Wingnut Wrapup
I'm trying to slim down a little here, but I still have to have just a little:
Steve Buyer, Town Hall: "Health Care Reform Could Tax Veterans"
Oh God, is there no lie they won't tell, no group they won't exploit, to try to get their way? This wanker actually says, later in the article:
"Neither I nor the veterans’ service organizations have asserted that the proposed healthcare reform legislation would eliminate or directly change health care provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)."
Oh no. I never asserted that health care reform could tax veterans. I never said any such thing! I only suggested that it might happen! That's an entirely different thing.
And by the way, despite admitting that I have absolutely no evidence whatever that such a thing might happen, no one is going to stop me from trying to make other people believe it. So there.
Robert Knight, Town Hall: "Death Panels and Dining Room Tables"
What, now they're going to take away our dining room tables too? Oh well, I guess we won't need them that much, once we are dead.
Moe Lane, Red State: "I apologize in advance for the ugly and graphic nature of the image that will be available for viewing after the fold: I would prefer not to show it, but unfortunately somebody decided that it was suitable for distribution after the Reston, VA Town Hall"
Well, here's the cartoon. Actually, I thought it was kind of cute. By the way, I never heard Moe objecting to the hundreds of things like this that you can find in a two minute search online. I guess this sort of thing is just fine:
Little Pammy Geller, Atlas Shrugs: " It was a year ago today that Sarah Palin walked onto the national stage and raised us up. Those of us who were fed up with a limp GOP moving center left were thrilled with a principled conservative, a rugged individualist VP pick. It saved a McCain campaign on life support."
It saved the McCain campaign? Haven't been reading the newspapers much since last November 3rd, huh, Pammy? And by the way, thanks for reminding us about Sarah. We needed a laugh.
And more from Little Pammy: "UAE Seizes North Korean Weapons Shipment to Iran. Check out the axis of evil ............. imagine what Saddam would be up to had we not removed that killing and torture machine."
I just love this one. North Korea and Iran do something, and so that proves that we were right to invade some other country. Great logic there, Pammy.
What an idiot.
Gateway Pundit: "Sen. Enzi Delivers Weekly GOP Address: "The Dem's Health Bills Will Raid Medicare & Cut Hundreds of Billions of Dollars From Elderly"
I'm glad that you guys devoted your weekly address to more lies. You wouldn't want to be inconsistent, would you? And you have such a long tradition to uphold. Keep on working so hard on behalf of the American people.
Ken Connor, Renew America: "In the midst of the turmoil, America's seniors learned this week that, for the first time ever, they will not be receiving a cost-of-living adjustment to their monthly Social Security benefit."
This is a sample of a line that's all over the wingnut blogosphere. Of course, it's all Barack's fault, some how. Actually, the Bush administration did so much damage to the economy that the indexes on which Social Security are based went down last year, for the first time in the history of Social Security. They didn't bother to mention that.
Chuck Baldwin, Renew America: "A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a column questioning why it was necessary for our federal government to be constructing internment camps all over America.
Several readers dismissed the entire proposition on the basis that, apparently, the link I provided to a photo of one such camp that was reported in the Idaho Observer as a FEMA camp was actually constructed in another country. Which, if true, changes nothing, of course."
Of course not. It wasn't based on any real evidence to begin with, like all of your lunatic claims, so why would anything, no matter how humiliating, cause you to change your mind now?
Joseph Farah, World Net Daily: "What if Obama is ineligible?"
What if Santa is real? How about an article about that, Joseph?
Pat Boone, World Net Daily: "A deadly virus has been loosed throughout our system, and wherever it takes root, it changes the functions and the structure that gave us the grandest, strongest, freest system of government the world has ever known.
I call it liberalism. "
I call you stupid. Pat, I've told you to go to your room so many times. You are grounded, buster, and just wait until your father gets home.
Deroy Murdoch, National Review Online: "Time for Health-Care Tax Cuts!"
What a strange idea. A Republican suggests tax cuts. How unusual. And right in the middle, I bet, of screaming bloody murder about the deficit too.
Deroy, you're such a card.
Steve Buyer, Town Hall: "Health Care Reform Could Tax Veterans"
Oh God, is there no lie they won't tell, no group they won't exploit, to try to get their way? This wanker actually says, later in the article:
"Neither I nor the veterans’ service organizations have asserted that the proposed healthcare reform legislation would eliminate or directly change health care provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)."
Oh no. I never asserted that health care reform could tax veterans. I never said any such thing! I only suggested that it might happen! That's an entirely different thing.
And by the way, despite admitting that I have absolutely no evidence whatever that such a thing might happen, no one is going to stop me from trying to make other people believe it. So there.
Robert Knight, Town Hall: "Death Panels and Dining Room Tables"
What, now they're going to take away our dining room tables too? Oh well, I guess we won't need them that much, once we are dead.
Moe Lane, Red State: "I apologize in advance for the ugly and graphic nature of the image that will be available for viewing after the fold: I would prefer not to show it, but unfortunately somebody decided that it was suitable for distribution after the Reston, VA Town Hall"

Well, here's the cartoon. Actually, I thought it was kind of cute. By the way, I never heard Moe objecting to the hundreds of things like this that you can find in a two minute search online. I guess this sort of thing is just fine:

Little Pammy Geller, Atlas Shrugs: " It was a year ago today that Sarah Palin walked onto the national stage and raised us up. Those of us who were fed up with a limp GOP moving center left were thrilled with a principled conservative, a rugged individualist VP pick. It saved a McCain campaign on life support."
It saved the McCain campaign? Haven't been reading the newspapers much since last November 3rd, huh, Pammy? And by the way, thanks for reminding us about Sarah. We needed a laugh.
And more from Little Pammy: "UAE Seizes North Korean Weapons Shipment to Iran. Check out the axis of evil ............. imagine what Saddam would be up to had we not removed that killing and torture machine."
I just love this one. North Korea and Iran do something, and so that proves that we were right to invade some other country. Great logic there, Pammy.
What an idiot.
Gateway Pundit: "Sen. Enzi Delivers Weekly GOP Address: "The Dem's Health Bills Will Raid Medicare & Cut Hundreds of Billions of Dollars From Elderly"
I'm glad that you guys devoted your weekly address to more lies. You wouldn't want to be inconsistent, would you? And you have such a long tradition to uphold. Keep on working so hard on behalf of the American people.
Ken Connor, Renew America: "In the midst of the turmoil, America's seniors learned this week that, for the first time ever, they will not be receiving a cost-of-living adjustment to their monthly Social Security benefit."
This is a sample of a line that's all over the wingnut blogosphere. Of course, it's all Barack's fault, some how. Actually, the Bush administration did so much damage to the economy that the indexes on which Social Security are based went down last year, for the first time in the history of Social Security. They didn't bother to mention that.
Chuck Baldwin, Renew America: "A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a column questioning why it was necessary for our federal government to be constructing internment camps all over America.
Several readers dismissed the entire proposition on the basis that, apparently, the link I provided to a photo of one such camp that was reported in the Idaho Observer as a FEMA camp was actually constructed in another country. Which, if true, changes nothing, of course."
Of course not. It wasn't based on any real evidence to begin with, like all of your lunatic claims, so why would anything, no matter how humiliating, cause you to change your mind now?
Joseph Farah, World Net Daily: "What if Obama is ineligible?"
What if Santa is real? How about an article about that, Joseph?
Pat Boone, World Net Daily: "A deadly virus has been loosed throughout our system, and wherever it takes root, it changes the functions and the structure that gave us the grandest, strongest, freest system of government the world has ever known.
I call it liberalism. "
I call you stupid. Pat, I've told you to go to your room so many times. You are grounded, buster, and just wait until your father gets home.
Deroy Murdoch, National Review Online: "Time for Health-Care Tax Cuts!"
What a strange idea. A Republican suggests tax cuts. How unusual. And right in the middle, I bet, of screaming bloody murder about the deficit too.
Deroy, you're such a card.
yes, it would be. Hitler: National Socialist. Obama: Socialist. Their views are close enough to make the resemblance. The other photo, the one you'd probably say is what tea partiers and conservatives produce and carry, is sick. By the looks of it, it was most likely made by a lib dem, as no conservative would affiliate themselves with the KKK. Of course, when the Red State says it is disgusting and unacceptable, you brush it off and will wait for them to say anything negative about Obama, then claim they are racists.
"It saved the McCain campaign? Haven't been reading the newspapers much since last November 3rd, huh, Pammy"
If anything won the election for Obama, it was money, not Sarah Palin. Palin did considerably well after you look at the uncalled for curb-stomping the mainstream media gave her. Obama outspent McCain 3 to 1.
"and so that proves that we were right to invade some other country."
Ever look into the NK/Iraq trade documents compiled by the UN and other international weapon inspection organizations? Saddam bought far more dangerous things from NK than RPGs. Try 300 SAM-16A mount-type air-defense missiles and Nodong long-range missiles. I have links if you'd like to have an open mind.
"Actually, the Bush administration did so much damage to the economy "
I think you mean Democrats. They controlled congress, and it was their policies that brought us down.
"What if Santa is real? How about an article about that, Joseph?"
Because we already know that Santa is real, GE. At least, if you are a drunk college philosopher with liberal logic, then he is.
"A Republican suggests tax cuts. How unusual. And right in the middle, I bet, of screaming bloody murder about the deficit too."
I ask you again, GE:
Are you at all upset about the huge deficit Obama is accruing ($2 trillion higher than he first said, officially now. Stupid Friday press releases)