Wingnut Wrapup

It's just spectacular to watch the unbelievable self delusion that's necessary to maintain one's status as a conservative in good standing. Examples are all around us, and today is no exception:

Sher Zieve, Renew America: "Since the early days of man — let alone Washington D.C. — there has been corruption and evil-purposed people. But, the level and sheer extent of these that now exist in our nation's capitol is staggering"

Uh huh. Corruption beyond previous human experience. Beyond Mugabe. Beyond Idi Amin. Beyond Marcos and Peron. Beyond the Saudi kings. Beyond the fabled Farouk. Beyond the rulers of Mexico and Guatemala and El Salvador. Beyond the tyrants of ancient times.

No examples, of course, except the massive corruption involved in Democrats winning elections and then trying to pass the legislation that was the reason people voted for them. I guess not doing what Repubicans want is the most corrupt thing on earth.

Wes Vernon, Renew Amereica: "This past week, we have witnessed a brainwashing campaign worthy of Pravda from the old Soviet Union. The very ferocity of an Obamacare chorus could not have been more emphatic if it had been coordinated."

Evidence for that one? Well, Obama just won't stop campaigning for his bill, even though Republicans all around the country have told him over and over again to SHUT UP and GO HOME! And he keeps saying things that Republicans DON'T WANT TO HEAR! MY FINGERS ARE IN MY EARS! LA LA LA LA LA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU! YOU CAN'T BRAINWASH ME!

Selwyn Duke, Renew America: "For all intents and purposes, politically liberal blacks are by definition bigoted. This is true virtually to a man."

Oh God. I don't even want to touch that one. Selwyn, you are a pig.

Jamie Freeze, Renew America: "You know Communism has failed when you're out of toilet paper"

Okay, whatever.

Actually, I only brought up this article because I loved Jamie's account of her massive qualifications:

"Jamie Freeze received battlefield experience in the war of ideology while attending the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (aka UNC-Gomorrah). While earning a bachelor's degree in political science and history, she served as Vice President of the College Republicans and was the lone conservative opinion columnist for The Carolinian, UNCG's student newspaper. After surviving college without becoming a liberal, she graduated in 2009 and is currently working toward a law degree at Regent University."

Talk about the jokes writing themselves. Well, at least Jamie is preparing herself well for the future. In the next Bush administration.

James Farah, World Net Daily: "Let's talk about "national socialism" – because that, indeed, is exactly what Barack Obama and his friends in the Congress are actively promoting and enacting in America today. "

Here come the Nazis again. God, what will it take to make this guy go away? Speaking of which:

World Net Daily: "Obama's MySpace page: I'm 52 years old, not 48 Would place president's birth during time Hawaii was a territory"

But of course, he had the foresight to have his birth certificate post dated by four years, and waited until he was four to have the notices of his birth published in the Honolulu papers, just in case he ever ran for president. Actually, that's the kind of planning in advance that we need in a leader, don't you think?

Red State: "Health care is not a privilege, like driving a car or owning a certain kind of shoes. Health care is a right, like the right to leave and go elsewhere. But as no one need pick up a hitchhiker, no one need provide anyone else with medical care. The right to health care implies only that the government must not interfere with our attempts to care for ourselves and others. It does not mean that the government should provide care to anyone, except to prisoners of war and other wards of the State."

I think I've got it now: The right to health care is actually the right to not have anyone give you health care. That way, we can "care for ourselves," i.e. continue to be robbed blind by insurance companies for the rest of our lives. Thanks for that insight, Red State.

By the way, I think this is one of the most irrational statements I've ever read. And I see a lot of them every day.

Roger Kimball, Pajamas Media: "Obama’s Orwellian Hate Fest"

Once again, consisting of not doing what the Republicans want. By the way, talk about projection.

National Review Online: "Rationing and Rationality There are many reasons to prefer rationing by price to rationing by politics"

Particularly if you can afford the price. And you enjoy being ripped off. Otherwise, maybe you'd like the government to be involved

Victor Davis Hansen, National Review Online: "Barack Obama was to be the new FDR and his radical agenda an even better New Deal. What happened..."

Oh, I don't know, Victor. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Roosevelt had sixteen years, and Obama's only had six months. Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that, even back then, Republicans were nothing but a bunch of greedy dicks, but at least they weren't violent anti-American lunatics like they are today. Maybe that would explain it.

Or maybe it's just that you are really stupid. Like everyone else that makes their way into Wingnut Wrapup.


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