I Bet You Never Knew This

From one of the, uh, more strident websites I have found:

Yes, the Pope is a Jew.  And:

"Jew-appendage Francis made the announcement during his weekly Sunday blessing, has he ha signed a Jew pact with Jews to go to meet on having all Catholics become Jew-communists...The visit is so far his only foreign trip planned for 2014. The Pope will celebrate Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, with the ecumenical patriarch, Bartholomew, to keep Catholics "stupid" while he meets in secret with the rotten Jew, and can't wait to lick and suck Satan's wailing wall, where all Jews make pelvic motions as they pray, screwing Satan, and the human race"

You know how hard  Green Eagle tries to keep you up to date on news that others won't touch.  I hope you appreciate things like this.  Without Green Eagle, you would never know about the pelvic motions, let alone signing Jew pacts with Jews.


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