Things That Don't Mean A God Damn Thing, All of a Sudden

 1.  CPAC, which currently seems like the whiniest adult tantrum since Trump lost the election.

2.  The truckers' convoy.  Speaking of whining, driving a big fat truck all the way across the country to complain about largely non-existent mask regulations seems colossally pathetic in light of what is going on in Ukraine today, at the hands of a guy that a lot of these assholes support.

Bad timing, guys.  Good timing might have been in Germany around 1937, but even that didn't work out so well, did it?

And yet, nothing is going to stop these phenomenal jerks from continuing to support the destruction of popular rule in this country.  They'd vote for Putin in November if he had a (R) after his name.


Green Eagle said…
I've reported on enough right wing marches on Washington that were going to get 2 million protesters, and instead got 200, that I am never surprised at the failure of their jackass behavior. Sad to say, these things give right wing media a chance to trumpet their supposed mighty strength for weeks, and are just ignored when they inevitably fail. I remember first noticing this during the Terry Schiavo nonsense- I looked at literally hundreds of pictures of the people demonstrating against the government, and never saw a single one that showed more than a few dozen protesters. Yet it was portrayed for years as the voice of the American people. This is their routine practice, and here they are doing it again- getting together a couple hundred jerks, usually financed by the same predictable sociopathic billionaires, and then claiming that it represents the whole country, while things like the Women's Marches, that turn out hundreds of thousands of people in many cities around the country, are totally ignored.

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