God, What a Pack of Liars- World Net Daily Edition

Here is the sort of idiocy which passes for truth among right wingers, from World Net Daily:

"A new YouTube video in support of Colorado's pro-life Amendment 62 – the only "personhood" amendment on 2010 ballots across the United States – links President Obama with the "Angel of Death."

The video talks about stopping in Colorado in 2010 what was begun in the state in 1967, when then-Gov. Dick Lamm drafted the first law legalizing abortion in the nation – some six years before the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision.

The video blames the "decline" of America on that beginning and asserts that agenda-driven judges in Washington contributed to the advance of the agenda of death."

Yes, you read that right.  The decline of the United States had nothing to do with the corrupt Republican plundering of our economy, nothing to do with Republicans allowing the rich to do any damned thing they pleased, nothing to do with the trillions spent on the Republican war of aggression in Iraq, nothing to do with the Republican pandering to and abetting the most ignorant, racist and hate-filled people in our country. It had nothing to do with a Wall Street rampage of greed that stole the nation's wealth.  It had nothing to do with corporations sending our jobs overseas, and paid to do it by Republican legislation. No, it was all caused by abortion.

"Featuring the "Angel of Death" morphing into a picture of Obama, it explains that the "angel" arrived and hell followed after." 

I wish I could tell you that this was a metaphor or something, but no, the people at World Net Daily, one of the most widely read political websites in existence, claim to actually believe that the real angel of death is in cahoots with Obama.  Can there be any greater height of malignant lunacy?

"It claims that Obama is spending $457 million on international abortion funding"

A total lie, of course.

"...many critics argue that his Obamacare leaves a wide-open door for hundreds of millions of dollars of federal tax money be distributed for abortions nationwide."

Another long discredited lie.

"The organization announced an endorsement from Pam Tebow, mother of Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow and four others."

Well,  I guess that seals the deal, then.  They are endorsed by the mother of a quarterback.  I guess they really have something there.

I was going to ask if you had ever heard anything so ludicrous in your life, but sad to say, the American right comes up with stuff this malicious and stupid every day.


Grung_e_Gene said…
First of Tim Tebow is football jesus a lesser aspect of Supply Side jesus and second therefore also numbers in the post and cool youtube graphics indicated WND is correct and Obama is the Beast. Q.E.D.
Green Eagle said…
Well, you've got a point there, guy. A really sharp one. And please, don't go running around with it in your hands, or you're going to hurt yourself.

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