Wingnut Wrapup

Really, nothing I've got here today can possibly top World Net Daily's breaking news that Michelle Bachmann thinks she should run for president. That's got enough to ridicule right there for ten Wingnut Wrapups. Say, how about a Palin/Bachmann ticket? The first all-female, all deeply deranged major party ticket in our nation's history. That would be fun, don't you think?

Anyway, here's what's left to laugh at:

World Net Daily: "The 6 lost months of Obama mama
No documented record of whereabouts, activity leading up to baby's birth in '61"

I guess this is the new outbreak of birther crap.
Boy, that Farah guy is not going to go down easily, is he. Can't face being publically known all over the country as a complete jackass, huh? Bad news for you, Joseph- it's too late.

World Net Daily: "Rabbis fly over Israel praying to defeat swine flu
50 Jewish holy men chant, blow shofars in aircraft circling country"

Every religion has its lunatics, huh? Well, at least while they are up there, they aren't down here, being lunatics, and malicious jerks at the same time.

World Net Daily: "Hungry' seniors blast 'communist' health plan"

Maybe they should have eaten before the town hall. When you're hungry, it's so easy for your chemistry to get out of whack, and next thing you know, you're imagining all sorts of things. When you start seeing the snakes and spiders on the walls, I think you'd better stop for a snack.

World Net Daily: "Ahmadinejad, Iran sued over death of protester"

Boy, I bet he's for tort reform too.

Austin Hill, Town Hall: "Can Republicans Do Any Better Than This?"

Judging from the last eight years, no. I mean Hell no. I mean, no way, Jose. I mean, not in a million years. I mean, not until hell freezes over. You get where I'm going here?

Doug Giles, Town Hall: "What Obama’s Town Hall Charade and Pam Anderson’s Breasts Have in Common"

God, do we really want to know? What, Doug, they are really magnificent examples of medical science?

Linda Kimball, Renew America: "Creation vs. Darwinism: God and liberty vs. man and tyranny"

More ridiculous dreck from the kings of dreck. Darwinism is tyranny. What an idiot.

Retired Military Something A. B. West, Atlas Shrugs: "American citizens are being called Nazi’s, evilmongers, racists, tea bagging rednecks, and right wing extremists."

Evilmongers? Come on, A.B.- you just made that up.

As for the other things they are being called, I agree. So there. Private West continues:

"As a 22 year US Army combat Veteran I can smell fear, and the left wing liberals are showing it."

A. B.- I think you need an allergy pill. Your nose seems to be stopped up. My suggestion? Make it one of the ones that puts you to sleep.

National Review Online: "In California, Fish Come Before Farmérs"

On the dinner table. I agree with that. I hate eating farmers. They're too tough.

James Simpson, American Thinker: "Manufactured Healthcare Crisis"

Because it is just fine that we pay twice as much as anyone else in the world for healthcare, and have the 37th best healthcare system. The rest of the money belongs to the insurance companies. Here's more of James's scintillating observations:

"These are perilous times. Last November's election of Barack Obama and a filibuster-proof majority of Democrats in both houses allowed a virulent cabal to capture our nation's seat of power."

Virulent cabal. Hmm. James, maybe you didn't notice that Obama and the dems "captured" our nation's seat of power by winning a whole lot of elections. Maybe if your people hadn't worked so hard to totally screw up the country, you guys would have "captured" the seat of power. But, of course, that approach would never occur to you.

Lee Cary, American Thinker: "The People's Genie Is out of the Bottle"

I don't even know what the hell that is supposed to mean. I couldn't be bothered to read the several hundred words of grotesque stupidity which undoubtedly followed that title. But I thought it was a good ending to this day's collection of pathetic maundering from the right.


Derek said…
"Every religion has its lunatics, huh? Well, at least while they are up there, they aren't down here, being lunatics, and malicious jerks at the same time."

Only someone as ignorant and childish as you would make this comment.

"They're too tough."

Really? I think the Californian grown ones are pretty malleable and soft. Other than that, they are pretty thick and their heads are full of rocks.

"Because it is just fine that we pay twice as much as anyone else in the world for healthcare"

That isn't true when you count in how much more they pay in taxes.

" and have the 37th best healthcare system"

Compared to martian planets. Seeing as how the US survival rate as well as treatment rate is higher than most European countries for everything from heart disease to cancer, I do believe you are wrong and that you pulled that rating out of somewhere dark and smelly. Maybe on your scale, but in case you haven't noticed, most Americans are happy with their current healthcare.

I love how you call these people "wingnuts", but in reality, you are very outnumbered and very off-base when compared to them.

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