Wingnut Wrapup

 News from the right:

“Shit is About to Kick Off”

I bet it is.   I thougth I would start up today by revealing the new US currency that is going to replace our US dollars, when Trump takes over and makes us all rich, in just a few days:


I won't bother to explain what those pictures are about, but let me point out that this is just about the most counterfeitable currency ever known, since people carved coins out of wood.

They don't have five minutes to deal with this country's real problems, but they are ready to go with their new money.  Green Eagle will, by the way, be happy to supply any wingnuts out there with this currency, in an exact exchange for any now worthless US dollars that you happen to have.  Hell, Green Eagle is a very generous bird.  He will trade these new dollars in for 90% of their value in old dollars.  But hurry- that's a better deal than you are going to get from Donald Trump, who will accept your US dollars in return for a punch in the face and a swim with the sharks off the shore of Mar-a-Lago.

"Biden Resignation Was Expected At Any Time over the Hunter Biden Laptop revelations that placed Joe Biden smack dab in the middle of a lifetime of Treasonous Acts against the American People."

Or at least, did in the vicious lies told by Republicans.  Not so much in the real world.  Speaking of which, there is this:

"The main reason Putin invaded Ukraine was because sitting US President Joe Biden has been funding dangerous bio-weapons research there, along with the help of the same Deep State network that created CV-19.  This Cabal was about to release those deadly pathogens upon the general population in connection with their Depopulation Agenda."

People actually believe all of this- millions of them right here in our own country, where they are only minutes away from the truth online.  It's no joke, really.

Rebecca Downs, Town Hall:  "Joy Reid's VP Harris Interview Obsessively Made Connections to Russia and 'Domestic Threats' to Democracy... During her questioning of the vice president, Reid referenced the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a topical issue, to be sure. She repeatedly did so in the context of raising concerns about January 6 and concerns about the 2024 presidential election, though."

No connection at all in our would-be dictator drooling over everything a real dictator can get away with.  

"It was quite the noticeable segue as Reid went from asking about foreign threats to what the Democratic Party and their allies in the mainstream media believe to be domestic threats."

No fair, asking about two threats in one interview.

Landon Mion, Town Hall:  "Cruz Warns Americans Are One SCOTUS Vote Away from 'Losing Our Fundamental Rights'

Screw you, Zodiac killer.  We've already lost our fundamental rights, by a 6-3 margin, which you have worked your whole career to achieve.

Will Alexander, Town Hall:  "For every time Joe Biden shuffles to a podium to blame the nation’s problems on the pandemic, Putin, and his predecessor, there should be a Will Smith-type who walks to the podium, slaps him for his egregious insults to America’s intelligence, then takes his seat and yells: “Keep the lies to the American people OUT! OF! YOUR! @#&%! MOUTH!”

Their answer to the truth:  Punch Democrats in the face.  Of course, if a Democrat suggested that about compulsive liar Trump, for example, it would become an occasion for months of screaming abuse from Republicans, lovingly carried by the mainstream press.  

Rebecca Downs, Town Hall:  "House Judiciary Sends Letter to Big Tech Calling Them Out for Censoring Hunter Biden Story"

Well, actually (as you have probably guessed:)

"On Thursday, the Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee sent letters to Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter's Parag Agrawal, calling both social media platforms out for censoring reports from The New York Post on the Bidens."

Aaah, the REPUBLICANS on the House Judiciary committee sent this letter, not the committee itself. So easy to forget that the Democratic majority is even there.  Sorry, about the confusion, America.

"Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), who has served on the committee for several years, likened the Hunter Biden scandal to another great moment in history."

When they changed the color of M&M's?  When Pinky Lee had a heart attack on live TV?  Listen, I've covered this "scandal" in an earlier post.  At this point anyone who believes this garbage is either a fool, or a member of the mainstream press paid to believe what they are told.

Becca Lower, Red State:  "Trump Just Gave Sarah Palin His 'Complete' Endorsement for Congress in AK"

Streiff, Red State:  "The Ukrainian Army Liberates Territory From Russian Invaders and Discovers Murdered Civilians"

Don't expect us to cheer you on now, you cocksucking sons of bitches.  You spent five years helping Vladimir Putin get to this point, and now you want to protest the inevitable result of your collaborating with this genocidal dictator?  Screw you.  It's your fault too, not that your subhuman followers care.

Mike Miller, Red State:  "In New Interview, Zelenskyy Shares the Only Outcome Ukraine Will Accept—but Is It Reasonable?"

Zelenskyy wants Putin to get the hell out of his country.  Is that reasonable or not?  I leave it up to you to decide.  This asshole moves on to this remark:

"At one point in the interview, Baier asked the Ukrainian president if he believes Joe Biden wants Ukraine to win, or if spineless Joe and his equally-inept administration fear Putin’s reaction if he loses. A remarkable question about a sitting president of the United States and  “leader” [ROFL emoji] of the Free World — yet it begged to be asked."

It "begged to be asked" whether Biden really wanted Ukraine to win or if he wanted Putin to get what he wants.  It "begged" to be asked.  Who, exactly, "begged to ask" that lying question?  Not really clear about that, but I suspect it just might be the World's Greatest Negotiator, who by now would have "negotiated" Ukranians out of their entire country, in one of the greatest negotiations in history- securing a hotel deal in Moscow at the bargain basement price of the freedom of 40 million people, none of whom can vote Repubican anyway.  Now, maybe he can get a condo development in Pyongyang, at the miniscule cost of, say, giving Alaska to Kim Jong Un.

"As to my question in the headline? Is Zelenskyy’s insistence that the only outcome he and the Ukrainian people will accept is “victory” over Russia reasonable"  Of course not."

If we don't reward dictators for their genocide, where will the world end up?  I mean, really.  Best thing: let dictators demand your whole country, go in and slaughter thousands of your civilians and then graciously award them half your country as a nice compromise.  It worked so well in Czechoslovakia.

Cristina Laila, Gateway Pundit:  "People Are Horrified After Madonna Shares Creepy TikTok"

"People."  The same ones who beg to ask whether Biden wants Putin to win.  By the way, who is begging to ask whether Donald Trump, who has supported every vicious criminal thing Putin has done for years, wants Putin to win?  We know the answer to that one, but when a Republican sells democracy down the river for a hotel deal, I guess it's just one more "sin that the the mainstream press dares not speak its name," so to speak.

"Navy Seal Michael Jaco: What Happens When The Kazarian Mafia Is Finally Taken Down?  Must Video"

I.e., what happens when they finally kill all the Jews? Good question, Michael.  I just wonder why you are still afraid to say it out loud, since everyone on both sides knows what you mean, and it's not like you make any secred of which side of the issue you are on.

"Situation Update - Congress Told To Leave DC!"

By whom?  That is never made clear, but I think it is someone associated with one Donald J. Trump, who was told to "leave DC" by the entire country, and will never get over it.


Which is, apparently, like this:

Yes, this is what the right is cheering on as a solution to their getting crushed in the 2020 election.


By the way, sure Putin said that.  It wasn't just made up by some right wing jackass in this country who dreams of fascism destroying us.  No, Putin said it.  And gave strict orders that it not be reported anywhere in the world but in the most lunatic corners of the US wingnut press.  You go, Vlad.


Putin might very well give the Repubicans exactly this advice- can't beat your opponents?  Just kill them.  And Trump would do it in a second if he thought he could get away with it.  In fact, I'll make you a bet: come back in a few years, and let's see if Trump hasn't already organized hit squads to take out his enemies, if he can't cheat his way back into power.  Think I'm wrong?  Green Eagle is never wrong about this sort of thing.  


Brought to you by the same people who reported in detail a year or two ago about the Guantanamo trial and execution of Hillary Clinton for eating babies.

"Alleged Real Footage of the North Pole [Links Have All Now Been Removed From Facebook - Guess Why]"

I'll tell you what that looks like "alleged footage", on second thought, I won't.

Randy DeSoto, Western Journal:  "'The Evidence Is So Damning': Anticipation Grows as Trump Weighs in on D'Souza's Election Fraud Movie"

Who says the evidence is so damning?

"Former President Donald Trump touted the release of a trailer for conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza’s latest project, “2,000 Mules,” saying the evidence it presents about alleged wrongdoing that occurred in the 2020 general election is “so damning.”

Oh, Donald Trump says the evidence is so damning.  Here, I thought it might be somebody a little more trustworthy, like Sidney Powell or America's Mayor.  I see.  Randy continues:

“Highly respected Dinesh D’Souza, working together with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote, just released a trailer to their new movie, ‘2,000 Mules,’ that shows the world exactly how the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen,” Trump said in a Monday statement."

You mean convicted felon, Dinesh D'Souza?  The one that Trump pardoned because D'Souza was willing to tell any lie to help Trump?  That's the guy claiming that the election was rigged?  Okay then.  Can't wait to see what he has to say on the subject.

Tom DeWeese, Renew America:  "Cesar Chavez was no hero"

Fuck you, buddy.  Really, does the guy deserve any more of an answer than that?  On second though, I guess I could appropriately respond to just about everything here by saying "fuck you."  Much more parrot-like, but not as much fun.

And really, it is almost too sickening to report on now, but Republicans really never forget any lie they ever tell:

"For decades, neuroscientists have recognized that the brain has three distinct systems. One is similar to that of primitive reptiles that were adept at survival strategies. Another includes the limbic system––often called the “seat of emotions.” The third includes the neocortex and prefrontal lobes (comprising the right and left hemispheres of the brain) that account for thinking, verbal abilities, and other “higher” functions.

My theory is that Terri’s putative husband Michael, his attorney George J. Felos, and Judge George Greer—who ruled for years against Terri’s right to life—have highly developed reptilian brains and prefrontal lobes, but that they are sorely lacking in anything resembling a normal limbic system."

Joan forgets that, when Terri's agony, whatever it might have been, was finally ended, her brain was literally lacking a "normal limbic system," having virtually totally turned to liquid long before.  She was kept "alive" by Republican lies and smears.  

"What is empathy? Simply, it is the ability to feel what others are feeling."

Which would be nothing in Terri's case.  And nothing in Republicans' case either, in relation to Terry, Ukraine, Covid and a thousand other issues where any amount of the suffering of others is fine, as long as Republicans get to have their daily tantrum about something.

"People who lack empathy are called sociopaths, a euphemistic version of what was once called psychopaths. Like all cold-blooded killers, they are literally incapable of feeling what another person feels."

As Joan and her fellows were "literally incapable" of feeling what Terri's husband and anyone else who really cared about her felt, while Republicans spent years torturing her (if she had any feeling left at all.)

And Joan is not done yet today.  She's got more to blather about:

Joan Swirsky, Renew America:  "Joe Biden’s lust"

What, caught cheating on his wife, paying prostitutes or trying to rape underage girls again? Or going to David Epstein's parties?  Oh no, that would be Donald Trump, so that would all be okay.  Here is what Joe really lusts for:

"Let’s dispense with the Mt. Everest of words that have been written to rationalize Joe Biden & Company’s passion––indeed, lust––to put nuclear weapons in the hands of the fanatical mullahs in the terrorist-run state of Iran."

He dreams about it at night.  Giving nuclear weapons to Iran.  Why? who knows.  

"Clearly, this was to set the stage for the Biden regime to actualize their real goal, their mission, their obsession–––finally, finally, finally to get rid of the arch nemesis of all of them: Israel, with the bonus being half of all the Jews on earth.  That’s it, pure and simple. Anti-Semitism on steroids."

This is so sickening that I just have no sarcastic comment to make about it.  Particularly coming from Swirsky, a Jew herself, who has repeatedly, over the years, supported the most repulsive anti-Semitism in the world.  And let us remember that this comes from the same end of the political spectrum that (as I pointed out above) actively campaigns to exterminate the Jews.

"All these (nonexistent- GE) distractions are to keep the American public––and the world––from realizing that the New World Order fetishists, led by the Biden regime, are all about arming Iran with nuclear weapons, the better to destroy Israel and finally achieve what Hitler and many massive empires over the centuries failed to do."

Joe Biden- here to complete Hitler's work on earth.  Well, at least you can't accuse Trump of arming the mullahs- he never had a shred of interest in anything that didn't involve a profit to himself. 

World Net Daily:  "Guard at Jewish school arrested after reportedly threatening to shoot students, parents"

I was afraid to read this article, because I didn't know if they would be for or against.

And, both siderism- not just to attack Democrats any more:

Matt Rowe, American Thinker:  "Events in Ukraine are not our war.  Both the Ukrainians and the Russians are extremely xenophobic—the exact opposite of Americans, who are typically very open to other cultures."

Ha ha.  Americans- very open to other cultures and not at all xenophobic.  Really, after everything, this may be the most blatant lie I have heard this year.

"My point here is that this is a war of Eastern European (and former Soviet) countries with whom we are not allied. They see the world very differently from the way we see it and will prosecute the war in very different ways than we would. Neither are real democracies and both are controlled by corrupt oligarchic governments."

Well, except for the one Democrats back, which is a democracy that is not controlled by corrupt oligarchs.  Except for that, you are absolutely right, because your side is a dictatorship controlled by corrupt oligarchs.  So, we'll give you a 50% for that analysis.  Still an F, though.

"This is not our war*, even though we are already involved via sanctions on Russia and military aid to Ukraine. Does anyone believe that Putin doesn’t see these US moves as acts of war?** You better believe he does. So far, he has restrained himself from responding***...No-fly zones, free aircraft, and other truly significant support from the US and the West can only make matters worse and lead to a larger conflict that nobody wants, except maybe for Ukraine.****"

"Putin may be able to ignore the support we’re providing currently but there is no telling how long his patience will last.*****"

Paul Cameron;  "Will boycotting Disney solve the growing LGBT problem?"

Oh God, here it comes.  Disney.  There's absolutely nobody they won't turn on if they need an outlet for their mindless rage.  Well, at least this time, they have picked on someone that can take their punches without even noticing.   

Yes, this is a graphic from a real right wing website, and not a sample of the deck of Rorschach cards designed by Green Eagle.

But they'll give it a try, no matter how stupid it makes them seem:

"New Dark Outpost: Big GITMO Intel! Epstein Island Had Disney Cruise Ships Go To It...Recently uncovered documents that Disney cruise ships sailed to Jeffrey Epstein’s island where young boys went snorkeling and some never returned."

Young boys went to a tropical island, went snorkeling and never returned.  God, it is just pathetic when they can't even attack somebody without essentially referring to something which that somebody pretty much created:

Epstein's Island- original artwork by Melania Trump- NFT's available at reasonable cost.

"The media covered up the entire story. John Carman maintains that few if any high-level traitors and pedophiles have been taken to GITMO and bases his opinion on the words of discredited attorney Sidney Powell."

Or on the evidence, which is of even less value than the word of a clear schizophrenic.

"Plus- Alex Jones is clone of dead comedian!"

Which one?  

At least, that's the guy Alex seems to be imitating. Lose some weight, already, Alex, if you really want to look like that, you fat slob.

"It‟s now 13 days „til Easter Sunday. Is it Geronimo time?"

And that pretty much does it for poor Green Eagle.  Back to the nest to recuperate with some cheap bourbon.


*That's what Republicans said about World War II, also, right up to the day that the bombs started falling on our military.

**Who cares what Putin "sees?"

***Other than with a little genocide, of course.  I'm sure we all admire his restraint.

****Ukraine, which hungers to see genocidal terror wreaked on their civilians by a deranged, power mad dictator. That must be the explanation. 

*****What with the open genocide, I'd say his patience has pretty much already run out.  So he will try a few more tantrums, some of them perhaps as bad as the ones Hitler used to enjoy.  I guess that is a good reason to give in to him, at least in the minds of Republicans, who wouldn't be really giving in, since they are on his side.


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