Orly Taitz in Person

Here she is, the queen of the birthers, in case you wondered who we're talking about:

Give it a look.


mastercynic said…
This is unbearable, but she's on television because all major media is controlled by... and where is her birth certificate? with that accent I'm sure she's a loyal American...
Green Eagle said…
Controlled by what, mastercynic? People from the moon?

Listen, we've both worked in TV for a long time now. They're dumb, but I can't believe they are that dumb.

Maybe she's just angling for a role on Sarah Palin's sitcom, when it comes.
mastercynic said…
I was actually thinking controlled by Comedy Central - because that's where bad jokes belong.
mastercynic said…
And if they weren't that dumb - why is this being reported on a news program other than The Colbert Report?
Poll P. said…
Mastercynic, they're just reaching out to our transgendered friends.
Green Eagle said…
I've heard a rumor that I think all of you should consider, because it explains so much.

Could Orly Taitz really be Sacha Baron Cohen?

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