Trump Got His Ear Cut

 And who gives a flying fuck?

I mean, of course I am speaking for myself- Trump will never experience the misery he deserves because of his lifelong subhuman behavior.  No, I am just saying this:  I have a feeling that the American people are just about fed up with this asshole's antics.  I don't think anything he does or that happens to him can really increase the number of fools who still think he is a decent human being.  

In fact, I am predicting that this latest idiocy (and who knows how real it was, anyway?) will just drain away a few more drops of the remaining patience that Americans have with his clown show.  I think people have had it with the nonsense and the stress he imposes on us all.  Let's see what kind of circus he mounts at the Republican convention.  I suspect that all the free chances he is going to get to expose himself in public will actually, in the long run, diminish him.  Get yourself shot in the ear, get yourself stabbed or beaten, rave like a lunatic about Hannibal Lecter and sharks and batteries, threaten, lie, do whatever you want, Donald.  I have only my own feelings about this, really, to go by, but I think you have pretty much reached your sell-by date, and from here on out, every time you get in front of a camera, even for something that might vastly increase normal people's sympathy for you, you are just walking one step further out on a plank of your own making.


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