Wingnut Wrapup

I think we'll just start out with a little Conservative "humor" today:

You see, coverage of the miserable failure of Donald Trump to deal with an ongoing crisis that has killed 90,000 Americans is actually a way for Democrats to distract people from a nonexistent scandal based on Republican smears.

This would be one of the great examples of projection of all time, if it were actually a Republican psychological problem, rather than one part of a systematic strategy of denying the monstrosity of their own crimes by calling their opponents the actual criminals.

So, I have been spending more time with Wingnut Wrapup lately, after having not posted much of this sort of thing for quite some time.  This is because, in this material, we can see the Republican party forging the lying smear campaign that is (other than their usual electoral cheating) the only hope they have of retaining the Presidency in November.  So it is worth looking at, as a prelude to what is to come in the next few months.  And here we go:

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "Attorney General William Barr has been kicked in the teeth many times since he took over the Justice Department. He’s done an excellent job. For liberals, he’s a nightmare. He’s a political puppet. He’s a traitor. He’s usurping the rule of law. And all of these allegations are lobbed because Barr is exposing the bad behavior of Obama’s Department of Justice that was engulfed in Russian collusion delusion."

William Barr is a monstrous criminal.  Let's just get that straight.  And Trump did collude with the Russians to win the White House.  That is literal, Constitutional treason, but it is fine with Republicans as long as it gets them what they want, or what their sociopathic rich backers want, which is everything.  What Obama did was refuse to ignore a threat to our democracy.  That was his job, but it apparently also made him a criminal.

Bronson Stocking, Town Hall:  "McEnany Shreds Reporter Asking All the Wrong Questions About Obamagate'

Because it is up to Trump what the "right" questions are.

"White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany schooled a reporter about Obamagate on Friday. The smug reporter asked the press secretary to name the specific elements of the crime that members of the Obama administration may have committed."

What was Obama's crime?  A perfect example of asking the wrong question.  How dare the reporter ask that?  Dear leader has spoken! McEnany's answer was of course the usual Trump bullshit, so I will just move on without wasting time on it.

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  Well, This Disturbing Statistic on False Guilty Pleas Shreds Liberal 'Flynn Pleaded Guilty' Talking Point...The fact is that it’s by no means rare for persons to plead guilty to crimes they didn’t commit. Some are scared. Others confused. Some lack the intestinal fortitude or financial wherewithal to stand up against the warnings or threats from the prosecutors."

Yeah, ill educated juvenile thugs and people like that do sometimes confess as a result of police mistreatment.  Not a former lieutenant General and Trump's national security advisor.  What, was he "scared," or "confused?" Did he lack the "intestinal fortitude" to stand up to a bunch of FBI questioners, or the "financial wherewithal?"  This whole excuse is beyond pathetic.  But, of course, it's all they have.

William Marshall, Town Hall:  "Attorney General Barr as Ulysses S. Grant"

Well, if Trump is Lincoln, I guess Barr could be Ulysses S. Grant.  Did I ever mention that Green Eagle is Napoleon?

"So what is Barack Obama so afraid of? As the saying goes, you know you’re over the target when you’re taking flak."

Well, considering that Obama has been "taking flak," i.e. being lied about almost daily by Trump for five years now, maybe Mr. Marshall has a point there.

Pat Buchanan, Town Hall:  "Fauci vs. Trump - Who's Right?"

Ha ha.  Who is a better basketball player, LeBron James or me?

"Moreover, while Fauci and Redfield are specialists in epidemics, Trump's portfolio goes far beyond that.  He is chief of state, head of government and commander in chief, responsible for the security and defense of the nation. His portfolio is broader and deeper than those of Fauci and Redfield."

He is also a delusional psychopath with the intelligence of a ten year old.  And he knows absolutely nothing about epidemiology, even after it being the major issue he has had to deal with for months.

"Ultimately, Fauci is not "The Decider" here. Trump is."

Yeah, that is the problem.

Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "It’s On: Graham Announces ‘In-Depth’ Hearings on Obama Administration Abuse"

Despite being as gay as Liberace, Graham is petrified Trump will out him to his voters,who don't seem to be able to figure that out, and who are already close to dumping him in the garbage chute.  So he will kiss Trump's ass just as hard as he can.  And may I say, I hope he does call Obama to testify.  You think Hillary made Senate Republicans look like fools.  This will be TV for the ages.

Red State:  "Devin Nunes Announces Members of Mueller’s Team Will Be Subjects of Criminal Referrals"

Letting crooks run things; here is where it ends up: using the Federal judiciary to persecute decent people for daring to be honest.

"On May 13, 2020, Caitlin Yilek at the Washington Examiner had a bombshell story that got lost in the breaking news about the Obama Administration “unmasking” scandal, and the orders from Judge Sullivan in the Gen. Flynn case.  Yilek’s bombshell came from an interview with Devin Nunes during which he said that the GOP Minority Members on the House Intelligence Committee would be making criminal referrals to the Department of Justice on individual members of the Special Counsel’s Office headed by Robert Mueller."

The Washington Examiner- one more right wing propaganda rag.  And the bombshell is that Republicans will continue attempting to make prosecuting them for their crimes a crime in itself.  Tell me again how the Republican party is not trying to turn the United States into a Fascist dictatorship.

Bonchie, Red State:  "Roger Stone Speaks Out, Doesn’t Hold Back"

Who gives a fuck?  I mean, really, who is going to listen to a guy with Richard Nixon tattooed on his back?

Which brings us to a break for just a little more Conservative humor:

And there you have it, all in one gigantic conspiracy theory.

Megan Fox, PJ Media:  "Every Karen on Facebook is shaming her neighbors for not wearing a face mask...But now, there’s another doctor weighing in—besides Dr. Fauci, bonafide sex god and ruler of us ...Russell Blaylock, a neurosurgeon, has written an editorial saying that “masks pose serious risks to the healthy.”

Well, before we bother with this any more, Dr. Russell Blaylock is a former professor of "alternative medicine" who has been active for years in the anti-vaccine movement and in promoting chemtrail conspiracies.  From Wikipedia:

"Blaylock has called the American medical system 'collectivist' and has suggested that health-care reform efforts under President Obama are masterminded by extragovernmental groups that wish to impose euthanasia.  According to Blaylock, the former Soviet Union tried to spread collectivism by covertly introducing illegal drugs and various sexually transmitted diseases into the United States. Schwarz characterized these positions as "conspiracy theories."

Conspiracy theories.  No shit, Mr. Schwarz. Well, so much for Dr. Russell Blaylock, I guess.  I think I will stick with Dr. Fauci, if you don't mind.

Cristina Laila, Gateway Pundit:  "Acting DNI Ric Grenell Announces the FBI Will No Longer be Giving Intelligence-Based Threat Briefings to Candidates...The FBI was frozen out.  This is huge."

It sure is huge.  It makes sure Trump can tell any lies he wants without fear of being contradicted by his political opponents.

Cassandra Fairbanks, Gateway Pundit:  "Fresno County Sheriff Mims Says She is Not Enforcing Stay-At-Home Orders, Too Busy Trying to Re-Arrest Freed Criminals"

If she can't do her job, maybe she should move on and let someone else do it.

Kristinn Taylor:  "Trump Warns McConnell on Failure to Hold Democrats Accountable for Russia Collusion Hoax"

Has there ever been such a brazen liar as Donald Trump?  And of course, McConnell, having failed to do his duty and remove Trump for massive criminality, will now undoubtedly "hold Democrats accountable" for the crimes he and Trump committed.

Daniel John Sobieski, American Thinker:  "Flynn Judge Ignores Supreme Court and the Constitution...Which part of United States v. Michael Flynn does Judge Emmet Sullivan not understand?"

Well, at least he understands the part where when you plead guilty twice, you are pretty clearly guilty.

Deane Waldman, M.D., American Thinker:  "Release Free Market for Affordable, Accessible Medical Care"

Ronald Reagan released the free market for medical care forty years ago, idiot.  Where did that get us?  Huh?  I'm waiting to hear how Americans spending twice as much as anyone else on earth, in order to have the 37th best health care in the world, is a great victory for the free market.  Affordable, accessible medical care indeed.  And don't forget this:
Yes, free enterprise has certainly given us a wonderful medical system in the good ol' U.S. of A.  Yes, sir!

Susan Daniels, American Thinker:  "How did Osama bin Laden really die?"

Any lie about Obama is so in these days:

"From the evidence, the case could be made that if President Barack Obama had terrorist Osama bin Laden killed in May 2011 at the latter's Abbottabad compound in Pakistan, Obama would have had to bring him back from the dead to do so.  On December 26, 2001, the Egyptian newspaper a-l Wafd posted a death announcement for bin Laden, citing as its source "a prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement."

Well, here we are- if they can have a chance to smear Obama, they will believe a report from an unnamed member of a fanatical Islamist party rather than the combined assessment of our own military and intelligence community.  And here, I thought they hated Muslims.  You know, there is actually an Arabic proverb, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."  This kind of thinking is responsible for a lot of the misery in the Arab world today.  Apparently, the Republican party is bringing it here to the US, now.

Frank Friday, American Thinker:  "Coronavirus panic provides Trump a great opportunity to make a deal on pensions...The president has a once-in-decades financial opportunity with virtually no downside."

An opportunity to cut pensions.  A perfect use for a medical crisis.  With no downside, except for the millions of people who worked their whole lives only to have the government stab them in the back.  Of course, everything that ever happens is an opportunity for Republicans to steal more money for the rich, so why should a deadly pandemic be any different?

And now, today's Conservative history lesson:

Before it's News:  "America derives from Al’Morocco."

Yup.  I guess the whole Amerigo Vespucci thing was a gigantic lie.  America is named after Morocco.  For some reason.  Whatever it is, it undoubtedly is something bad about Democrats.

Wayne Allyn Root, Town Hall:  "Obama and Me: How I Knew Obama Was a Bad Guy Before Anyone Else"

Wait...before I continue I just want to remind you that Wayne Allyn Root has been one of the biggest right wing smear merchants for a couple of decades now.  Here's a sample, from Wikipedia:

"Root is known for spreading conspiracy theories and false information. 

Root was a leading proponent of the conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Root falsely claimed that Obama was not a student at Columbia University.  He has repeatedly described Obama as a "Marxist, anti-American, anti-Israel, globalist, middle class-hating, Muslim sympathizer". In 2017, he claimed that Obama was gay, called him "Bathhouse Barry" and said that he had info from Obama's "friends in Chicago" about his "sordid past". In 2014, he described Obama as a "Manchurian candidate", possibly hired by the Bilderberg Group to destroy the United States and "kill all of us". 

He promoted conspiracy theories around the murder of Seth Rich, and at various times suggested that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Hillary Clinton, Donna Brazile, Bill Clinton, Eric Schneiderman and John Podesta were involved in the murder. 

During the white supremacist Unite the Right rally, Root falsely claimed that blaming white supremacist James Alex Fields Jr. for killing Heather Heyer was "such B.S. Probably paid actors & infiltrators hired by Soros. No conservative I've ever met commits violence. EVER. 

On the night of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, in which 58 people were murdered, Root tweeted: "Clearly coordinated Muslim terror attack." Police later determined only one shooter—a non-religious American—was involved." 

Root argued that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election is motivated by "penis envy", because "Mueller's is smaller than Trump's."

And that is what passes for an expert political commentator on the right.  Anyway, here's what he says today:

"Obama and Me: How I Knew Obama Was a Bad Guy Before Anyone Else...I've been writing about "Obama the bad guy" for many years. I was the first to name former President Barack Obama the head of the Obama crime family. I coined the phrase "Obamagate" to describe his reign of crimes against candidate and then President Donald J. Trump.  Obama was the capo di tutti of the Obama crime family. He gave the orders. He gave the approval. He was in the room as each crime was hatched.

I was Obama's classmate at Columbia University, class of 1983. We were both pre-law and political science majors.  During the campaign, I was asked in hundreds of media interviews: "Were you two friends at Columbia University? What was Obama like?" I always answered honestly: "I never met him, never saw him, never heard of him."

Well, that certainly gives Wayne Allyn Root a firm basis for spending years smearing Obama.  Because there's nothing like never having heard of someone to make you the perfect authority to declare that they are an inhuman monster.

Sister Toldjah, Red State:  "Acting DNI Richard Grenell Shuts Down Adam Schiff After He Erupts Over More Organizational Changes"

"Organizational changes" apparently being the Republican term for firing all the independent counsels.

Eric A. Blair, Gateway Pundit:  "‘I Exaggerate When I’m Angry’: PAC Releases Scathing Ad Showing Biden Flat-Out Lying In 1987"

1987!  Biden told a lie in 1987!  No word on the 18,000 documented lies Trump has told in the last three and a half years.  But Biden told a lie 33 years ago. That should end Biden's campaign right there.

Before it's News:  "The Continued Attacks On The American People As Convicted Criminals Released Onto The Streets"

Michael Flynn?

Ted Cruz, US Senator, attacking Joe Biden:  "Remember simpler times when corruption was just $10,000 in a paper bag handed secretly under a table in a smoky bar in Washington? Corruption sadly has gotten much more sophisticated in Washington"

So sophisticated that nobody on earth can find a crime there.  What clever criminals Democrats are. Unlike Donald Trump, who is corrupt right out in the open, confident in his power to destroy anyone who opposes him before he can be held responsible.

Brandon Morse, Red State:  "Eric Trump’s Claim That Coronavirus Will Disappear In November Isn’t Wrong"

Being totally contradictory to all known epidemiological fact is not, in fact, being wrong.  How could that be?

"As I’ve written previously, it’s clear that keeping places in lockdown at this point is a waste of time and that the left’s enthusiasm for it has less to do with keeping people safe and healthy and more to do with the fact that keeping the economy in a state of arrest is hurtful to Trump’s chances at reelection"

Oh, I see.  Even though it might vastly increase the eventual death toll, it is still right to say this because pretending that the virus is going away by itself is a help to Republicans.  Nice of you to be so upfront about this, Brandon.

Davenj1, Red State:  "Don’t Reform the FBI; Kill It"

They found bad things about Trump!  Off with their heads!

Victoria Taft, PJ Media:  "Attorney General Barr Just Made Major News on 'Obamagate.' You'll Want to Sit Down for This...In just the past few days it’s been publicly disclosed that both Obama and Vice President Biden were in an Oval Office meeting in which the investigation into Trump National Security Adviser General Mike Flynn was discussed."

Unbelievable!  The President and the Vice President were in a meeting where a foreign threat to our national security was discussed!  Off with their heads!  Oh wait, didn't I just say that?  Anyway, they were Doing Their Job While Democrat (and in one case, while You Know What.)  The worst crime in American history!

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  “The People of the United States Need to Know They Have a Brilliant President” – TX Doctor"

I agree with Jim here.  The American people do need to know that we have a brilliant President.  Unfortunately, in our hour of need, we are stuck with a clearly mentally deficient one.  Not that Republicans treated the last President, who was brilliant, all that well.  Times change, I guess.  Back then, we needed a really stupid President.

Cherie Zaslawski, Renew America:  "Welcome to the Fourth Reich...The plethora of new and ever-changing dictatorial edicts in many states today strikes me as eerily reminiscent of the Nazi’s series of escalating mandates that targeted the Jewish population. However, in our own case, we’re all the targets."

Nazis!  No word about her side's collaboration with real Nazis.  And with that, I believe Wingnut Wrapup has sunk about as low as it needs to today.


Richard said…
Oh!how long will they be doing this!My mother already died!
My father ran away and my stepfather has also died!

How long will they be doing this?

I keep mom, because you know why.

They got stolen or kidnapped. They watched a lot of this bullshit they did.They had a few things to say about the Jews and hippies and Mexicans. For some reason, mom didn't want us to learn Spanish Sometimes i think they were Fox News before it even happened. I am so confused, that they could fall for that.
Green Eagle said…
Richard, we all are. I started following the right in the 1960's, and I still haven't figured out how much of this garbage they believe, how much they say because it allows them to continue with their abominable behavior, and how much is just "owning the libs." Whatever the reason, it is eating this country alive.

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