
PHILIP RUCKER: "You appeared to accuse Obama of a crime yesterday. What did he do?"
TRUMP: “Obamagate.”
RUCKER: What is the crime?
TRUMP: “You know what the crime is. The crime is very obvious to everybody.

Four days ago, virtually none of us had ever heard of "Obamagate," a crime which apparently involves Barack Obama's having ever existed, judging from the name.  Now, the right wing propaganda apparatus is filled with hundreds of stories about it.  How does this happen so fast?  It couldn't be that what pass for hundreds of news sources on the right are actually the limbs of a single thousand-armed octopus that is essentially centrally run by the Republican party, could it?  Well, here is a Wingnut Wrapup that concentrates almost exclusively on this gigantic lie, which this week appears to be the issue around which Republicans are going to rally this summer and fall.

And let me just add that it now appears that something that I have spoken about with fear in the past is about to come true:  William Barr, a man who is by a thousand times the most corrupt Attorney General in the history of our country, seems to be preparing to use the power of his office to fabricate a gigantic false case against top Democrats, accusing them of the most abominable crimes.  None of this, of course, will be resolved by election day, and it could very well give Trump another four years, to complete his destruction of the United States, given the way the mainstream press has handled Republican smears in the past.

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "Did Hillary Clinton's Campaign Manager Know About Trump Dossier? Dem Lawyer Says He Sent Receipts"

And?  So what if he did know about it?  What, exactly, is that supposed to prove, that Hillary's campaign manager knew that Trump was a traitor?

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "Did James Clapper Brief Obama on the Flynn-Russia Calls?"

And was it a "crime" for an intelligence head to brief the President of the United States about a threat to our country?  Apparently it was, if the threat came from Republicans.

Dennis Prager, Town Hall:  "Truth, Not Politics, Is at the Root of the Left-Right Divide"

Truth.  Dennis Prager.  Give me a break.

And now for a Conservative humor break:

Well they think it's funny.

Katie Pavlich:  "Grassley: It's Time We Find Out What Biden Knew About Targeting General Flynn"

Why?  Why should we find that out? What would it prove?  The vice president knew what the Executive branch knew?  Boy, that sure is a crime.

Elizabeth Vaughn, Red State:  "Senate GOP Focusing on Susan Rice’s ‘By the Book’ Email...“Move over Russiagate, Make room for Obamagate.  How brazen they are sitting in the Oval Office on January 5th and saying they might not share intelligence with the incoming administration."

Because they had evidence that Trump was a traitor, which he was and still is.  That's the reason they didn't want to share intelligence with him.  Is that wrong?

Nick Arama, Red State:  "Senate Throws Down the Gauntlet, Wants Big-Name Obama Officials to Testify on Russia Probe"

Senate Republicans, that is.  Of course:

"Looks like #ObamaGate is heating up with the release of documents related to Gen. Michael Flynn as well as the other transcripts released by the House Intel Committee."

Not that there is a thing in these documents to demonstrate this, but so what?

"Fox News reported that the Senate Judiciary Committee, whose investigation is separate from the one being conducted by U.S. Attorney for Connecticut John Durham for the Department of Justice, may issue subpoenas for the Obama officials to get to the bottom of how the narrative started that President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russia to steal the election.  Put these guys under oath and ask them the right questions and let’s see if they start jumping shit and talking with enough pressure."

Because there is not one scrap of evidence now to support this lie, and anyone with any sense knows it.  And that is because Trump did collude with the Russians, and everyone knows it.  And by the way, isn't that exactly what Democrats are accused of doing to General Flynn, putting him under oath and seeing if he will talk with enough pressure?  Isn't that, by the way, what all prosecutors do with criminals?  Except of course that honest prosecutors only do it with people they believe are guilty, which is not what Republicans are up to here.

"Sen. Chuck Grassley has made it clear that he’s going to go there, asking that question about Obama and Biden.  Can we anticipate that they would be put under oath? That would make the summer."

Oh boy, would it.  That could make Benghazi and the e-mails look like nothing.  Which they were, and so is this.  But the likelihood of the mainstream press biting on it anyway and running with it until the election is about 99.9%.

Matt Margolis, PJ Media:  "Was Obamagate a Rogue Operation of the White House?"

Well, that's the story, isn't it? And they're sticking to it. Trying to stop treason is a "rogue operation."

And now, time for some more Conservative humor:
Yeah, "as if."  Of course, all of those things are just Republican lies, while Michael Flynn actually pled guilty to his crimes twice.  Other than that, exactly the same.

Stephen Kruiser, PJ Media:  "Time to Perp-Walk Barack Obama and Joe Biden"

Yeah, time to arrest the opposition candidate for President.  That's the answer to Trump's problems.  And it is certainly a tried and true solution in many countries.  Like Zimbabwe or Nazi Germany.  And sad to say, with Barr acting the way he is, it just might be the answer the Republicans come up with.

Rick Moran, PJ Media:  "Mexican Government Demanding Answers About 'Fast and Furious' Gun Smuggling"

Because no fake Republican smear ever goes away.

Tyler O'Neal, PJ Media:  "The Real Reason Trump Didn't Name Obama's Specific Crime in 'Obamagate'...The full scope of the Obama administration’s effort against Trump has yet to be revealed, but recently uncovered evidence suggests a whole host of crimes have been committed...Trump did not name a specific crime against Obama because the scope of the malfeasance is so vast that any one named crime seems insufficient to capture the horrifying nature of the story."

Not that Tyler, Trump or anyone else can name one of the crimes.  Trump refused to name a single crime because there aren't any.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "IT’S HAPPENING — Trump Tweets Tucker Carlson’s Devastating Breakdown on Why Obama is PANICKED #Obamagate"

And of course, Jim Hoft has to get in on the act.

Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "“President Obama’s Hands are Dirty. They Are Beyond Dirty. He Has Judicial Blood On His Hands.” – Former US Attorney Joe diGenova"

Joe diGenova, most recently a key figure in the Trump Ukraine hoax, one of the chief smearers of Bill and Hillary Clinton, back to the 1990's, and a man never known to tell the truth in his life.

Cliff Kincaid, Renew America:  "The dirty wars behind Obamagate...“Obamagate” is the name being given to Barack Hussein Obama’s role in the Michael Flynn case, in which Flynn was framed for wrongdoing then cleared by Trump’s Attorney General William Barr."

Flynn was not "framed," as he twice pled guilty.  And he was not cleared by William Barr; Barr mangled the justice system to let him off, in perhaps the worst illegality ever committed by a sitting attorney general.  Don't worry, though- Barr appears to be preparing things that will make this crime look like nothing.

"Looking back, we can safely conclude that Russia-gate was designed to divert the public’s attention away from Obama’s involvement – and the involvement of the CIA – in supporting terrorism in the Middle East."

You can "safely conclude."  You can conclude that lie, safe in the knowledge that your ignorant, stupid base will eat it up.

World Net Daily:  "List of Obama officials who unmasked Flynn declassified"

You may have already forgotten "unmasking," as a result of the ten thousand lies Trump has told since then, but let me remind you that it did not exist.

"It is now up to Attorney General William Barr to release the names of the officials involved in the unmasking."

Oh, that's a comfort. It's up to William Barr.  That's like saying it was up to Heinrich Himmler to see that the Jews were safely resettled in other countries.

World Net Daily:  "Is Twitter suppressing the hot new #ObamaGate hashtag?"

Hot! New!  A hot, new lie!  Just what the Republicans need!

World Net Daily:  "Limbaugh hammers Obama for 'directing' collusion coup to oust Trump...Says former prez now complaining about coronavirus to deflect attention from Russia scandal"

What would a Republican smear be without Rush on board?  And I think that calls for one more dip in the Conservative humor pool:

Another real side-slapper there.

Ron A. Y. Rich, American Thinker:  "Who Has It Worse: Donald Trump or Abraham Lincoln?  Lincoln was assassinated in 1865. Today, Trump's character is assassinated daily."

First of all, Trump has no character to assassinate.  Relating his endless string of criminal activities is not character assassination, it is telling the truth.  But anyway, if you think people saying bad things about you is really worse than being murdered, Ron, why don't you try both and get back to us about which was worse.  But Ron might still not agree:

"an argument can be made that the blind hatred of President Trump, which has been diagnosed as Trump Derangement Syndrome, is even more invidious than the widespread hatred against President Lincoln in his day.  This is so because the people who hated President Lincoln at least had rational reasons to do so...many believed that President Lincoln not only caused the Civil War, but also prolonged the Civil War because of some of the military decisions he made"

Trump being a criminal and a traitor is not, apparently, a good enough reason to "hate" seeing him in the White House, while a lie about Lincoln causing the Civil War was.

Brian C. Joondeph, American Thinker:  "Will There Be an Obamagate Reckoning? You Betcha!

You betcha!  Trump has so wrecked the country that a gigantic, all inclusive lie about Democrats is all they are going to have to run on.

"a plot of this magnitude had the blessing of the big boss, the capo di tutti capi, as the Mafia like to say, the boss of all bosses, President Barack Hussein Obama. Hence the name ObamaGate."

Sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but the President is sort of the capo di tutti capi.  That's his job.  Not in the actual mob sense like Trump seems to believe, but apparently Obama being in charge was a massive crime.  Because, I presume, it was a crime for that sort of person (if you know what I mean) to be President in the first place.

John Daniel Davidson, The Federalist:  "‘Obamagate’ Isn’t A Conspiracy Theory, It’s The Biggest Political Scandal Of Our Time"


Well, that's enough of that, huh?  Just get ready, because the Republicans appear to be preparing this monstrous lie to be the centerpiece of their 2020 electoral campaign, and after their success with Benghazi, Hillary's e-mails, the Swift Boats and on and on, there is no reason to think the press won't buy every bit of it.  And with corona virus deaths on a pace to equal the number of Americans killed in World War II by the end of this year, they are going to be screeching their lie out 24 hours a day.

Update: Because of course.  From Alternet this morning:

"The media is taking the bait on Trump’s fake scandal...It’s not surprising, but it’s utterly disappointing.

Much of the media certainly knows that there’s no basis for President Donald Trump’s recent allegations around the nebulous and fake scandal he is preposterously calling “Obamagate,” but they seem determined to play along in the farce anyway."

If you still think that the media are the Republicans' dupes, it is about time that you faced reality.  The media are not the Republicans' dupes, they are their collaborators.  As I have said so many times before, the Democrats could destroy the Republicans without hardly trying, but what they cannot stop is the Republicans and the Press working together.  And, regardless of the damage, they are setting the table for a replay of the abomination that gave us the last four years.


Isaac said…
Which Mensa reject thought it would be a good idea for Dolt 45 to make this election about Obama? My sources tell me Obama isn't president any more and isn't running for re-election.

But I guess we saw what happened when Orange Julius tried to smear Joe Biden and got impeached instead.

Now that I think about it though, even not being on the ballot, chances are good Prima Donald could lose this election to Obama.
Green Eagle said…
It will work with all of his current followers, who are almost numerous enough to keep him in the White House. I have seen so many right wing articles claiming Obama is the most corrupt President in history, that he is a Communist Muslim plant, that he is the Antichrist, and on and on. And sad to say, Trump's followers seem ready to believe it all, or at least fall in line behind him shouting out his malignant lies to keep the truth from having a chance. What is coming between now and November is going to be truly staggering, and sad to say, it may very well work; particularly if the mainstream press treats it all the same way they treated Benghazi and Hillary's e-mails, which every one of them knew all along were nothing but smears.
Richard said…
I don't know, i think he was a pretty good president. I was disappointed with him lots of times, because he made too many compromises. I am so tired of trash like trump and a bunch of rebel profiteers from no account states like Kentucky, who we feed from compassion and basic human sympathy.
Now that we have trouble, it is easy to see them. They are the ones who bite our hand and then wave a bible at it.
Green Eagle said…
Richard, I will tell you what I have thought about Barack Obama for years: He is a thoroughly honorable and brilliant man, but he was held back by one thing- the knowledge that if he gave the Republicans a single thing to hang their hatred on, there would never be another black President for a hundred years. Well, he pretty much gave them nothing for eight years, and you only have to look at this post to see how well they have done without any facts to back their attacks up. I'm sorry to say that I think he was right in believing what he did.

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