The Great Republican Dumb-Off

Today, instead of Wingnut Wrapup, a special treat: The Great Republican Dumb-Off- a contest to see which Republican can act the most stupid in public, with absolutely no concern for his imminent humiliation. The Nominees:

Arthur Laffer on MSNBC today: "If you like the post office and the department of motor vehicles,just wait till you see Medicare, Medicaid ... done by the government"

Um, Arthur, you're a little late there. We've already been seeing medicare and medicaid done by the government for, oh, thirty years or so. Really- look it up. And mostly, although you will find this very surprising, it's worked out pretty well.

John Bolton on Fox this morning: "The point to be made on the Clinton visit is that the knee-jerk impulse for negotiations above all inevitably brings more costs than its advocates foresee. Negotiating from a position of strength, where the benefits to American interests will exceed the costs, is one thing. Negotiating merely for the sake of it, in the face of palpable recent failures, is something else indeed."

This Afternoon: "North Korea pardoned and released two detained American journalists after former president Bill Clinton met in Pyongyang on Tuesday with the country's ailing dictator"


John McCain, last year when he was running for president: "When President Bill Clinton nominated Stephen Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsberg to serve on the high court, I voted for their confirmation, as did all but a few of my fellow Republicans. Why? For the simple reason that the nominees were qualified, and it would have been petty, and partisan, and disingenuous to insist otherwise."

John Mc Cain yesterday: "... he'll oppose Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor when the Senate votes on her confirmation this week."

Hey, Times change, right? The monumental dishonest hypocrisy of last year is just barely adequate in this year's Republican party. Gotta keep moving on.


Sorry, guys. George W. Bush beat you all without even saying a word. Bow down to the master.

And now, a Special Blue Dog Sucker Award: "Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus said, "The American people want us to work together."

"So don’t pretend anymore, because we’re calling ya out," (Michael) Steele said to the Blue Dogs. "We’re in your districts. I’m looking right at ya and I’m telling ya, we’re coming after ya."

Working together, Republican style. Sort of like Jeffrey Dahmer and a local teenager working together to whip up a special dinner.


Poll P. said…
I don't want to wait for bi-partisanship. I'm hoping for bi-patriotism.
mastercynic said…
At some point in the future a Republican president will send George W. on a mission of international diplomacy. Be afraid.

And I may be alone in this, but my personal (and unfortunately extensive) experience has been that both the post office and the DMV run better and more efficiently than any major hospital and have better customer service than all but a few insurance companies.
Green Eagle said…

Newsweek proposed last week that Obama send Bush to the middle east as a special envoy.

Really. They really did.

The future is already here.

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