill
Let those oil companies just drill away, so we have enough oil right here at home, right? That's what the Republicans have been telling us for years, isn't it? That's how they justify giving billions to the world's most profitable business, while we can't even afford to pay our police and fire fighters at home. Think again: "For the first time, the top export of the United States, the world's biggest gas guzzler, is — wait for it — fuel. Measured in dollars, the nation is on pace this year to ship more gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel than any other single export...Still, the U.S. is nowhere close to energy independence. America is still the world's largest importer of crude oil. Experts say the trend helps explain why U.S. motorists are paying more for gasoline. The more fuel that's sent overseas, the less of a supply cushion there is at home. Gasoline supplies are being exported to the highest bidder, says Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst