Wingnut Wrapup

Yeah, I know, I promised to stop driving you crazy with all of this turgid garbage, now that the leaders of the Republican party have gone just as nuts as the online purveyors of wingnut nonsense, but I think it might be helpful to check in once in a while, to see what a thorough fantasy world Republicans have created for their followers, in which every single issue is turned on its head to make a seamless wall of delusion covering everything on earth.

Today, I am going to draw from only two sources.  The first is Gateway Pundit, one of the most frequented right wing websites, that sees literally hundreds of thousands of viewers every day- over 666 million unique visits in 2021 (by their own claim, at least.)  This appears to be a great deal more than, let's say, Daily Kos, the number one liberal website in the country.  The other site is "Before it's News," a major aggregator of QAnon and right wing lunacy, which also receives millions of hits each month.  So, let's go.  First, Gateway Pundit:

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "J6 Political Prisoner Matthew Webler: The FBI Raided His Home After He Walked into the US Capitol with a Flag – Then Feds Came Back and Took His Son"

Tough luck, traitor.  "Political prisoner," really, what a bunch of jerks.  They should have taken you out back and shot you in the head.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Fauci Has Been in Charge of Developing Bioweapons for Pentagon Since 2002"

One malignant liar quoting another one.  There is no shame when it comes to spreading lies.

Cassandra Macdonald, Gateway Pundit:  "Michigan Gov. Whitmer Used Federal Pandemic Relief Funds to Create Critical Race Theory and Social Justice Courses for Teachers"

Well, at least she "reportedly" did that.  Reported by whom?  Cassandra didn't bother to tell us that.

Cristina Laila, Gateway Pundit:  "HERE WE GO: US Treasury Reviewing US Financial Exposure to Credit Suisse as Stock Tumbles"

Here we go where?  Is it wrong for our government to be concerned about US financial problems that could result from banks collapsing?  No matter what Democrats do, it is part of some evil plot.  Even when they pet their dogs.  It's just all evil.

Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Rasmussen Poll Shows 60% of Americans Believe “Climate Change” is a Religion that Has Nothing to do with Climate"

Rasmussen poll...I gues I need say no more about that, except that 99% of climate scientists believe climate change is real, and the ones that claim not to are virtually all bought off by the fossil fuel industry.

Wayne LaChance, Gateway Pundit:  "OH WOW – Michelle Obama Claims the Obama Administration Was ‘Scandal Free’

Gateway Pundit's examples of Obama administration scandals?

"We will never forget about Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the phone records scandal, keystone, illegal immigrants, gun control and many more."

No, of course you will never "forget" those scandals, even though every one of them is a lying Repubican smear.  The Trump administration was a series of never-ending corruption and scandals every single day.  Everyone knows that, so Republicans spend billions of propaganda dollars trying to convince people that Democrats are just as bad.  That, for example, is the only thing that the Hunter Biden lies were ever about.  Remember, we have yet to see a single piece of evidence that the "laptop" even exists; we just have to take Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon's word for it.

Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Amid a Banking Crisis with the Segment Rated “Negative” – Four Banks Awarded Over $60 BILLION to BLM Movement"

This lie is all over the right wing internet today.  Believe it for a second?  Just one more false story, cooked up by something called the "Claremont Institute," which is nothing but another Conservative lie factory.  If you want to know more, try this article, by Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "19-Year-Old National Guard Soldier Dies Suddenly After Completing a Two-Mile Run Fitness Test"

I guess this is an attempt to keep Covid vaccine paranoia alive.  Couldn't be bothered to read the article.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Pentagon Officials Suggest that Alien Mothership May Visit Our Solar System and Launch Smaller Probes to Earth"

Yeah, that's a story there today, too, along with all the other crap.

Jordan Conradson, Gateway Pundit:  "REPORT: Illegal Border Crossings Already Increasing Since Governor Katie Hobbs Took Office "

I guess that's her fault, huh?  Anyway, it is apparently enough of a reason to let Fascists steal the Arizona State government.

"Illegal immigration in Arizona is already increasing under the new fraudulently elected regime as Katie Hobbs leaves the border wide open."

"Fraudulently elected" of course meaning, in English, "Democrat who won the election."  Need I point out that it is not the job of governors to secure the borders?

"This is further exacerbating the already massive fentanyl crisis that is flowing primarily through Arizona from Mexico and China."

Arizona?  Bullshit.  Just like every single story that ever appears at Gateway Pundit, or, for that matter, any other site I cover for Wingnut Wrapup.


Now, on to Before it's News:

Holding his hands together there to hide the handcuffs?

"God's Touch - Hemorrhoids"

I swear on the Bible, that is the number two story there today.  Sorry, I didn't click on it to find out what it was about.

"Iraq is International IN COUNTRY-in other words Iraqis can use their Dinar internationally. Once the rate in the Budget is announced by the CBI after Parliament finishes approving the budgets for the next three years, and it goes to FOREX, then we can Exchange. Yahooo!"

What does that even mean?  Apparently, these people think that, after the imminent collapse of the banking system, the dollar is going to be replaced as the go-to currency by the Iraqi Dinar.  Buy that, wingnuts?  Great, go for it- convert all your money to Iraqi Dinars.


After our present financial system implodes and the banks go down, people of the World will be using the new Quantum Financial System Universal Digital Currencies to buy and sell things.  There are other digital currencies like Bitcoin, but we were told that the best digital currencies were xlm and xrp, which were backed by precious metals like silver and gold.  Right now you can purchase xlm or xrp digital currency through Crypto Wallet."

Well there you go.  See, in the end, like everything Conservatives come up with, it's nothing but an extortion racket to panic ordinary citizens into putting all their money into Ponzi schemes.

Situation Update, Mar 15, 2023:  "The Entire Western Financial System Will Self-Annihilate Under Woke Rule!"

They are actually wishing for this.  This is madness that is beyond fascism, all the way to apocalyptic hunger for the destruction of civilization.

"Major Derek Johnson Intel Update March 15! Trump: "We Have it All! Hang 'Em High!" Public Executions Slated?! War Powers Act Initiated!  The ONLY question that now remains is “Will it be televised on public TV or will there be ‘PAY-PER-VIEW’ events?!?! Little did the masses know that the ‘MILITARY WAR POWERS ACT’ has been Initiated! and the PATRIOTS ARE IN FULL CONTROL! So MUCH has been going on behind the scenes in this SCRIPTED MOVIE that we are now watching on the BIG SCREEN of Life, so BUCKLE UP and get ready for a WILD RIDE in this EPIC TAKEDOWN OF THE EVILDOERS! GOD BLESS AMERICA!"

This is from the "Uncensored Truth News Network."  Donald Trump is a wartime President, rather than a peacetime jerk!  Trump's administration "has kept us out of war for "decades and decades!"  There's rumors that Biden is going to send troops to Ukraine.  If Trump is Commander in Chief, shouldn't he be able to put a stop to that?  

"By our laws, Trump is still commander in chief, and look at all the people who answer to him."

What people?  Ex-General Flynn and Rudy?  And a few thousand suckers running around in the woods and cosplaying as Green Berets?  (Note: I know this is a massive insult to real cosplayers, something that you might have thought was impossible, but there you go.)

GCR NESARA/GESARA Update Mar14: QFS Incoming! Trump Arrives In DC! Something HUGE Is Happening! 'Fake Joe Biden' Arrested!"

Trump arrives in DC!  Just like Jesus arriving in Jerusalem, I guess.  Get ready, it must mean something!

"Dems Just Got Caught in Massive Banking Scandal! - Dr. Steve Turley...The stupid’ sheeple has voted for the ‘communist party remember that while your lives go to shit’ and you bow to the scumbags to kiss their ass’!!"

Do I need to even say that all of the above is a lie?   See, the banking scandal is all about Democrats, not Trump, who saw to it that there were no government regulations to stop Silicon Valley Bank's greedy managers from running it into the ground.

"Satan’s “5 Generals” The Top 5 Demons Infesting the U.S...These top five demons hierarchically directly beneath Satan are the ones carrying out the plan."

Well, you don't expect Satan himself to do the hard work, do you?  He's too busy eating babies with Hillary.  And I'll just leave you with this:

 "We knew things could escalate to this and here we are.. Let’s just say there’s a lot of pissed off people out there right now.

How long before they snap?"

Honey, the veterans you are talking about, I think they snapped a long time ago.  

And once again, I've had all I can take.  Believe me, this just scratches the surface, but as I said, this is not just a collection of delusions and lies; it is a very largely successful, massively financed campaign to make millions of Americans believe a world view that is absolutely contrary to reality in every respect.  The victims they win over are pliable tools in the hands of the Fascists who have been working within the Republican party to destroy our government, for decades now. 



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