Republicans Raise the Obstruction Standard Again

Senator Chuck Grassley, Republican point man on health care reform:

“We ought to be focusing on getting 80 votes.”

A few weeks ago, when Republicans suddenly went from 60 votes to stop a filibuster, to saying that the Democrats ought not to pass a bill with less than seventy votes, I predicted that, before this was over, they would be claiming that it was illegitimate for the Democrats to pass any major legislation with less than eighty votes. Well, here we are.

Any non-idiot knows full well that Republicans are never going to vote for health care reform, no matter how much it might benefit the American people. Obama will be raising the dead before he gets more than two or three Republican senators to vote with him, and I will be stunned if he even gets that many. They will try anything, fair or foul, to get their way (of course, I really mean the insurance companies' way.) There is no chance to get a meaningful bill with any Republican cooperation. The choice is Democratic success or bipartisan failure. Harry Reid and Barack, take your pick.


Jean Valjean said…
I believe the right is resisting health care reform, partly to keep their campaign contributions flowing, but equally,to paint Obama and our elected majority as failures.

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