A Feature, Not a Bug

I have made this comment before.  Do not expect that, in the aftermath of Donald Trump being decisively convicted by a jury of sexual assault, his base is suddenly going to realize that this savage criminal traitor is just a little too disgusting to be our President.  In fact, this verdict is only going to increase his popularity among these barbarians, and here is why.

It has been obvious to anyone paying attention, since the 1980's at the latest, that the Republican party, in turning itself into the champions of white Americans only, was setting off a demographic time bomb that would eventually lead to them being a permanent minority with no ability to win elections except in the most unreconstructed racist parts of the country.

An answer to that might have been to attempt to build a coalition that drew more people in, while still maintaining the covert white favoritism which has been the party's main appeal since the time of Nixon's "southern strategy."  But no, screw that, somewhere around the time of Reagan, the party decided to bet everything on the white soon-to-be minority.  Well, eventually some Republican leaders realized that this was a path to oblivion.  However, rather than change their way, they doubled down on the racism, hatred, gerrymandering and electoral criminality that they thought could enable them to retain power even as a minority.  

Now, here is the thing:  However flawed our democracy is, it is still the central principal of this country's history, and virtually all Americans still have some sort of attachment to it.  Consequently, it will take a truly evil person to lead this land away from democracy into out and out autocratic dictatorship, and when I say evil, I mean that literally.

Democrats still cannot wrap their minds around the fact that, for Republicans, everything that supposedly made our country special- democracy, the Constitution, equal rights for all- means nothing if it costs them their domination over minorities in the United States.  Republicans know perfectly well what it will take to ensure their control: a man so evil that he is willing to destroy every remaining shred of decency our government has, for this purpose.  

So, the Republican Presidential race has devolved at this point into a contest between two men to see who can be the most debased, immoral, hate filled leader the world has seen since Hitler.  That is really what is going on in the Republican world.  They know it, and we had better accept it too.


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