What led to the current Greek fiscal calamity? To hear our betters in the economic world, it is all a result of the Greeks being shiftless, irresponsible borrowers who spent themselves into penury, and must now pay the price. But if that is so, why is it that the bankers that lent them the money, year after year, encouraging them ever more strongly to keep taking more, and who are presumably able to tell a good loan from a bad one, didn't cut them off, and make them live within their means, for their own good? Well, you see, that's the way things used to work, at least from the thirties until the nineties. The wise old mortgage lender wouldn't grant you a loan you couldn't handle. That might have been frustrating at the time, but in the long run, it saved you from disaster. But then, something happened. Rich people, and their stooges, like Reagan, Bush, Gingrich- you know the names- decided that they just didn't have enough money, so they tilted the playing fie