Rehearsal for the American Gestapo

The original Gestapo

You've all heard the news from Portland by now.  But once again, Trump is relying on people's inability to face what is really happening, and dismissing this as just one more stunt to enrage his base.

From the Washington Post:

"When several men in green military fatigues and generic “police” patches sprang out of an unmarked gray minivan in front of Mark Pettibone in the early hours of Wednesday morning, his first instinct was to run. 

He did not know whether the men were police or far-right extremists, who frequently don militarylike outfits and harass left-leaning protesters in Portland, Ore. The 29-year-old resident said he made it about a half-block before he realized there would be no escape. 

Then, he sank to his knees, hands in the air. 

“I was terrified,” Pettibone told The Washington Post. “It seemed like it was out of a horror/sci-fi, like a Philip K. Dick novel. It was like being preyed upon.” 

He was detained and searched. One man asked him if he had any weapons; he did not. They drove him to the federal courthouse and placed him in a holding cell. Two officers eventually returned to read his Miranda rights and ask if he would waive those rights to answer a few questions; he did not.   

And almost as suddenly as they had grabbed him off the street, the men let him go.
Pettibone said he still does not know who arrested him or whether what happened to him legally qualifies as an arrest."

“Arrests require probable cause that a federal crime had been committed, that is, specific information indicating that the person likely committed a federal offense, or a fair probability that the person committed a federal offense,” Orin Kerr, a professor at University of California at Berkeley Law School, told The Post. “If the agents are grabbing people because they may have been involved in protests, that’s not probable cause.”

It's "not probable cause."  As if this behavior has anything at all to do with "cause."  It is in fact not arrests, but military rendition, i.e. kidnapping by armed men of unknown origin on the streets of an American city.  It is not law enforcement; it is open fascism absolutely indistinguishable from the behavior of Nazi Germany, with the exception that the Nazis were proud of who they were and always wore uniforms with appropriate insignia.

Note the reason that I call this a rehearsal:  The kidnapped victims were all let go within a short time.  This was a tryout to see if unknown armed men claiming to be from the government can actually seize peaceful citizens on the streets and get away with it, which at this point they seem to have accomplished.  Next time, or the time after that, their hostages will not be let go so quickly, and then soon enough they will not be let go at all; they will just disappear.

 Newest no-bid contractor to the Trump administration

And at this point, you are a fool if you think I am overstating the case.  As Donald Trump realizes how strongly he is being rejected by the American people, he needs to escalate the means he employs to stay in power, and out of jail.  Now, three months before election day, the escalation has already reached the use of tactics that are universally associated with the worst dictatorships.  And we haven't begun to approach the peak of Coronavirus deaths that is going to come before election day- at least one responsible source now sees a possibility of 800,000 deaths by the end of the year- nor have we seen the social and economic carnage that is inevitably going to result from Trump's forced reopening of the schools.  Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin continues to pay for the deaths of American soldiers, without a hint of a response from Trump, and the Federal government is doing absolutely nothing to deal with the racial tensions that have overwhelmed the country.

Can anyone imagine that Trump is going to make it to election day without a couple more grotesque failures to lead the country?  We know his reaction to that will be more hatred and more repression.  And having deployed the Gestapo already, where does he have to go but to concentration camps, mass murder and all the other trappings of Nazi society?

And a little more:  From Charlie Pierce, who is always worth listening to:

"...if we know one thing, if this president* and his administration* get away with this, it will only get worse. You’d have to be out of your mind—or comatose since the Fall of 2016—not to suspect that this could be a dry run for the kind of general urban mobilization at which the president* has been hinting since this summer's protests began."

Any news organization that doesn't run this story under something resembling the headline:  "President brings open fascism to the United State" is betraying its role.


gruaud said…
We've been letting them get away with it since Nixon was pardoned.

Someone has to finally disregard the political calculus and say enough.
Isaac said…
Why should any sane person vote to keep this human tragedy in office?

He promised a "beautiful wall' on the southern border and Mexico would pay for it. Mexico laughed and told him to go to hell.

He declared a "national emergency" and shut down the government and got nothing for it. He tried to steal the funds from the treasury for his stupid wall and got slapped down.

As far as he was concerned, Puerto Rico could just drown as he conducted feuds with PR leaders and went down there to hurl paper towels at desperate survivors.

He wanted to combat hurricanes by dropping nukes on him and floated the thoroughly loony idea of buying Greenland

He didn't care enough about covid-19 enough to mobilize federal forces to mount a defense and prevent a pandemic, and still doesn't care.

He has let his racist flag fly with his insulting response to extreme racial unrest and police reform.

He presided over the decline of our economy.

He wants to force schoolchildren to back to school in the middle of a deadly dangerous pandemic.

There are still immigrant families torn apart and their children still in cages.

He has yet to say one word about Russian bounties on US troops in Afghanistan.

And more...

And here I thought the Dark Ages ended centuries ago.

I honestly cannot think of one positive national level thing that has happened in this country since Obama.
Green Eagle said…
And yet, the army of sixty million baboons created by the Republican party have barely budged more than a point or two in response to this monstrosity.
Flying Junior said…
Apparently one of the arrows in the Sheriff of Rotting Hamburger's quiver is this notion of ballot harvesting that has been gaining traction since the 2018 California election where the late-counted ballots, particularly those who were picked up by democratic workers from people who hadn't bothered to mail them in in time broke heavily for democrats in after election day late counting.

Republicans are running with this story as it gets more embellished. No longer are these the ballots of the elderly and disabled. Apparently all 250,000 were filled out on behalf of undocumented aliens. I keep trying to tell republicans that the undocumented vote, if allowed would probably be a typical cross-section of liberal, conservative and moderate, but they refuse to believe me.

So today they are celebrating a Florida law, which I am guessing, disallows day of election drop-offs or something of that nature. There will be no California-style ballot harvesting in Florida crow the pundits.

So this is only one facet. The stage is set for the maniac, Trump to claim massive voter fraud even where it does not exist. Congressional democrats need to take this seriously and begin forging understandings with military leaders to form a contingency plan to remove a stubborn Trump from office.
Flying Junior said…
I'm sorry. It's not a new law. It's just that democrats have dropped their lawsuit in Neilson vs. DiSantis challenging Florida law which bans ballot harvesting, (a real thing,) and attempted to force Florida to accept late ballots after election day.

"Today’s victory is a win for Florida voters and a win for election integrity. Democrats’ assault on our elections process is not based on fact or reason, which is why they are dismissing every claim in their radical suit. The RNC will continue to step in and fight back against Democrat attempts to circumvent existing law and weaken our elections process.” – RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDanie

From my conservative blogger friend's newsletter, The Sentry Bugler

We shall not see California type ballot harvesting in Florida. Democrats drop their appeal. If you remember, ballot harvesting was used in California back in 2018. Democrats using undocumented immigrants, showed up after election day with 250,000 ballots and defeated six Republicans who had won. This was tried in Florida but the courts saw threw this.

Priorities USA, a progressive advocacy group, and other Democrat plaintiffs dismissed their claims in Nielsen v. DeSantis, a lawsuit challenging Florida’s ban on ballot harvesting which also aimed to force the state to count ballots that arrived after Election Day. The plaintiffs also dropped their claim that Florida needed to provide pre-paid postage on vote-by-mail ballots.

So you can see that the battle lines are being drawn across the country in anticipation of a disputed election.

I hope this doesn't fuck up my plans to get drunk on November 3rd.
Green Eagle said…

"Congressional democrats need to take this seriously"

Don't worry; they are on it. Nancy Pelosi today:

"The fact is, whether he knows it yet or not, he will be leaving. Just because he might not want to move out of the White House doesn't mean we won't have an inauguration ceremony to inaugurate a duly elected president of the United States...I say to the [briefers], this is never going to happen, God willing it never will. But there is a process. It has nothing to do with the certain occupant of the White House doesn't feel like moving and has to be fumigated out of there."

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