Wingnut Wrapup, Back Again

We may all be in pretty bleak moods today, but you've still got to laugh once in a while. And luckily, we can count on our brothers on the right to provide the material for the jokes:

Jillian Bandes, Town Hall: "Obama Insists He's Honest Despite Softball Questions"

Well, at least he didn't hire gay hookers to pretend to be journalists at White House press conferences. I don't remember that bothering you.

Angela K. Brown, Town Hall: "Manson follower known as 'Squeaky' out of prison"

Oh boy. If you don't remember, she's the one who took a potshot at President Ford. Well, lucky for her that she got out just when, judging from the wingnut websites I've been reading, it turns out to be our patriotic duty to shoot at the president.

Kathryn Lopez, Town Hall: "Clinton on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown"

Poor Hillary. It just never ends, does it.

Burt Prelutzky, Town Hall: "Obama's Health Scare Plan"

Obama being the one using scare tactics in the health care debate, according to Burt. Because most people should be really scared about knowing they will have medical care. That's really frightening.

Michael Ledeen, Pajamas Media: "The Iranian Torturers and America's Dishonor"

Funny this warmongering dick never showed equal outrage when it was American torturers. No, that didn't dishonor us at all. No sir. That was just fine.

Oleg Atbashian, Pajamas Media: "A U.S. President, Raised on KGB Propaganda"

Judging from this jackass's name, I guess he comes from over there somewhere, so I guess calling people communists is his schtick. Come on, guy. Reagan singlehandedly rid the world of the communists. Don't you remember that?

Sammy Benoit, Pajamas Media: "Tort Reform Can Lower Costs Without Harming Health Care. So Why Isn't It in Obama's Plan?"

You know, I have to agree with Sammy here. Passing legislation to prevent individual Americans from suing corporations (otherwise known as "tort reform" to Republicans) will certainly lower the business's costs. Not so good for the rest of us, though.

Mark Eichenlaub, Pajamas Media: "Revisiting the Saddam Hussein/Al-Qaeda Relationship"

Again? Give it up, already. This is like revisiting the Easter bunny. Mark, you can't visit him because he isn't there.

Brian J. Gale, Renew America: "The Pill and the debt"

Because, according to this idiot, our out of control national debt is due to legalized contraception. How? Don't worry about it- I don't think you would be convinced. Leave it to Renew America to come up with the most ridiculous position on anything.

Bob Kemp, Renew America: "Obamacare is 21st century eugenics"

You know what, Bob? I can see into the future. I see a rapidly approaching time when you look like as big an idiot for saying things like this, as Orly Taitz does over the Kenyan birth certificate. By the way, I hope, when "Obamacare" passes, you turn it down, so you won't be exterminated. I don't want to run out of material for Wingnut Wrapup.

Joseph Farah, World Net Daily: "No time for Constitution"

I.e. no time for the birth certificate crap. Joseph is very disturbed about that. You're right, Joseph. We've got no time for that. Unfortunately, thanks to people like you, we're spending time on it anyway. Good work, Joseph.

Star Parker, World Net Daily: "Barack Obama won the presidency under the persona of healer. He promised to unify a divided nation and said how he would do this.
Now, six months into this presidency we have exactly the opposite.
Rather than temperatures dropping, they have steadily risen to their current fever pitch.
Rather than becoming more unified, we've never been more divided."

And this is all his fault. This is like Jeffrey Dahmer being mad at one of the kids he murdered because the kid cooked up tough.

World Net Daily: "Sen. Vitter: Energy tax would push jobs offshore"

God, I hope it won't push prostitution jobs offshore. That would be inconvenient for Sen. Vitter.

By the way, apparently, no matter how bad the budget deficit might be, it's never an inappropriate time to talk about cutting taxes on oil companies, right?

Andrew McCarthy, National Review Online: "National Socialism is banned from the right’s case against socialism, but is somehow acceptable when leftists use it...."

Why do you think that might be, Andy? I guarantee, if you think about it long enough, you'll figure it out.


Derek said…
"Because most people should be really scared about knowing they will have medical care. "

That is the thing, I doubt I will have as good of care as I have now. A majority of Americans are worried that the quality of care they will receive will decline as well. And no, that is not from the Republican party, that is from CNN, Gallup, Rasmussen, etc.

"Not so good for the rest of us, though."

How so? The biggest problem with the healthcare industry is medical malpractice insurance. It drives up costs for care and for medicine. Find a way to fix medical malpractice, you find a way to fix the healthcare debacle.

"Mark, you can't visit him because he isn't there."

It was there, not as strongly as he thinks, but it was definitely there.

"our out of control national debt is due to legalized contraception. "

Lol. I'm glad you think it is out of control GE, we finally agree on something. You must be outraged with Obama's overspending then huh?

"And this is all his fault. This is like Jeffrey Dahmer being mad at one of the kids he murdered because the kid cooked up tough."

No, this is our president not reaching across the aisle. Instead, we have a president who has gone against most of his campaign promises and moved farther left than most imagined possible.

"By the way, apparently, no matter how bad the budget deficit might be, it's never an inappropriate time to talk about cutting taxes on oil companies, right?"

Taxes aren't directly proportional to tax revenue, as shown by how the 2003 tax cuts gave us the largest tax revenues in our history. An energy tax would harm businesses and slow the economic recovery, thus lower the overall tax revenue. Remember how Clinton and the Republicans in Congress balanced the budget back in the 90s? They cut a tax.

Why do you think that might be"

Because you are a hypocrite and all liberals share just one backbone.
Anonymous said…
Terrifically entertaining.
Green Eagle said…
"All liberals share one backbone"

That's okay. All conservatives share one brain. And, really, you should give it back to the lizard you stole it from. He was putting it to better use.

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