The Dumbest Article I've Read in a Long Time
And here are some excerpts, from some jackass who is so irrelevant and idiotic that I won't even bother you with his name, let alone a link to this article: "I don’t understand the commotion over oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico when a drilling operation went sour." No, apparently not. You probably can't figure out why people were upset about that tsunami a few years ago, or World War I, for that matter. I mean, it didn't hurt you, right, so who cares? "Oil has always oozed out of the ground to foul land, lakes, and oceans." Yeah, but not ten thousand gallons an hour from one hole, you blithering idiot. That doesn't really count as "oozing," you know. "The Dead Sea was called Lake Asphaltites because of the gooey pebbles that floated onto the surface from underwater seeps. This asphalt was used on Egyptian mummies." Why do you think they called it the Dead Sea, you pathetic ignoramus? And really, the fact that they put t