Oh yeah, That Makes Sense

I just thought that it is time to clarify the current Blue Dog Centrist Grownup Reasonable Compromise plan for heath care reform.

This consists of replacing the "public option" with what they are calling "insurance co-ops" and having an insurance mandate. "Insurance co-ops" meaning, apparently, that instead of one insurance company thieving from us at a time, the government would help them all get together to thieve from us. A "mandate" means you would be breaking the law if you didn't buy insurance from your friends the insurance companies.

In other words, instead of the government seeing that the insurance companies either stop robbing us blind or go bankrupt, instead the Blue Dog Centrist Grownup Reasonable Compromise plan would force all of us to buy insurance, while doing absolutely nothing to put any pressure whatsoever on the insurance companies to lower their prices.

In other other words, they would succeed in turning this legislation from health care reform into a gigantic trillion dollar giveaway to the insurance companies whose greed has caused our medical care problems in the first place, while we get nothing.

What a good deal for us, huh?

I will tell you right now that I will do anything I can to see that anyone who supports such a miserable sham will never serve in elected office again. This goes from corrupt jerks like Max Baucus and Holy Joe Lieberman (and of course all Republicans) to Obama himself. Anyone who participates in this fraud has no business in government. Anyone. Get my drift?


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