
Showing posts from July, 2024

THE Issue in 2024

For months, I thought it would be abortion and what the Republican abortion bans promised for our future under Republican government.  An issue that we cannot forget, but not the key to this election. Then, I thought it would be the overriding struggle between American democracy, as flawed as it is, and straight out fascism.  This also is a very real issue that cannot be forgotten for a minute between now and November. But I now sense an issue that is likely to be bigger and more immediate to vast numbers of American voters:  happiness. Do you want to go on for another four years, waking every day in fear of what Republican greed and hatred are going to spawn in this country, or do you want some degree of happiness in knowing that you have a government that is at least trying to do the best it can for you?  Misery or happiness, that is the voters' true choice this November.  Four years of relative peace or four more years dominated by the ugly cravings and psychological deformities

Just Wondering about that "Bullet"

Here's a photo from the AP of Donald Trump that was taken today, July 27, 2024.  Just to be clear, I saved this photo, took it into Photoshop and ran one iteration of the unsharp mask filter on it. Look at the picture for yourself.  Do you see any damage whatsoever to his ear, let alone the sort of damage that would result from contact with a bullet from a high velocity assault rifle?  I don't want to sound like a conspiracy loon here, but come on...where is there a sign of the slightest damage whatsoever? Something is really wrong here.

The Press Is About to Have an Epiphany

Get ready for the mainstream press' come to Jesus moment!  Any day now, they are all going to suddenly realize how grossly unfair it was to harp endlessly on one candidate's age and supposed infirmity, driving him out of the Presidential race, while utterly ignoring the fact that the other candidate is clearly a psychotic lunatic.  Well, they can't let themselves make that mistake again, can they, so for the rest of the Presidential campaign, it will be totally out of line to mention or speculate on either candidate's age.  There, that's fair, right?  That's the way to make up for their recent dereliction.  From now to November, it will be right out of line to mention Trump's age or clear mental defects.  That's the way to make up for the ten thousand lying stories about Biden that they used to destroy him.  Fair's fair, right?

What the Hell is Up With Adam Schiff?

Before making my comment, let me be clear:  I live in Adam Schiff's district.  I worked on his first Congressional campaign, and have always supported him.  There is not a single person in the House who was as forthright in the attempt to stop Donald Trump's rogue Presidency, and nobody who was as brave in standing up to the inevitable Republican attacks and smears.  I really like Katie Porter, but in the end, there was nobody who deserves the chance to move up to the Senate the way he does.  So why has he now seemingly stabbed the party in the back by apparently demanding that Joe Biden, the most successful President since FDR, drop out of the Presidential race, with no known person who could replace him and have a chance of winning the election? Well, I have two reasons.  Take your pick, or come up with another one if you can. First of all, Adam Schiff, like Chuck Schumer, represents one of the two main financial centers of the United States.  Both cities are chock full of bi

A Comment on Trump's Shooting Rally

 Here is something important that I think has been lost in all of the talk about the (very likely staged) supposed shooting at Donald Trump at his Pennsylvania rally the other day. Before Making my remarks, I want to dwell briefly on why I believe I am qualified to say what I have to claim here.  I have two qualifications:  First and least of all, I have been counting crowds at demonstrations and rallies since the Vietnam protest days, when I learned that you could not trust mainstream media accounts of the number of attendees.  Second, and more important, is my 38 year career in film and TV production.  Why this is important, I will make clear below. Anyway, here, courtesy of the BBC, is an aerial photo of the rally site: And here is a rough plan (not to scale) of what you see above: Over the course of my film career, I have had to create the appearance of large crowds in the background of the principal action, say at a baseball game or other large event.  Of course, it's always a

Trump Got His Ear Cut

 And who gives a flying fuck? I mean, of course I am speaking for myself- Trump will never experience the misery he deserves because of his lifelong subhuman behavior.  No, I am just saying this:  I have a feeling that the American people are just about fed up with this asshole's antics.  I don't think anything he does or that happens to him can really increase the number of fools who still think he is a decent human being.   In fact, I am predicting that this latest idiocy (and who knows how real it was, anyway?) will just drain away a few more drops of the remaining patience that Americans have with his clown show.  I think people have had it with the nonsense and the stress he imposes on us all.  Let's see what kind of circus he mounts at the Republican convention.  I suspect that all the free chances he is going to get to expose himself in public will actually, in the long run, diminish him.  Get yourself shot in the ear, get yourself stabbed or beaten, rave like a luna

Sure, Kamala Could Win. Sure.

 Here's a very brief post aimed at those fools that think that if Joe Biden is forced out of the Presidential race (yeah, they are still out there howling out their demands for capitulation,) Kamala Harris would be able to run an issue oriented campaign and beat Trump.  My following of right wing sites is much restricted these days, but here is an item I found on a wingnut website yesterday (no link, for obvious reasons.) "Thurs. 11 July 2024 Journalist Tucker Carlson has released multiple videos showing footage of US Vice President Kamala Harris working as a prostitute." I haven't found any of these alleged videos (of course they do not exist, because Kamala Harris is not a prostitute,) but this is the level of campaign they would run against her if she were the Democratic nominee.  So, give up the idiotic idea that any Democrat who dares run against Trump is going to be free from obscenities like this, and will be able to focus on the issues.  Remember Hillary eatin

What The Hell Is The Matter With Democrats?

Have their memories all been erased?  Listen, don't you guys remember "but her e-mails?"  Don't you remember Benghazi? Don't you remember the Obama birth certificate?  Don't you remember the Swift Boat lies?  Don't you remember how Al Gore supposedly claimed to have invented the internet?  Don't you remember Jimmy Carter and the Republican Iran Hostage Rescue sabotage?     Every single Democratic Presidential candidate comes up against monstrous lies like this, spread over and over again by sociopathic Republican billionaires, and here we go again, with the current hateful campaign of lies about Biden's health.  When will people like the miserable John Warner and even the likes of Paul Krugman stop falling for the inevitable campaign of malignant lies directed toward every Democrat? Now we see cowardly so-called Democrats stabbing the greatest President since FDR in the back, as the result of a two-week propaganda campaign by the same Republicans t

Give Up on Joe and Lose

 I have spent decades depressed by the gutlessness of Democrats, but I am still stunned by the readiness of so many supposed liberals to turn their backs on Biden's incredible record as President and throw him to the wolves over a supposed bad debate performance, which means absolutely nothing.  Can Democrats really be stupid enough to believe that if Joe can be driven out of the race, Republicans will treat the next Democratic nominee with total fairness and run a campaign based on the issues?  Can there be a Democrat idiotic enough to think that the Republicans are not prepared to go to work on day one with the same pile of lies and smears against any possible Democratic nominee?   I want to remind people of what happened in the 2016 election, when Republican dirty tricks and collusion with Russia cost Hillary the White House.  Here is an image I compiled at that time of the covers of tabloids from the 2016 election, showing the kind of treatment Hillary received.  And remember,

My Brief Statement on Joe

 And then I am done with the subject. Biden's performance at the debate the other night was a massive failure, and utterly unacceptable given the stakes involved.  That does not mean that it is an excuse to turn the country over to a pack of corrupt, utterly lawless fascists, however.  Biden could have gotten down on his hands and knees and barked until he foamed at the mouth, and it still would not, for some reason, make me want to turn the country over to Nazis. Apparently some people disagree with me.  I mean, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN and others like that.  Well, I'll stick to the notion that the fifty million dead that resulted from the world's last flirting with fascism is still enough evidence that repeating the experiment would be a bad idea.