News From Israel that You Will Like

Having spent a good bit of time in Israel, I often read their newspaper Haaretz. Normally I'm after middle eastern news, but I have a special treat from them today. It seems that our great friend Orly Taitz is visiting there, and as you would expect, she can't keep her mouth shut:

"Taitz, who argues that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is building internment camps for "anti-Obama dissidents," said that on the road in the United States "people have shown me they want to have guns so they aren't rounded up into FEMA camps," a scenario which she says the Obama administration is planning.

Taitz's recent brush with fame and Google infamy (she says for a short period of time last month she and the birther movement placed in the top two of Google queries behind Obama himself) seem to have inspired her to campaign against a series of threats she feels are facing the United States, from FEMA-run interment camps for dissidents to Venezuela President Hugo Chavez's bulk investment in voting machines in Obama's home state, Illinois. Taitz sees as no coincidence in these events.

In a classic, Americana twist, the matriarch of the birthers has not ruled out her own stint in politics. "You know I never ran for office, but I would not exclude this as a possibility."

Just thought you'd like to know that her colossal humiliation over the Kenyan "birth certificate" hasn't slowed her down one bit. That's our little Orly.

And by the way, does every right wing lunatic in the country think they belong in some public office? Too bad she's foreign born. I'd love to see an Orly Taitz/Joe the Plumber presidential ticket. Wouldn't you? Well, maybe Secretary of Defense.

What a world, huh?


Poll P. said…
Wow, it's getting crowded at the lunatic feminine fringe for president camp.
Orly T.
Sarah P.
Michelle B.

Who's left....hmmm how about that homely has-been blonde narsty, Anne C.?
Green Eagle said…
Well, the Republicans have discovered such a concern for feminism these days.

By the way, don't forget Michelle Malkin- she can lie and smear with the best of them.

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