Wingnut Wrapup- Great Negotiator Edition
I don't really do much in the way of wingnut wrapups any more, but I thought it would be fun, on the very day of the collapse in utter humiliation of the Great Negotiator's greatest negotiation, to see right wingers scrambling to explain away his failure. I am sure they will come up with even more imaginative (and piggish) excuses in the coming days, but here are their initial attempts: Katie Pavlich, Town Hall: "BREAKING: Trump Writes Kim Jong Un Epic Letter Cancelling Upcoming Summit" Epic. An epic whine. The letter itself is a laughable piece of self-justifying belligerence from a guy who totally misplayed his negotiation and got taken by a 31 year old dufus. But to right wingers, it's EPIC! Matt Vespa, Town Hall: "Eyeroll: Nancy Pelosi Says Trump's Letter To N. Korea Probably Gave Kim Jong-un A 'Giggle Fit' Hey, congrats to Matt, who managed to turn Trump's latest self-induced humiliation into an excuse to mention Nancy Pel