Wingnut Wrapup


They are still having a lot of trouble beating Trump in the insanity category, but here goes:

Scott Morefield, Town Hall:  "If Masks Work, Why Don’t They WORK?"

Because you won't wear them, you malicious moron.

Leah Barkoukis, Town Hall:  "What Prompted Trump to Say He Can Now Be 'Really Vicious' Against Biden"

Because it's the only shot he has?  Because that is what he has always been?  Well, here is Trump's answer:

“Pathetic Joe. He’s a pathetic human being to allow that to happen,” Trump said of the ad the Biden campaign released last week that used The Atlantic’s story alleging he disparaged America’s fallen soldiers in France. 

“But you know the good part?” Trump continued. “Now I can be really vicious."

Because if Biden tells the truth, Trump can do any disgusting thing he wants.  That's the Republican way.  As if it wasn't going to come down to this in the end anyway- it always does.  It'll just be worse this time around, because without the lies and smears Trump wouldn't have a chance of staying out of jail.

Cortney O'Brien, Town Hall:  "Devin Nunes on Why Kamala Harris Is 'Unqualified' to Be Vice President"

Because having never lost a lawsuit to a cow, she just doesn't understand the problems of rural America?  Or is it just because she is a minority woman?  Take your pick. I know it's one of those things.

Leah Barkoukis, Town Hall:  "Big Tech Removes a Video From Prominent Think Tank For Contradicting WHO on Coronavirus"

The think tank in question?  The Hoover Institute, which has an unbroken record of spreading right wing lies.  "Big tech" seems to object for some reason to killing people for votes.  I wonder what their problem with that might be.

Beth Baumann. Town Hall:  "Why Kanye Will Be Kept Off the Ballot in a Key Swing State"

Because he is a mentally ill narcissist?  No, that couldn't be the reason, or Biden would be running unopposed.

T. LaDuke, Red State:  "Podcast: Interview With Byron York on His New Book About Washington Trying to Destroy Donald Trump"

Really, I can understand why he would do it, but I thought Washington died in 1799.  Were they already trying to destroy Trump way back then?  I mean, hooray for them if they were, but somehow I doubt it.

Why couldn't he have saved that axe to take a couple of whacks at Trump?

Brandon Morse, Red State:  "Disgusting: Eggs Were Thrown at Children During Delaware Republican Rally, Democrats Silent"

EGGS!!!!  CHILDREN!!!  Democrats silent!!!!

"There are uncrossable lines we should draw as a society and the safety of our children encompasses a good deal of those lines."

That apparently does not include forcing them to go back to school, where they have a fair chance of catching a deadly virus, but does include them being hit by eggs thrown by an unknown person, and also includes Democrats not beating themselves up over this egg throwing, while Republicans ignore their President killing Americans by the tens of thousands.

And I guess his behavior has not crossed any "uncrossable line:"

Jim Treacher, PJ Media:  "YouTube 'Star' Records Himself Defecating in Nancy Pelosi's Driveway"

Boy, that's owning the libs.

Bryan Preston, PJ Media:  "Straight Outta Marxism: BLM Protesters Take Over Grocery Store to Protest Lack of 'Access' to Grocery Stores"

Because there is nothing that screams Marxism like a peaceful demonstration at a Trader Joe's.  Put them in prison for treason.

Rick Moran, PJ Media:  "Trump Awards Medal of Honor To Hero Who Freed 75 ISIS Hostages"

Trump did not award a medal of honor to anyone.  It's called the CONGRESSIONAL medal of honor for a reason, buddy.  Just one more thing that Trump took dishonest credit for.

Before It's News:  "Bombshell Evidence That Covid Is Chromosome 8 Human DNA – They Want To Make Us Mentally Retarded & Create An Auto Immune Disorder Within Us! 

This graphic makes it all so clear.

Too late.  You are already mentally retarded, as proven by the fact that you believe what you hear in a "Ground Breaking Video Banned By YouTube!"  This video contains one of the most malignant lies about the nature of Covid that I have ever heard, so thank you to You Tube, which has done so little to eliminate this sort of thing, that at least they won't allow this murderous right wing propaganda to play on their channel.

Before It's News:  "David Wilcock Exposes the Reptilian Agenda"

Not to anyone reading Wingnut Wrapup, at least.  We're not going there, no.

Robert Kraychik, Breitbart:  "Matt Boyle: Trump Is Ending War in Afghanistan Where Obama, Biden Promised and Failed"

Redefining surrender and running for home as victory.

Nate Church, Breitbart:  "Ohio Man Charged with Rape of 12-Year-Old Who Became Pregnant"

There are about 101,000 reported rapes a year in the United States.  Why the special attention to this one?  I don't know, maybe the picture of the accused rapist holds a clue:

No comment in this article on the credible accusations of rape of underage girls by our president.  I wonder why this unknown perp gets so much attention.  Well, maybe I could make a pretty good guess.

Deroy Murdock, Newsmax:  "It's Obama-Biden Who Viewed Veterans as Suckers and Losers"

Not Trump, even though he said he did, and they never said any such thing.  Anyway, this article is just more of the same tired lies blaming Trump's sin on his opponents, that you have heard a hundred times already.

Conrad Black, Newsmax:  "You'd Never Guess From Trump-Hating Media He Ranks Among Greats"

Maybe that's because the only areas where he ranks among the greats are lying and corruption.

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "Why You May Hear 'I May Be an Alleged Rapist, But I’m a Democrat' In VA Soon...Any rational person would think this would be an election killer, but not for Justin Fairfax, Virginia’s lieutenant governor.  It must be nice to be a Democrat. You can literally do everything the ‘woke’ Left hates, donning blackface and allegedly raping women, and still hold onto power."

The mention of this, from Wikipedia:

"Donald Trump, current president of the United States, has been accused of rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least 25 women since the 1970s."

No mention by Matt of the fact that Trump's crook of an Attorney General has claimed that smearing one of those rape victims is a part of Trump's official Presidential duties.  No, because we know damned well which party doesn't give a damn what a subhuman monster their leader might be.

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "Joe Biden's America: The Price Tag for the Left-Wing Rioting This Summer Was the Costliest in US History"

Rioting which is actually happening in Donald Trump's America, of course, but so what?  It's all Biden's fault, even though he had no authority to do anything about it.  Trump could have ended every bit of this by acting like a human being and showing some sympathy with the millions that have had enough of white racist hatred in this country, but no, police tear gas and clubs make so much better material for campaign commercials.

Kay Cole James, Town Hall:  "Your Right to Vote is Sacred. Don’t Give it Up."

Unless you are a Democrat, of course.

"At a moment like this, I think back to the Afghan presidential elections of 2014."

Because that is what Republicans want- elections just like those in Afghanistan.  Which did so much to eliminate terrorist fanatics in their country.

Nick Arama, Red State:  "New Poll: Trump Now Leading Over Biden, Approval at Record High, Opinion on Riots May Be Nail in Biden’s Campaign"

Rasmussen.  I need say no more.

"In addition to that, Rasmussen found that Trump also again reached his highest approval rating again, 52% at a critical point now just before the election."

From Newsweek, hardly a left wing bastion, a little of the truth:

"The current FiveThirtyEight average shows the president with a disapproval rating of about 52.5 percent compared with 43.1 percent who approve. Conservative firm Rasmussen Reports, which the president has often touted publicly, shows 51 percent of Americans approving of the president while just 48 percent disapprove. The most recent Fox News poll shows the opposite percentages—51 percent disapproving while 48 percent approve."

Rasmussen is so deluded, that it warrants specific attention from them.  

Kurt Schlichter, Town Hall:  "So, How Do They Dump Biden?"

Maybe Kurt should be asking why would they dump Biden, with him running 7-10 points ahead in all the polls, and Charlie Cook saying "the cake is already baked..."   

"As the Democrat presidential campaign degenerates into “Weekend at Gropey’s,” a question arises: Assuming the Dems and their media minions somehow drag that rickety, basement-dwelling weirdo across the finish line, how do they get rid of him post-inauguration?"

Oh, I get it.  Kurt is admitting that Biden is winning, but he has now descended so far into the Republican delusion pit that he thinks that Biden will be elected President, and then the Democrats will get rid of him.  That's really likely to happen.

"So, here is how it goes. President Biden gets inaugurated showing up for the ceremony in his untied bathrobe and confusing the oath with the Armour hot dogs jingle. Very quickly, Dr. Jill and the Biden Bunch start running things in his name while he spends his day upstairs in the Lincoln Bedroom, sitting on a stool, watchin’ his stories."

You know, I heard a story about a President who spends most of his time in his bedroom watching TV.  Can't remember just which one.  It'll come to me soon.

Larry O'Connor, Town Hall:  "Was Trump Really 'Ambushed' By ABC News?  If you think Trump was ambushed, then you think that Trump is grossly naive or astoundingly dense. I don't think he's any of those things, do you?"

Yes, I do, Larry.

Larry Elder, PJ Media:  "Dems Call Trump a Mass-Murdering Racist; His Poll Numbers Rise"

And it is a perfect sign of the times that Republicans are proud of that.  What they want is a mass-murdering racist.

Coast to Coast:  "Retired Command Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean Reveals Shocking Information... The Universe Is Crammed With Intelligent Life!"

None of it in the Republican party, of course.  And no more here today, because enough is enough.  See you soon.


Isaac said…
"There are uncrossable lines we should draw as a society and the safety of our children encompasses a good deal of those lines."

So what about the safety of those immigrant children in concentration camps at the southern border?
Oh, wait...he said *our* children.
Okay then...never mind

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