As I Have Been Predicting

 Trump still has one more grab for power in him:

The absolute insanity at this point of calling Joe Biden a "treasonous domestic enemy" and of declaring that it is Democrats "insurgents who have declared war against the United States of America" who have been "conducting an active insurrection in the United States" needs no comment, and yet here it is, from millions of deranged, evil people. 

This is truly the grand champion act of projection from these traitorous bastards.  If they do show up, they had better be met with a massive show of force, and those that refuse to disperse should be gunned down in the streets like the Nazis whose memory they worship.

And we are now of course hearing the naysayers and the both siders saying that we have to look ahead, not backward, and let Trump off the hook for his own acts of treason (and they are many) because otherwise these ignorant, violent right wingers might get even angrier at their phony injuries, and really start shooting the country up.  Well, let them.  Remember that the enemies of the country are both foreign and domestic, and let us see the domestic ones treated appropriately.  Yes, that may include killing a lot of them; too bad.  Sorry, Joe, much as you would have liked to start off with a clean slate, your first vital act as President is going to be to deal with the vicious fascist insurrection left behind for you by your predecessor.

And Republican Senators who failed to do your duty a year ago and rid the country of this subhuman monster, this is your fault too.  Every one of you who voted to plug your ears and not even hear the massive evidence of Trump's criminality and betrayal will forever be stained with responsibility for the fact that this is where the country is today.

In particular, Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley...oh, don't even get me started on that.

Apparently, there are now 191 members of the House that are now openly committed to impeachment.  If the Democrats stop before finding the other 25 to complete the deed, they have committed a sin of omission  that will only compound the hundreds of sins of commission the Republicans have committed and intend to go on committing.


Infidel753 said…
If they do show up, they had better be met with a massive show of force, and those that refuse to disperse should be gunned down in the streets like the Nazis whose memory they worship.

Good luck with that. Look how the Capitol police treated the terrorists there leniently even after one of their own had been beaten to death by the mob. As far as I could tell, the attackers weren't even searched after the incident to determine whether they'd removed any sensitive or classified documents. Biden's inauguration will need to be protected by some much larger and more motivated force -- perhaps the National Guard?
One Fly said…
I hope they get this right and agree let them have the same as so many others. Like shoot for the face that kinda shit.

I assume Joe will try to get along. I hope not.

Get impeachment going sooner than later. For once Democrats can you carry the narrative?

If there had been accountability with the treasonous bush bastards we wouldn't be dealing with shit like this and all the simple fucks that support it.
Unknown said…
They're not rethinking or reconsidering. Right now they're rearming and reloading😡👎‼️
Ed said…
Call them "The Resistance" and it will make it all better.
Green Eagle said…
They are the resistance, if that counts resisting all human decency.
Nishobora said…
Hello mate great bllog post

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