
It Can't Happen Here

Trump has made his repeated promise to deport 20,000,000 minorities and foreigners a central feature of his campaign.  What does Trump intend to do with them?  History provides the key. And what history? The history of Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, when another great power, seeking a cheap way to victimize a large part of its population to benefit the majority race, also started a program of mass "deportation" of minorities, in order to provide its majority race with more land, more money, more of everything, at the expense of the others.  There was a word for this: lebensraum, or "living space,"  the notion that the majority race deserved what it craved so much that it justified any abuse of those considered to be lesser humans.   Hitler proposed to "deport" Jews, Gypsies, Slavs and eventually all other non "Aryan" residents of the Third Reich.  The Nazis soon discovered that deportation was impossible; it was too expensive for Germany, and oth

If a Tree Falls In the Woods

 And nobody hears it, is it really running for President at all? First of all, a note about my absence lately:  My wife got me to sign up for an account at Threads, which is sort of like X without the assholes.  I've spent a little time establishing myself there, and I have to say, I do like the relatively immediate exchange of views, but I don't mean to give up my blog- there are still so many things that can't be dealt with in a couple hundred words, so, perhaps to your dismay, I am back. So, what motivated the above question is the fact that the Sunday New York Times today had seven articles about Trump, and absolutely zero about Kamala Harris.   The Republicans have a problem with Harris, in that virtually everyone who sees her likes her and immediately understands how qualified she is to be President.  They have tried mightily the last month to find some way to smear her, but have been spectacularly unsuccessful- the tactics of character assassination that worked so we

Think This Is Just Happening?

 A look at the price of DJT stock in the last few trading days: A little to know about DJT, from Bloomberg: "The company lost $344 million in the first six months of the year, mainly because of paper losses on derivatives, and took in just $1.6 million in sales." That would certainly explain the long slide in value of DJT stock since it was in the $70's last spring, as the company is clearly worth less than nothing, but what happened today? I'm not a stock market expert, but I am confident in saying that this is not a normal phenomenon.  It is obvious to me that certain forces (read here: the Saudis) are determined to prevent this stock from totally collapsing before Trump can at least salvage a big payoff from what was never any more than a giant scam.  Again, from Bloomberg: "Trump, who owns about 60% of Trump Media, is expected to be able to start selling shares as soon as Sept. 20, when a lockup period barring insiders from selling shares is lifted." Exp

Crazy Like a Fox

Trump's behavior since Joe Biden withdrew from the Presidential race has certainly been, shall we say, erratic- a constant series of ever-escalating lunatic claims.  This has led many people to suggest that he is falling into deep senile dementia.  Now, I am the last person to claim that he is of sound mind; I believe him to be suffering from a very deep psychological disorder that could possibly justify being called psychosis.  I just think there is another explanation for his behavior the last couple of weeks. Here is what I think is happening:  Trump may be stupid and delusional, but he has always had a deep streak of cunning when it comes to promoting his own welfare.  Trump knows that, essentially, every single person that is going to vote in November has already made up their mind about him, for better or for worse.  No amount of jackass behavior on his part can, at this point, affect anyone but an utterly insignificant number of voters.  However, there are lots of potential

Miriam Adelson, National Hero

“Miriam, I watched (Sheldon Adelson, her late husband) sitting so proud in the White House when we gave Miriam the Presidential Medal of Freedom. That’s the highest award you can get as a civilian, it’s the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor, but civilian version. It’s actually much better, because everyone gets the Congressional Medal of Honor – that’s soldiers.   They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets, or they’re dead,” Trump said. “She gets it and she’s a healthy, beautiful woman, and they’re rated equal.” There have been plenty of comments about this statement, one of the most loathsome things ever said by an American President (most everything on that list came from Trump, but this is certainly at the bottom of all of them.)  The comments have almost entirely revolved around discussing the people who got the Congressional Medal of Honor, almost all at tremendous loss and suffering to themselves. Even Trump said, "because

Trump has a Press Conference

  So Donald Trump emerged from the Mar-a-Lago basement today to hold a press conference, after seemingly hiding for several days.  I actually managed to watch a fair amount of it, and I must say that my reaction to it was quite different than the comments I have seen online and from the press.  These people described the event as a rehashing of the same old lies, from a guy who seems rather diminished and dispirited. Well, fair enough, but I actually think this event was a significant success for Trump.  What I think others don't get is the reason that Trump held this event.  I think right now, nothing worries him and his advisors more than Kamala's efforts to turn his own "senile old grandpaw" argument against him, now that he is the old one in the race, and is obviously diminished from the Trump we remember in 2016 or even 2020.   So he came out and spoke for an hour, and seemed in control of himself and pretty much all there mentally, even if the content of his rem

Why It Couldn't Be Shapiro

 For some reason, I didn't feel like saying this before Kamala made her VP choice, but I am very happy that she did not go with Josh Shapiro.  And here is the reason:  because Shapiro is a Jew. Now, before you attack me for being some sort of anti-Semite, let me explain why I feel that way.  If Kamala had picked Shapiro, the entire Democratic ticket would have been made up of minorities.  Only one thing wrong with that: you know perfectly well that, from that moment on, the entire Republican campaign would consist of telling white Americans that the Democratic party only exists to benefit minorities, and that only the Republicans represent white people, who are still a sizable majority in this country.  And you know that the Republican party already was prepared with a campaign strategy based on this single issue, and the mainstream press, supine to Republicans as usual, would allow it to define the 2024 election. Sure, that is a racial line that the Republicans have been selling a