Wingnut Wrapup

I don't know. Maybe I'm losing my mojo. Or maybe reporting on the same jackass idiocy every day is wearing thin. Anyway, here's all I could tolerate today:

World Net Daily: "American government website 'ignores Jews"

Well, at least it doesn't try to bait them into hating Obama with a bunch of sleazy lies about Israel.

World Net Daily: "Anti-Obama trinkets explode in sales"

Glad to hear that. I'm sure trinkets are very big among the intelligence class from which wingnuts are obviously drawn. I wonder if I can get a rebate if I turn in my old trinkets to buy new, more energy efficient ones.

World Net Daily: "Climate madness drives scientists to 'geo-engineer' planet"

Climate madness: a serious condition which causes uncontrolled facing of the truth. Rarely responds to treatment.

Jeff Emmanuel, Red State: "I Seriously Can’t Believe We Lost to This Guy"

You can't? Here: check this out. Just scroll down until you reach the part called "votes." See, it wasn't that hard to find that out. What, you still don't believe you lost to the Negro?

Deal with it, sucker.

By the way, any relation to Rahm, Ari and Zeke? No? I didn't think so. All of their relatives have IQ's above 50.

Erick "Jackass" Erickson, Red State: "Left-Wing Hypocrisy on Obamacare. See 2005 and Social Security Reform"

The Democrats opposed George W. Bush's plan to steal all of the Social Security money and give it to Wall Street guys, so they could blow it all in the big crash. So, they are a big bunch of hypocrites now when they try to prevent the insurance companies from continuing to rob us blind. That's the argument. Sorry guys- I don't get it.

Bryan Fischer, Renew America: "Global warming hystericists want to sequester plant food"

I.e. (in case you need help translating this statement into English) they want to work to control global warming caused by carbon dioxide, or, as they have quaintly renamed it, "plant food."

Chuck Baldwin, Renew America: "Why are internment camps being built?"

There just aren't enough interns, Chuck. We've got to train them somewhere. We're going to need them to kill all of the old people and babies. I would think you could figure that out by yourself.

Judie Brown, Renew America: "Christ-centered health care reform"

And what could that be, I wonder:

"we at American Life League have insisted that any health care reform proposal must absolutely exclude abortion, contraception, human embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide."

All things, Judie, about which Christ had this to say: Absolutely nothing. Now how about government based on these principles:

"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

Give to him who asks of you

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth

Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.

Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the Kingdom of God. "

What about that, Judie? How about government based on that bunch of liberal crap? No way you're buying into that bunch of socialist nonsense, right?

You lying, degraded hypocrite.

Little Pammy Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "JobsThatMatter.Org: More Paying Jobs for Obama's Thugs"

What thugs could our little friend Pammy possibly be talking about? Well, these are the thugs she mentions in the article:

"TALENTED LEADERS needed to work for health care reform $11-16/hour"

The very definition of thugs. Is there a more degraded person on the entire planet than Pam Geller?

J. R. Morgan, American Thinker: " Is Obama a Closet Conehead? President Obama has never mentioned black liberation theologian James Cone"

So we know he must be hiding his long connection to this (apparently) deeply evil person. After all, it couldn't possibly be true that he never mentioned the guy because he isn't connected to him, right? I mean, if there is anything evil to be involved with, Obama must be right in the middle of it.

Gateway Pundit: "Classy vs Classless: How Bush Handled Critics vs Obama"

Bush handled them by putting them in cages where nobody could hear or see them until he had left town. Okay, there, that was sure classy.

Listen, Mr. Pundit: George W. Bush never did the right thing for the right reason in his entire miserable, misbegotten life. You may want us to forget that, but we haven't.


Derek said…
Well, at least it doesn't try to bait them into hating Obama with a bunch of sleazy lies about Israel."

Obama has been turning a blind eye towards Israel, one of our closest allies. There is a reason why only 6% of Jews view Obama as pro-Isreal. 88% saw Bush as pro-Israel. Why Jews tend to be Democrat is beyond me. Everything in their history that has harmed them has been liberal.

"Climate madness: a serious condition which causes uncontrolled facing of the truth."

This was mildly clever, bravo. However, the whole anthropogenic climate change hype is bollocks. More and more evidence comes out everyday that it is the Sun along with the natural cycle of the Earth. Of course, it doesn't really matter in the political realm, as the solution is the same either way.

"What, you still don't believe you lost to the Negro?"

Again, what is with you and the color of peoples' skin? When will you realize that we are all the SAME. GE still has so growing room. Listen to Dr. MLK Jr's "I have a Dream" speech again, and listen carefully what he says about unity. Treating issues with diversity only divides us, you need to see things like they are, we are all the same.

"All of their relatives have IQ's above 50.'

I wonder what your IQ is. Bet it isn't higher than mine, 750 to 1 odds.

"So, they are a big bunch of hypocrites now when they try to prevent the insurance companies from continuing to rob us blind."

I'd rather have private industry rob me than government rob me. At least private industry creates jobs and provides a service.

"All things, Judie, about which Christ had this to say: Absolutely nothing."

Thou shalt not murder? Love thy neighbor as thyself? Maybe if you read the Bible you would understand that Jesus spoke out against such things numerous times. Not contraception, but things like abortion, suicide, and murder.

"How about government based on that bunch of liberal crap? No way you're buying into that bunch of socialist nonsense, right?

In no way was he talking about government. Jesus made it clear that these are choices to be made by us, and no one else. If government takes my money and gives it to someone else, then there really was no choice for me to make. If there is no choice, there is no love. There is a reason why Republicans give 30% more to the poor than Democrats. Democrats make 7% more on average, mind you. Christians give 350% more to charity than secular Americans do on average. Surprise! We practice what we preach.

"Bush handled them by putting them in cages where nobody could hear or see them until he had left town. Okay, there, that was sure classy."

Nice of you to ignore the two videos. The first, an outrageous liberal blaming Bush for a number of things, the crowd starting to drown him out, Bush steps in and tells them to let him speak, even throwing in an offhand joke. Bush allows the man over a minute to insult him, and once he was finished, Bush gives a clear and eloquent response.

The second, Obama is speaking on a number of issues, namely the economy. Starts off as the uniter, saying we are all in this together and we will work through it together, then turns into the divider and blames Bush and Republicans for everything, saying he want's them to be quiet and get out of the way.

Stay classy.

"George W. Bush never did the right thing for the right reason in his entire miserable, misbegotten life."

That is quite a claim. Time for my infamous Bush challenge!

Name three (that is 3) things Bush did wrong. Give reasons if you feel they are necessary. Just looking for three. 200 days into Obama's presidency and I can name more than three things he has done wrong. Let's see if you can name three for Bush.
Green Eagle said…
Derek, you are unbelievably dishonest. Everything in the Jews' history that has harmed them has been liberal? Were the Pharoahs and Nebuchadnezzar liberals? Was the Spanish Inquisition liberal? Were the crusaders, who did horrible things to Jews on the way to the Mideast liberal? Were the czars and the cossacks liberal?

I wish I could tell myself that you are just an ignorant little jerk. But you're not. You are an unapologetic liar, willing to spread the most vile smears to get what you want.

You are also simply lying without remorse about climate change.

And what do you think your IQ is, Derek? Let's hear it.

And as for three things Bush did wrong, how about this:

Committed a vicious armed aggression against an innocent, helpless country, based on lies, in which a million civilians were killed.

Utterly ignored the threat of terrorism until the 9/11 attacks made the issue politically convenient for him, and then used the issue to batter his opponents with accusations of treason and disloyalty, while refusing to take many of the most obvious steps, such as increased container inspection or greater chemical plant security, because they would cost his rich friends.

Perverted the Justice department in a manner never seen since our country's founding.

Proudly engaged in the most degraded action a government can commit- torture.

Waged a foreign policy totally based on mindless belligerence.

Continued the Reagan policy of enabling the rich to thieve our country's wealth in every possible manner, nearly causing a second Republican depression, and again leaving it to the Democrats to clean up the mess.

Ignored the greatest threat to long term world stability, the unquestioned fact of human induced global warming, greatly increasing the chance of horrific climate instability in the future which could kill hundreds of millions.

And, oh yeah, he traded away Sammy Sosa.

That's all I have time for now.
Derek said…
"Were the Pharoahs and Nebuchadnezzar liberals"

Well they most certainly were big government, so in many ways, yes, they were.

"Was the Spanish Inquisition liberal"

Actually yes.

"Were the crusaders, who did horrible things to Jews on the way to the Mideast liberal"

Most likely, seeing as how they were big government.

"Were the czars and the cossacks liberal"

Wow, three for three. Yes they were. Nice of you not to mention Hitler, Mussolini, and Mao.

"You are also simply lying without remorse about climate change."

Uh, no I'm not. Hello? Geological Science major! Know exactly what I am talking about, thank you.

"And what do you think your IQ is, Derek? Let's hear it."

You think you're smart, so calculate it yourself. I've given you what you need.

"Committed a vicious armed aggression against an innocent, helpless country, based on lies, in which a million civilians were killed."

War in Iraq. This is very debatable, which I could easily win, but because I doubt you will get the other two, I'll give you this one. 1.

"Utterly ignored the threat of terrorism until the 9/11 attacks made the issue politically convenient for him, and then used the issue to batter his opponents with accusations of treason and disloyalty, while refusing to take many of the most obvious steps, such as increased container inspection or greater chemical plant security, because they would cost his rich friends."

Lol, this one is new. Always so clever, GE. No, he didn't ignore it. CIA was tracking Bin Laden and Bush was onto him as well. Granted, Bush underestimated Bin Laden's ability to execute such a large plan, but so did everyone else. So no, he didn't misstep here.

"Perverted the Justice department in a manner never seen since our country's founding."

Examples, but no, he didn't. If anyone has abused the justice system, it's the liberals. Whenever they are defeated politically, they always take it to court. Remember what happened after prop 8? Roe v wade! They always try to advance their agenda through case law. Strike two.

"Proudly engaged in the most degraded action a government can commit- torture."

US method of waterboarding has never been defined as torture under any provision of a convention that the US is part of. Strike three. Lucky for you, this isn't baseball.

"Waged a foreign policy totally based on mindless belligerence."

Not sure what you are referring to. Iraq? You already said that. Come back to this one if you like, but if not, this counts as a strike.

"Continued the Reagan policy of enabling the rich to thieve our country's wealth in every possible manner, nearly causing a second Republican depression, and again leaving it to the Democrats to clean up the mess"

The 2003 tax cuts gave us the longest economic expansion in US history, yet you claim they caused this recession? And what was the 1st "republican depression"? The great depression was caused by government regulations and taxes! Strike four.

"Ignored the greatest threat to long term world stability, the unquestioned fact of human induced global warming, greatly increasing the chance of horrific climate instability in the future which could kill hundreds of millions."
Derek said…
" the unquestioned fact of human induced global warming"

But you fail to see that thousands of scientists question. The science hasn't been settled, and when it is, I can almost guarantee that those who believe it is mostly natural, possibly solar induced, will be in the right. Not only that but CO2 emissions are a product of a problem, not the problem itself. You can try and treat symptoms until you are blue in the face but you never solve the problem. The problem is our use of fossil fuels. In order to move away from them, new technologies need to be advanced, becoming more efficient and less costly. This can be done by the market investing in their research. This can only be done when the economy is well-off. Bush gave us the longest economic expansion in US history, so really, this was a success. Strike five.

"And, oh yeah, he traded away Sammy Sosa."

Not during his presidency and Sammy used steroids.

So you have one, and it was a pushover: The decision to go to war with Iraq. You still need two more.

Others can jump in if they'd like. But maybe two idiotic minds is worse than one.
Green Eagle said…

We still want to know your IQ.
Derek said…
"We still want to know your IQ."

I already gave it to you.

Little help. look to where I bet you, and check the odds. Run the ratio.
Derek said…
Just as a reminder, the IQ test I took as a volunteer for an experiment at OSU I got 199 questions out of 200 correct. Time defined my score.
Green Eagle said…

Just give us a number. It's not so hard.

I guess Green Eagle is just too stupid to do the math.
Derek said…
"Just give us a number. It's not so hard."

I've taken a few tests, two being what I would consider legitimate.

My scores are as follows, from most to least recent:


Take your pick.
Derek said…
But remember, IQ isn't an entirely accurate measurement of intelligence, rather just a measure of potential or academic intelligence.

Of course, if there were a test that measured actual intelligence, my score would be much higher :)

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