The Press Is About to Have an Epiphany

Get ready for the mainstream press' come to Jesus moment!  Any day now, they are all going to suddenly realize how grossly unfair it was to harp endlessly on one candidate's age and supposed infirmity, driving him out of the Presidential race, while utterly ignoring the fact that the other candidate is clearly a psychotic lunatic.  Well, they can't let themselves make that mistake again, can they, so for the rest of the Presidential campaign, it will be totally out of line to mention or speculate on either candidate's age.  There, that's fair, right?  That's the way to make up for their recent dereliction.  From now to November, it will be right out of line to mention Trump's age or clear mental defects.  That's the way to make up for the ten thousand lying stories about Biden that they used to destroy him.  Fair's fair, right?


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