Too Late, Really

 Kick the crooked bastard out.  After letting him make a mockery of the Supreme Court for thirty years, and participating in endless corrupt Republican court decisions.  I.e. allow him to complete his entire criminal career, and then when he is just about dead, decide to do something about it.  Oh yeah, that'll do the trick.  Then, things will be just fine. 

I am, sorry to say, old enough to remember when Clarence Thomas was put on the Supreme Court.  We all knew he was a corrupt party tool at the time, but Republicans correctly calculated that Democrats were too gutless to vote against a black man, however abominable, so there he is.  Along, may I note, with Beer Belly Brett, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and that Christian lady, who we all knew perfectly well were corrupt tools of the rich, but with whom, one after the other, the Democratic party could not be bothered to put up enough of a fight to deny them the opportunity to destroy our country.  I repeat: we all knew this since their confirmation hearings, but nobody cared enough to stop them and the crooks who nominated them.

In the meantime, Democrats are having to use every bit of energy they have, just to get a moderate liberal with an impeccable record approved to sit on the Court.

There is a point where weakness passes over into collaboration.  If Democrats had blocked a couple of these bastards, we might not now have a Supreme Court that is fine with dictatorship and rule of the rich. We might not have a Supreme Court that is about to abandon its pretend concern for the original intent of our founders, and go on a binge of approving an endless list of hateful, piggish demands from ignorant right wingers, if it will keep them voting for whatever billionaires want. Too late for that, and the prospect that the Democratic party is going to wake up from its decades-long nap on the public dime is pretty damned remote.  Handmaid's tale, here we come.


Kwark said…
For most of my adult life the Democrats have operated as the paid "loyal opposition" even when they could count on solid majorities in Congress (I'm that old). Having pretty much the same corporate paymasters as the Republicans MIGHT have something to do with that.
I fear I will leave my kids and grandchildren with a corrupt craphole of a country.

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