
He's running for President, and he can't even mention his last name.  You've got to love it.


Infidel753 said…
He can't even mention his first name. JEB is his initials. His real name is John Ellis Bush. Far too aristocratic-sounding. If he's the nominee, though, we should use it at every opportunity, especially after how often they've used President Obama's full name to emphasize the "Hussein" part.
Jerry Critter said…
Let's see. If I am not mistaken, the first Bush had one war. The second Bush had two wars. Does that mean that the third Bush will have three wars?

Bush -- the war family! We kill your kids.
Poll P. said…
Professor Chaos said…
The exclamation point, though! Ugh, amateur hour. Looks like a discount store logo., not a presidential campaign.
Frank said…
Professor Chaos, I'm sad to say that the very bullseye of his demographic target is those who shop at discount stores. The Republicans know well who they are wooing and how to do it.
Green Eagle said…
Frank, it's funny but I agree and disagree with you. The Republican party has certainly shown massive cunning and a willingness to go for the jugular in any political race, but they have also repeatedly engaged in acts of massive stupidity- a good example, Romney's 47% remark, which (though no one could see it at the time) undid all the work of all the political operatives, and set Romney on a skid from which he never recovered. McCain's choice of Sarah Palin to run with him was a similar fatal mistake. In fact, if there is one thing I believe you can count on, it is that the Republicans will manage to make one colossal mistake about every two months. In recent years, these have largely undone whatever progress they have made. So, it's sort of Jekyll and Hyde; or maybe Hyde and dumb Hyde, fighting it out for control. I guess we will just have to wait a while to see who wins, although the Republican bench is so pathetic this time, that it's hard to imagine the brilliant political moves outweighing the stupidity.
Poll P. said…
More Denny Hastert, please!
Shaw Kenawe said…
Now they have The Donald who wants to run the country like he runs his businesses, bankruptcies and all.

And one of the first things out of his purdy mouth was this: "When did we ever beat Japan at anything?"

Green Eagle said…
Shaw, I didn't hear that remark, but it has to stand as one of the great political utterances of American history.
Magpie said…
Trump meant that Japan sells a lot of cars to America but America doesn’t sell many cars back, though he then said that no-one in Japan drives a Chevrolet which is not strictly speaking true.

But the good news is that when President Trump gets done Japanese people will be driving Chevrolets and enjoying American engineering and the Japanese auto industry will collapse.

Which will create millions of Japanese unemployed, so those Chevys better be cheap…

They’ll have to be made right-hand drive too.

But anyhoo… How is America going to make them cheap?
Maybe make them in China? Heaven knows American workers are overpaid and should give their jobs away to people more deserving.
Magpie said…
But I'm more excited about the great wall of Mexico that he is going to build to keep Mexicans out of decent American taco stands, which wall he will make Mexico pay for.

With drug money one assumes.

Got to keep the Mexicans down, like the good ole boys did so successfully at the Alamo.
Mexico is a real threat.
They were behind 9/11 and Islamic State is based there - everyone knows that.

Jesus can stay home and mow his own lawn.
God, Salma Hayek in From Dusk to Dawn was the ugliest thing I have seen since Jack Nicholson scratching his balls.
Magpie said…
President-in-waiting Trump claims to know a quick method to defeat the Islamic State but doesn’t want to say what it is in case it gets stolen.

If it was stolen it would mean Islamic State would be defeated in quick order and we’d have peace in Iraq (And Mexico!) And Iraqis might misuse their peace and prosperity by buying Toyotas.

But probably Trumps greatest blow for modernity was when he said “I am being proven right about massive vaccinations—the doctors lied.”

Vaccinations are bad. Polio is good.
And the doctors lied . ALL of them.
Green Eagle said…
Hey, maybe we could get the Mexicans to pay for a new Chevrolet for everybody in the U.S. so we wouldn't need jobs. While they are at it they should buy a new Chevrolet for everybody in Japan too, so they could see the superiority of American technology.
Jerry Critter said…
Trump will build a 12 ft wall and confiscate all 13 ft ladders worldwide.

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