Time to Give Up (On the Republicans)

Here's a wonderful quote from D-Day at Hulabaloo:

"The NYT reports that "Democrats Seem Set to Go It Alone on a Health Bill". In plain English, this means that "Democrats want a health bill." There was never going to be Republican support for anything calling itself health reform that Democrats and the President would support. You could whittle and whittle and whittle the bill down to nothing and it wouldn't matter. Somebody in Washington finally figured this out..."

Don't we all know that this is true? The Republican party has totally abandoned even the pretense of working for the American people. All they care about is their own power, and kissing the asses of the rich in order to pry loose enough money to keep themselves in power. As far as they are concerned, millions of Americans can drop dead in the streets, as long as the ability of insurance companies to rob us blind is not impaired.

The great national story of the last couple of decades has been the Republican abandonment of the slightest shred of responsibility to our country, when it stands in the way of what the rich want; and the contemptible, disgusting lengths they have been willing to go to, to see that their masters are served.

Of course it is a story which can find no place in our "liberal" media, so Republicans are free to spread their lies, whether about Saddam, or about death panels, or socialism, or whatever other filthy smear serves their purpose, without the slightest fear that the press will bother to notice what is right in front of their faces every day of their lives. It's just fine to behave this way, if you're a Republican.

Well, you know what? Let's pass a good health care bill without one second of cooperation from the Republicans, and then let them unleash the "nuclear war" they've been promising, if the Democrats dare enact legislation with nothing more than a majority vote. Perhaps the nauseating spectacle they will put on will be enough to focus the country's attention on the miserable, infantile behavior which is their party's stock in trade.


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