My Brief Comment About Bowe Bergdahl

I really can't be bothered to get too much into this sickening episode in American history, but I do have something to say (surprise).  As you may have discovered, I have followed the right in this country for about four decades now, but in all that time, I have never seen the Republicans act as utterly shamelessly as they are right now.  The unanimity with which they immediately attacked Obama for something that he should have been praised for, the hypocrisy involved in people, like John McCain, who were demanding a few months ago that Obama do more to free Bergdahl, to instantly turn on a dime and attack him for doing what they wanted, the demands from every quarter that he should be impeached for rescuing an American soldier, and the utter disregard they have shown for even the barest pretense of decency are breathtaking.  Add to this the baseless smearing of an American soldier by people who constantly blabber about how much they care about the troops.  And let us not forget the press, particularly the scum at CNN, who have jumped on the bandwagon with nonstop coverage that treats the Republicans' disloyal display as having any real motivation at all other than short term political advantage; pretending that there is a single Republican on the face of the earth that gives a damn about this, other than as a chance to beat Obama up with more smears.

This bodes really badly for what the coming 2014 Congressional and 2016 Presidential elections hold in store for us.  Yes, the Democrats managed to hold off the tidal wave of Republican money in 2012, but remember the story of John Henry.  He managed to beat the machine once, but it destroyed him doing it.  In the long run we will never be able to match the effect of the billions of dollars of corporate spending unleashed by five corrupt Supreme Court justices; I fear it's only a matter of time before they roll over all of us.  Hatred and lies have a great appeal out there in the heartland- a bigger appeal, apparently, than the chance to live a decent life and leave a livable world for your children.  America, Hooah!


Grung_e_Gene said…
The Plutocracy have their Republican attack dogs and unthinking conservative drones and money.

So, they slowly inch by inch look to undo Progressive Gains. They attack on all fronts all the time. Relentlessly.

Every issue is a chance to advance the cause of the 1%; which is, the destruction of the Democratic Republic the instution of unbreakable Wage Slavery in the Neo-Feudalist State which shackles the 99% in chains of Corporate Bondage.
Anonymous said…
The proof and strategy of how we built a great middle class and an abundant society is clear. What is not so clear is why Republicans call that strategy anti American. Even during those times of great growth Republicans were screaming the government was run by Communists, which the people finally rejected, understanding they were hate filled demagogues. McCarthyism is alive and well, but this generation can't spot it, or won't reject it. Sad.
Unknown said…
Therein lies the problem with the partisanship dividing the US today.

Rather than making their own discoveries, coming to their own understandings, the pundits and their followers blindly follow whatever the party line says to follow.
Anonymous said…
He was possibly ,but most likely collaborating with the Tolly Bon,so if he was what should happen to him?
Green Eagle said…
Three comments I totally agree with, and a question at the end. What should we do with Bergdahl if he collaborated with the Taliban? First, this issue is independent of the question of whether we should have rescued him, which it was our obligation to do if we could, despite Republican smears and lies now. Second, we do not really know anything about what really happened to him in those five years. If he behaved wrongly, he should be responsible for what he did; but he should not be tried by a howling Republican mob that is oblivious to the facts, as he is now.
KanaW said…
GE, As far as I'm concerned, I believe we should do nothing (we as in the general public). He is military, and it is up to the military to investigate, and if required, court martial, and if convicted, punish.
Paul Avery said…
He seems, at this point, that the only fact available is that he abandoned his post. If so, he should be allowed defend himself in a military court, not be tried and convicted by the rabid right-wing lynch mob screaming for blood.
I'll be looking forward to his court martial right after the trial of George W. Bush for the murder of 4300 Americans, whichis also a fact.

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