Wingnut Wrapup

I wish to begin by reporting the unexpected death of Lloyd Marcus, a frequent subject of ridicule here at Wingnut Wrapup, for being a black man who passed on every lie invented by his white oppressors.  I'm not happy to hear of his death, but I will certainly be happy never again to hear his ugly comments.

Not to make fun of him, but he did not honor himself in life.

Bronson Stocking, Town Hall:  "Trump Bans Hateful Neo-Marxist Ideology That Taxpayers Have Funded for Years"

That hateful neo-Marxist ideology?  Diversity training.  None of that for government employees, hooray!  By the way, what right does a President have to "ban" an ideology?  This article was helpfully illustrated with the following picture:

I'm not clear what Marxist threat is posed by people burning a small pile of trash in the streets, or what this has to do with diversity training, but there you go.

Ward Connerly, Town Hall:  "President Trump’s Legacy: Jobs, Opportunity, and Prosperity"

Well, actually, the highest unemployment rate since the last Republican President screwed the economy, no opportunity for anything but grifting, and prosperity, if an impending depression is prosperity, but hey, I guess they can stretch the truth a little, right?  I mean, they sure don't have anything positive to brag about.

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "BUSTED: Project Veritas Helps Authorities Nab NH Man Who Committed Voter Fraud in 2016...James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas organization was given a nod this week. New Hampshire authorities reeled in a man who admitted to committing voter fraud in a 2016 investigation. In the video, the individual admitted to voting twice."

Yes, this wonderful organization, financed to the tune of millions of dollars every year by right wing billionaires, managed to catch one person in the whole United States who voted twice, four years later.  This is the massive evidence of voter fraud the Republicans have found.

"We have been told nonstop by the liberal media that voter fraud doesn’t really exist in the United States."

Well, they were wrong.  There was actually one case of it, out of 130,000,000 votes cast.

Michael Thau, Red State:  "Kyle Rittenhouse Did Nothing Wrong."

If you're right wing, your first two terrorist murders get a pass.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Never Forget: Biden’s Son was Kicked Out of Navy for Cocaine Use — Then Daddy Set him Up with Millions on the Ukrainian Gas Company Board"

Donald Trump, on the other hand, was never kicked out of the military for his notoriously heavy cocaine use, because Daddy bought five deferments for him.  No word about that in the article.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Osama Bin Laden’s Niece Comes Out for Trump in 2020"

I guess our nation's biggest enemies know who their friends are.  Not really sure why Jim seems proud of this.

Anne Linskey, Washington Post:  "Biden’s flexibility on policy could mean bitter fights if he wins"

This year's official version of Democrats in Disarray?  This article, at the very top of the Washington Post website, seems to have no purpose other than to undermine public confidence in the ability of Biden to end the chaos created by the Republicans.  But Anne is not done yet today:

Anne Liskey, Washington Post:  "Biden’s attempts to please everyone could lead to bitter fights among Democrats"

DEMOCRATS IN DISARRAY!!!!!!  Here it comes.  Democrats cooperating will lead to bitter fights.  We can't see the Republican party dissolve into completely insane chaos without the mainstream press trying to write an article that claims the Democrats "could" have bitter fights with each other, despite absolutely zero evidence.  With a mainstream press like this, who needs Gateway Pundit?  And in a move absolutely reminiscent of right wing blogs, Anne could not find a single known Democratic leader to agree with her. 

Before It's News:  "Did God make the Great Pyramid?  New Evidence Suggests Yes."

Green Eagle is not making his mind up about this one.  Could be true, who knows, even though God's book says something different.


Yes, Michael Jackson faked his own death in 2009, just so, when Donald Trump became President seven years later, which they apparently knew would happen, Jackson could help him root out the baby eaters in the Democratic party.  That's the story, any way. 

Dennis Prager, Town Hall:  "Leftists Blame America. Decent People Blame Themselves."

But you always blame leftists, Dennis.  I guess that makes you neither a leftist nor a decent person.  Something we all knew already.

Mike Adams, The Health Ranger:  "The results of the 2020 election are already locked in: Trump wins, and he goes on to dismantle the corrupt, criminal Democrat party that tried (and failed) to destroy America and replace it with a communist regime of left-wing authoritarian tyrants.

How does Trump accomplish this?  President Trump has a “secret weapon”

Now we’ve been able to confirm the content of this “secret weapon” that will be invoked to save America. It’s the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.  Specifically, the Fourteenth Amendment grants the U.S. President the power to:  Arrest and indefinitely hold all public officials — including mayors, governors, state legislators, federal judges and law enforcement officials — who support “rebellion” against the United States or who have “given aid or comfort” to the enemies of America. (Section 3).

It should be rather obvious that at this very moment, California, Oregon, Washington, New York, Illinois and many other states are engaged in open rebellion against the United States, and that thousands of public officials within those states — mayors, governors, state legislators, police chiefs, etc. — are granting “aid or comfort” to the rebellion.

Under the Fourteenth Amendment, Trump merely needs to declare an insurrection, then he can have Mayor Lightfoot (Chicago), Mayor Wheeler (Portland), Mayor Durkan (Seattle) and even de Blasio (NYC) arrested and removed from office for violating their oaths of office.

The Democrats already know all this, which is why they are pursuing a plan of election chaos, hoping to throw the entire election process into mass confusion, from which they plan to attempt an illegal coup to eliminate Trump from office and claim political power over the nation."

Well, that's a new one.  Trump can just "declare" an insurrection, and then he can have all Democratic leaders thrown in prison before the election.  He'd do it too, if he thought he could get away with it.  Anyway, here is what section 3 of the fourteenth amendment actually says:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

Note that they must have actually engaged in insurrection or rebellion, not just be accused of it by a lying bastard that has already accused half of the Democrats in the country of being Communists.  Not that pedantic distinctions like that will mean anything to him, come the end of October, if he sees himself losing.  By the way, may I just remind you that Mike Adams the Health Ranger is someone who has made a couple hundred million dollars by selling quack medical treatments to the American people.  That wasn't enough to him, so now he is trying to bilk right wingers.

Carmine Sabia:  "The likelihood of all of these boats sinking at the Trump Boat Parade by accident is microscopic. We are dealing with terrorists."

Carmine Sabia is the managing editor of the Federalist, and also writes for World Net Daily and Infowars, three perennial sources of amusement at Wingnut Wrapup.  He also writes for the Western Journal, another notorious right wing lie factory.  All of these sites receive a million hits a day, more than most real news sources.

And now a little Conservative humor:

Sort of amusing, considering that Trump's signature make America great again hats are all made in China.

Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "Democrats and Their Media Allies Want You to Forget How They Downplayed Wuhan Coronavirus"

Yes, it is the DEMOCRATS that downplayed the Coronavirus, Katie.  The Democrats. Not Trump- just ignore those recordings- not the Republicans, the Democrats.  Just file this under the category "No lie too big to tell, no truth too small to ignore."

Brad Sager, Town Hall:  "Publishers Release Flood of New Books to Generate a Blue Wave Even as Trump Saves Their Industry"

And how did Trump save their industry?  The same way Obama saved the auto industry?  Well, no, not quite:

"Since his rise in the political ranks Donald Trump has nearly single-handedly resuscitated the book-selling industry. Despite having two full terms in office there have been more than twice as many volumes written about President Trump than Barack Obama."

He saved the publishing industry by being so profoundly incompetent and criminal that his behavior sold a lot of books.  Great going there, Donald.  Something you can be so proud of.  And for once that you can take credit for without lying.

Douglas Mackinnon, Town Hall:  "Breaking News: Trump Once Tore The Tag Off a Mattress"

Which caused a hundred thousand unnecessary American deaths so far- oh, wait, that was something else that Trump did that Mr. Mackinnon forgot to mention in his article.

Sarah Lee, Red State:  "When Trump Tweets ‘Law & Order’, This Is What He Means"

Fascism?  White supremacy?  That's my guess.

Tyler O'Neal, PJ Media:  "Weather Underground Terrorist Bill Ayers Suggests the Civil War Has Already Begun"

This is published totally unashamedly as a specimen of left wing lunacy, the same day that Mr. 'Neil wrote this:

Tyler O'Neil, PJ Media:  "Has the Second American Civil War Already Started?"

I guess consistency is the hobgoblin of liberal minds.

And what would a Wingnut Wrapup be these days without a little Kamala bashing:

Boy, they managed to make her look evil, huh?  Other than that, I can't figure out what this cartoon is supposed to be about.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Suffolk Community College Professer Caught on Tape Trashing “Dictator” Trump to Students ON SECOND DAY OF CLASS!"

If he had only waited until the third day to tell them the truth, it would all have been okay, I guess.

Greg Kelly, Newsmax:  "The cheating has begun – Woodward allegations part of smear campaign"

Playing actual recordings of Trump saying what he said is a smear campaign.

Brian C. Joondeph, M.D, American Thinker:  "Are Democrats Hiding the Truth about COVID?"

Ha ha.  Democrats.  Republicans can't commit any despicable act without accusing the Democrats of really having done it.

Well, see you soon.  It's only going to get worse between now and election day.


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