Another Brief Comment About Eric Cantor

Listen, it's obvious at this point that the Republicans are going to play this teabagger/secessionist/race hater thing out.  Like they say about drunks, there is no turning them around until they hit bottom.  They've let the genie out of the bottle, and there is no way to get them to put it back in.  Well, let the wackos have their way with the Republican party as fast as possible, and let's get it over with, so we can get back to a rational government. I don't see how anything else can get us past this nonsense.


Jerry Critter said…
The good side of it is thatnt makes it easier for Democrats to win -- easier but ...there is a lot of wackos out there.
Anonymous said…
I hope this "surprise" shows the pollsters are wrong. The pollsters still show Republican wins this Fall.
Infidel753 said…
Anon: Of so, that will embolden the teabaggers further and set them up for an even bigger fall in 2016, when there will be a higher turnout and most of the Republicans' structural advantages this year (such as most contested Senate seats being Democratic) won't apply.
Anonymous said…
yeah he sounds like a whacko
Anonymous said…
yeah the rational government allowing thousands of illegal immigrant children with diseases being dumped at the border and a world where violence has increased even though the president last week claimed the world is less violent.
Yeah he needs to get back to "His" Government as he calls it.
Green Eagle said…
Sure, Anonymous, the danger from giving shelter to homeless children, some of whom may be sick, is just the same as the danger that comes from allowing our previous leaders to totally destroy whatever shred of stability existed in one of the largest oil-producing countries on earth.

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