Right Wing Violence Escalates

Step by step.

"Police officers were called to calm down an unruly crowd outside a health care reform town hall meeting in downtown Tampa, Florida on Thursday evening, according to local news reports.

Angry protesters screamed, yelled and banged on windows as officers hurried to guard the entrances to the facility, where U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor was trying to discuss the various health care reform proposals being debated in Congress. One photojournalist said that a fistfight broke out inside the building, reports WTSP.

Many of the hundreds of protesters said that they had been inspired by a conservative activist group promoted by Fox News host Glenn Beck and some received emails from the county Republican party..."

We know where this sort of thing ends up.

Update: From Josh Marshall (You know where to find him:)

"there's a more general pattern -- escalating mayhem and near-riot behavior from teabaggers escalating into physical confrontations."

Wheee- we're off to the races now.


Derek said…

Nothing like sorting who opposes you then locking them out of a public meeting.

Gotta those liberal tactics.
Derek said…
Gotta love*

man facebook chat sucks. it even messes up other tabs.
Green Eagle said…
Kind of like Bush did during his entire term in office, huh? Invites to Bush appearances were distributed by Republican organizations only, and anyone who was expected of not being pro-Bush was ejected by the Secret Service and Republican "security," i.e. thugs. All protesters were kept out of visual range of Bush at all times so the press could never get pictures of them opposing him.

These people, on the other hand, come to the meetings with the intent of seeing that no Democrat even has a chance to present their health care plan, so the only source of information will be Republican lies, such as the stories about how Obama will kill old people, and that no one will be allowed to have private insurance.

It is the only chance the Republicans have to stop health care reform. It's not going to work, so I'm not worried about that. What does bother me is the likelihood that this will prove to be just a dry run for far worse in the future.

I know you don't agree with me, Derek. We'll just have to see what happens.
Derek said…

Ah, gotta love those SEIU activists attacking conservatives outside town hall meetings.

"Invites to Bush appearances were distributed by Republican organizations only, and anyone who was expected of not being pro-Bush was ejected by the Secret Service and Republican "security," i.e. thugs"

White House pres corps, and that is the same thing Obama is doing, as that is what most presidents do. Note how those are not public events like town hall meetings. So no, they are not the same. Bush's was just the same old tactic of making it seem like you have more support than you really do by controlling what information goes public, what the Dems are doing is an dampening free speech by segregating conservatives.

"with the intent of seeing that no Democrat even has a chance to present their health care plan, so the only source of information will be Republican lies, such as the stories about how Obama will kill old people, and that no one will be allowed to have private insurance."

Never been to a town hall meeting? Microphones are passed around and people, as well as the representative, are allowed to talk and discuss different measures. Lies? Not exactly. Under Obamacare, if the cost isn't relative to your possible prolonging of life, then sorry, no treatment. Apparently you have never heard of rationed healthcare. As for the private insurance, you will be allowed to have it so long as the government approves the plan. Should your plan not be approved, you will have to switch plans or opt for a goverment plan. Read the bill, it's in there.

And how the hell do you know what their intentions are? You say they are lying but everything I have heard from the town hall protestors has been true. Well thought out, backed up with the bill, and clear. Truth. In all reality, they just don't want this plan, as it expands government power, costs too much, and doesn't fix the problem.

"It is the only chance the Republicans have to stop health care reform"

You mean Americans. By my count, more than half of Americans don't want this plan, and there aren't anywhere close to that many republicans. Many dems don't want this either. Hey if it stops it and gets us a better plan, then why not?

"What does bother me is the likelihood that this will prove to be just a dry run for far worse in the future."

Riots, sucession, then civil war, right? Hey, if that is what the Dems want . . .

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