The Lies On Which They Build Their Empire

I thought that it would be interesting to illustrate the sort of thing I have to wade through to find nuggets for Wingnut Wrapup.  This is not just to make you feel sorry for me, but to demonstrate just how dense the network of lies spread by the right wing really is.  For this purpose, I have chosen a post by Laurie Roth, the self-styled "Annie Oakley of the Airwaves," at the ever- dependable Renew America.  What follows is virtually the entire post, minus the introduction, with no words omitted, but reformatted to count the lies.  So, here we go:

"1.  What is Obama's dream? Transform the U.S. to what?  Obama doesn't have a dream to destroy America and make her disappear, but rather to enslave, control, and manipulate the people and all our assets.  
2. All those who resist his agenda will be destroyed.  
3. His stated views written and spoken for his whole "fake out" career have been to be the leader of an international movement and control the entire world with international laws. 
4. Step one is to seize and redistribute all wealth, 
5.  make America a mass of amorality,  
6. and crush real morality inspired by the God of the Holy Bible.  
7. Obama is a radical Communist 
8. /Islamist  
9. and has always hated what the real America represents.  
10. Christians, conservatives, and patriots must go,  
11. so must her spirit and real history of greatness. 
12. Obama intends to make this transformation happen through clear and thought-out methodology.  
13. He has never just had a dream or philosophy he operates from, but detailed plans
14. and international Islamic support.  
15. He has always mysteriously had billions of dollars in backing.  
16. It is most clear that Obama, from birth, was the chosen destroyer of America.  
17. Believe what you want, but the large sea of facts support this,  
18. from the massive millions spent to hide all Obama's documents –  
19. falsifying his birth records,  
20. use of false social security cards,  
21. and hiding college records. Think about it a second. Have you ever heard of any U.S. president ever  
22. spending millions to hide every detail of his life from the people? 
23. We see Obama organizing and enforcing a tectonic shift through the Islamic lead caliphate,  
24. with the goal of controlling the entire world one day.  
25. We have watched Obama side with Islamic dictator after dictator – exposing again and again his real faith in Allah and Muhammad, not the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ.  
26. Think of the endless amount of corrupt and criminal dictators and terrorist groups he has boldly backed – Zelaya, Morsi, giving aid, and comfort to the Taliban,  
27. employing Muslim Brotherhood members through out his staff on and on it goes.  
28. He always sides against the Christians and Jews and for Islamic radicals. 
29. Scandals of destruction and corruption collect around Obama like snowflakes in a snowstorm.  
30. Now, we get to wade through his complete violation and betrayal of our vets with the Veterans Administration horror show  
31. and his illegal exchange of five top ranking Taliban commanders  
32. for a known Islamic radical and deserter.  
33. Naturally, Obama committed another crime by bypassing Congress and not giving them 30 days to respond. Now, we shall see if Congress has already been bought and paid for or will stand for the law and the people. 
34.  This latest crime of Obama is serious enough that if Congress will act, Obama could be facing huge prison time.   
So, what is it to be, people...tyranny and control or freedom and achievement?  
35.Obama has already decided, but what will Congress, the 2014 and 2016 elections, and the people decide?"

Thirty five lies in one post- every single one of them without a shred of evidence, or even minimal credibility.  And yet these thirty five lies are repeated over and over again by right wingers all over the country, with utter lack of concern that they are all (as most right wingers must know inside) completely false.  They all add up to a narrative described briefly by Andrew Sullivan, after watching Fox News for an evening:

"Here’s the gist: the president is a lawless dictator, abetting America’s Islamist foes around the world, releasing Taliban prisoners to aid in his own jihad on America, fomenting a new caliphate in Iraq, and encouraging children to rush the Mexican border to up his vote-count, while effectively leaving those borders open to achieve his “fundamental transformation of America.”

And how could it be possible to write anything short of a textbook disproving this barrage of falsehoods?  We would spend our lives rebutting claims that everyone knows to be totally false, destroying any hope we might have of dealing with real issues.  And make no mistake about it- the people who are paid to churn this stuff out day after day know perfectly well that they are nothing but paid liars, but they just don't care.  And the people who buy these smears and distortions are too lazy, too filled with hatred and rage by the purveyors of this garbage, and in most cases, too stupid and ignorant to know the difference.   So, the country slides down the slope into disaster, while we stand helpless and watch.


Poll P. said…
We're not helpless. Every push-back we support has some value. Sure are scary times, though. At least we're not in the middle of the French Revolution, or anything (yet).
Infidel753 said…
Lies? This has nothing to do with the actual Obama at all. It's more like a preliminary character sketch of Ming the Merciless.

Just as they've built up the heroic model of Ronald Reagan which has little to do with Reagan's actual Presidency, they're fighting an evil supervillain they've created in their own heads.
Green Eagle said…
As I've said before, it certainly has nothing to do with Obama. It is all about trying to erase the shame of the true worst President in history, their guy Bush, by crafting this preposterous narrative in which Obama is worse. It's interesting that, in order to accomplish that feat, they virtually have to identify Obama with Satan.
Anonymous said…
The scary thing is tens of millions of Americans buy into this shit.
Anonymous said…
I watched "Annie get your gun" the movie last night. It's based on life events of the real Annie Oakley. If you want a classic case study of how misogynistic Hollywood was in the nineteen fifties I'd suggest watching it. I was stunned. This has nothing (and everything) to do with your post but it's been on my mind since then and I wanted to share.
Shaw Kenawe said…
Back in the day, people who published this sort of paranoia were put in padded cells with their arms tied behind their backs so they couldn't hurt themselves or others.

Today these people have websites and followers who lap up their paranoia with the gusto of vultures eating carrion.

I suppose these nutcakes need outlets in which to publish their frenzied suspicions, otherwise they'd all be sticking forks in their eyes.

Anonymous said…
Many who don't buy into the 35 Points Of Garbage still have a visceral dislike of Obama created by the relentless barrage from right wing...and mainstream (Sunday morning) All for no good reason, of course, but the feelings of dislike and mistrust are real.
K55f said…
I tell my rightwing Obama-deranged friends and acquaintances to hate Obama for the evil things that he actually has done, not the made-up BS that Fox "news" broadcasts.
Whistleblower persecutions
Ignoring war crimes
Putting the criminals that broke our economy in charge of finishing the job.
Warrentless spying on EVERYONE.
Eric (Tio Tom) Holder.
and many more. He has been a disappointment to progressive liberals for sure.
Green Eagle said…

I sympathize with you, and hold Obama at fault for the many opportunities that he missed- particularly demonstrating to the world that we are a nation of laws by seeing to it that the war criminals Bush and Cheney spend the rest of their miserable lives in prison, but don't forget that he did some important good things too. If you haven't read this recent column by Paul Krugman, give it a try:
Anonymous said…
There are plenty of reasons to disagree with Obama, but not the reasons the nut jobs keep citing (birthers, calling him Marxist, Communist, the racist crap, the Muslim lie, the he wants to destroy America crap, etc., etc.).

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