Oops...Rick Santorum Speaks His Mind

When he said this a couple of days ago:

“I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.” 

Now, of course, Santorum is loudly proclaiming that he never said any such thing, and that he is such a friend to minorities.  You decide:

Your Republican party- working to make life better for all Americans.

And a Little More:

Here's National Review Online on the subject:

"The website... has video of the allegedly “racist” statement made by Santorum about black welfare recipients in Iowa. It is abundantly clear from that video that Santorum did not speak the word “black” in talking about welfare.  For it to be reported as a racially charged statement by Santorum — apparently originating with NPR — is libelous."

We have always been at war with Eurasia.


Jerry Critter said…
Doesn't Santorum know that every word is says is recorded somewhere?
Green Eagle said…
Apparently not- or maybe he just doesn't care. He knows he's not getting any votes from black people, so he might as well beat up on them to make himself more popular with the white pigs who are his natural constituency.

And don't forget, Republicans act the way they do on the very reasonable assumption that the "liberal" press is never going to hold them accountable for anything. If the press is basically going to ignore
Ron Paul's long history of espousing white supremacist ideas, why should they bother to notice a couple of racist sentences from Santorum?
Anonymous said…
And never forget his Goggle problem...
Anonymous said…
Or - GOOGLE problem... your choice.
Green Eagle said…
How about Giggle problem. It makes me giggle.
mastercynic said…
Grung_e_Gene said…
Actually when you listen to it and according to Sick Rantorum himself, he said "Bleauragh Peoples" not "Black Peoples".
Green Eagle said…

Oh now I understand. Isn't that somewhere in Scotland?
Jerry Critter said…
Actually you misspelled it slightly. The word is "bleurgh" and has several meanings.

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